The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1014: Destruction of this world

It is this big one and two people that have blocked the way forward for this demon group.

At the same time, a long sigh suddenly came from the demon group: "The ancient is not old, you know, even if you block me, but Daozun has other means, if it is not bad, now should Already appeared!"

Hearing the voice from the demon group, the middle-aged man said with a blank expression: "Is there any conspiracy of Dao Zun, I don't care, I just need to stop you!"

Naturally, this middle-aged man is the master of Jiang Yun.

The demon group in front of him is originally preparing to go to the wild world to participate in the great war, and belongs to another battle force of the temple!

As for the voice that came out of the demon group, it is naturally the sorcerer who has never met before, and has never appeared before!

The voice of the refining sorcerer then sounded: "I am not old, I am very curious, you, me and Daozun, have already reached a consensus, but why did you suddenly change your mind when this war came?"

"Don't you be willing to help the demise of the Nine, and be willing to betray all the monks outside the Nine?"

The ancient imperial silence shook his head for a moment: "You don't need to buckle the hat for me, but the monks are also dead. We are not the monks outside the nine races. In my heart, they are not as important as my disciples!"

"Your disciple?" There was a hint of doubt in the voice: "Are you talking about the little guy behind you?"

"What is the relationship between us and the dead and the nine races?"

"You don't understand, don't ask!" Gu Luxiao suddenly stood up slowly: "I know, you can let me block it until now, it is also true to me, then you should be shot. !"

"Win me, then you can take your demon army to the wild world, and I will not take control of the war!"

"But if you lose, then this war, regardless of their victory or defeat, has nothing to do with you and me!"

After a brief silence, the voice of the refining sorcerer resounded: "Well, just as you said, you and me, a battle!"


As his voice fell, countless monsters standing still in the void suddenly sounded the sound of the beast, and retreated to both sides, revealing a road, and slowly stepping out from this road. a figure.


On the wilderness of the world, just as the "bad" sounds in the sky, there are suddenly a few doors in various parts of the world!

These doors are only a hundred feet in size, all in black, and each side of the door has a scorpion head of a certain size. The eyes are closed, and the scarlet tongue is exposed, like a door knocker.

Before the public understood what was going on, the doors that had been closed tightly opened up.

There was a black gas coming out of it, and it rushed toward all the creatures!

At this moment, Jiang Yun finally understood the words of the woman in white before death, not a threat!

He doesn't know if other people can know these doors, but he knows, this is -- ghost gate!

The ghost door is opened, which can connect the two worlds of life and death, so that the dead ghosts enter the birth boundary.

The ghost family is the family of the dead. For this group, Jiang Yun is not stranger, but he can't say much.

Originally, he thought that the ghosts belonged to one of the nine ethnic groups, and they did not know until they entered the fantasy.

Even in the ancient times, the two worlds of life and death are equally insurmountable.

The ghost family is still a very special ethnic group. Even the people who have killed the nine ethnic groups, such as the ridiculous monarch, cannot say the origin of the ghost family.

However, it seems that Dao Zun and the ghosts also have contacts, and in order to deal with the ruin of the Nine, he even invited the ghosts.

Even more, he even remembered the meaning of the words "killing me" that the white woman said.

Because of the same words, I heard the same in the mouth of the ghost.

Obviously, this white woman belongs to the ghost family!

And her deity is also in the dead!

If her avatar is not dead, then the ghost door will not open, but now her avatar is dead, and the ghost door is also opened.

The gushing out of the ghost gates is only a ghost, and once these ghosts invade the body of the creatures, they will immediately let them lose their consciousness and become the embarrassment of the real ghosts.

These ghosts are no different from the enemy. Whether it is the temple or the monks of the three races, the ghosts will invade each other's bodies without any politeness. Obviously, Tao Zun does not care about the death and death of the monks.

He only needs to let the people of the three major groups continue to form a nine-blood chain and cannot continue to occupy the advantage of this war.

"How to do!"

At this moment, Jiang Yun’s ear also sounded an alarming voice again. It seems that he did not have any coping method for these ghosts and ghosts.

Although Jiang Yun is not afraid of ghosts, but also can devour ghosts, but now there are hundreds of ghosts, and the number of ghosts in them is thousands.

Coupled with the fact that there are nearly tens of thousands of creatures in this world, it is too easy for ghosts to enter the body of life. Even if they have the skills of avatars, they will not be able to devour these ghosts one by one, so his eyes flash in the cold. Road: "There is only one way!"

"any solution!"

"Notify the three tribes and ask their holy objects to be shot."

"The holy things are shot, can't you deal with these ghosts?"

"The holy things are not to deal with ghosts, but to protect their respective people!"

"I know!"

With the fall of the voice of the sky, the three tribes that have always stood still are finally launched at the same time!

Then, Jiang Yun’s gaze suddenly looked at the savage road: “It’s quite awkward, take back the power of the landlord on my body, protect your demon, and then...”

Above the five peaks of the Great Wilderness, the five ethnic groups who sat on their knees and raised their sleeves, and saw a ridiculous pattern, spreading over the entire wild world.

These wild lines seem to have the same eye, able to grasp their own people with precision and even the wild soldiers and those who voluntarily join the abandonment.

Above the tall trunk of the reincarnation tree, it also shook up. The golden leaves fell from their branches and turned into golden light, wrapping their own people and monks.

The huge dragon head in the chaotic sun once again opened his eyes, his mouth wide open, and a strong suction force came out, and his own people and monks were also sucked into the big mouth.

In the face of the actions of the three major sacred objects, the Soul and the Mozu almost simultaneously attacked, and began to release their respective forces to protect their respective ethnic groups.

In the twinkling of an eye, the original fierce battlefield, except those top-ranking strongmen who are not afraid of ghosts, are still fighting, and only the five sacred objects are insanely protecting their respective ethnic groups.


The savage is also a thick fog, and countless worms protect each genie.

Although the process of all this is long, it is actually completed within the count.

At this time, Jiang Yun is once again looking at the savage, softly said: "Do it!"

In the eyes of the savage, the color of intolerance and sorrow was revealed, but still a firm nod, under the big sleeves, I heard the bang of the "bang", and came out from the land of the wild world.

From the mouth of the savage, it is also gently spit out four words: "This world, destruction!"

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