The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1016: Flesh and blood

Although there is no army to command him, he has to guard against the mysterious coach of the temple.

Therefore, he can only see if Jiang Yun has the ability to entangle Senro.

However, Jiang Yun is as if he had never heard it. He just stared at Sen Luo and said nothing.

Because with the appearance of Sen Luo, Jiang Yun suddenly found an interesting thing, that is, the five major sects in the mountains and seas, their respective roots, even in this distant age!

Asking the Taoist sect is the wildness of the abandoned, that is, the road built in the future;

The reincarnation was created by Lu Lun of the reincarnation;

Wan Yao Cave is very likely to be related to the ancestors of the old black. After all, the old black was once the demon of the Wan Yao Cave.

If it is not the ancestors of the old black, then the Wan Yao Cave should be related to the refining demon who has not yet appeared.

The behind-the-scenes ambassador of the Sen Luo Ghost is necessarily the Sen Luo.

Although the prisoner of Sen Luo Ghost is the father of Ghost, his father is only the man of Sen Luo.

With his commanding identity, I am afraid that I still have no courage and strength. I can forcibly break through the boundaries between life and death and establish Zongmen in the mountains and seas.

Behind it, there must be support from Senro.

As for the founder of Medicine Shenzong, although Jiang Yun did not know his specific origins, but since he was able to produce a hidden medicine for Lu Lun, then I am afraid that this ancient era can not be separated.

Even, Jiang Yun has a bold guess, the drug god, perhaps also a member of the dead nine!

The roots of the five sects are all in this age, which makes Jiang Yun more curious, what is the place in the mountains and seas?

What is the meaning of that mountain and the sea?

When Jiang Yun pondered, Sen Luo swept all the people around with a cold look, and finally his eyes stayed on the Taoist body: "Dao Zun, you and my agreement, did not include the matter just now! ”

Despite the lack of goodwill in Senro's tone, Dao Zun is now in a good mood.

Not only did he not care about Sen Luo’s tone, but his face even showed a smile: “Reassure, as long as these people are solved, then I will naturally compensate you!”

Sen Luo nodded and looked away from Daozun’s body and looked back at other people: “That’s good!”

"However, before fulfilling your agreement with me, I would like to ask, who destroyed the world and buried many of my men?"

Obviously, Jiang Yun’s move to ruin the wild world has made Sen Luo lose a lot. Therefore, now he does not pay attention to the agreement with Dao Zun, but first finds the person who destroys the world.

Hearing the words of Sen Luo, the eyes of the savage eyes suddenly had a strong sense of war.

Destroyed his own home and made him feel extremely sad. Now he needs a big battle to vent his grief.

This Sen Luo is exactly what happened to him!

However, before he was able to act, Tao Zun was stunned and pointed to Jiang Yundao: "He!"

Everyone's eyes are all concentrated on Jiang Yun's body, and Jiang Yun is finally returning to God.

Looking at Dao Zou pointing to his finger, watching Shen Luo staring at his bad eyes, Jiang Yun calmly said: "Yes, it is me!"

With the export of the four words of Jiang Yun, the face of Yan Junyan and others is changed, because it shows that Jiang Yun is obviously going to fight with Sen Luo.

Although Jiang Yun can bring them shocked repeatedly, but in the face of this ghosts who are quite jealous, they do not think that Jiang Yun will be the opponent of the other side.

"Ginger..." It was very anxious, and when he opened his mouth and said a word, he was stopped by Jiang Yun, indicating that he did not need to say anything.

Only the sky fell out of the air.

Although he is also the enemy of Jiang Yun, he knows Jiang Yun better than anyone.

In the land of the world, all the monks in the land of the whole world were launched to find the whereabouts of Jiang Yun, and even in the case of personally, they failed to grasp Jiang Yun.

So now that Jiang Yun dares to admit that he has ruined the wild world, it shows that he has the confidence to defeat Sen Luo.

Jiang Yun does not have much confidence, but he also knows the current situation. Only he has the ability to deal with Sen Luo.

Plus, for the understanding of the ghosts, he is better than others.

Therefore, he is the best person to deal with Senro.

At the same time, Jiang Yun’s ear also sounded the voice of the ridiculous Junyan: “Ginger Admiral, the ghosts are mysterious, even if we are not very knowledgeable about this ethnic group, you must be careful.”

"In addition, I see this ghost family. It seems that there is injury on the body. It should be hurt by the power of destruction in the wild world. The strength is also down, but it should still be able to repair the situation!"

Jiang Yun nodded silently.

"Very good!" Sen Luo smiled coldly: "Since you killed me so many men, then I will turn you into my men, for me to drive!"

When the voice fell, Sen Luoyang’s hand was a ghost to Jiang Yun.

In Senro's view, Jiang Yun's strength is not worth mentioning. In other times, he is too lazy to take his shots. Now he just wants to vent his anger.

However, in the face of the ghost that Sen Luo shot, Jiang Yun did not hide or sneak, but opened his mouth and sucked hard, and he swallowed this ghost directly into the body!


This scene once again shocked everyone, especially Sen Luo!

No one thought that Jiang Yun could actually devour ghosts!

! :5lY

When everyone was blaspheming, Jiang Yun sent a question to the ghost: "Ghost, what do you know about this Sen Luo?"

When I heard Jiang Yun’s inquiry, Ghost’s voice was a little trembling: “No, I don’t know, I just saw him once.”

"However, he should have come to be a avatar, and he is a avatar of life and blood."

Sen Luo came to the avatar, Jiang Yun was not surprised, and the avatars formed by the blood and flesh of the soul also made Jiang Yun think of the blood and minced meat contained in the fog just now, but it made Jiang Yun somewhat puzzled.

Ghostly and eagerly explained: "Life and death are separated, even if the dead souls can enter each other's world, but they can't be exposed to the world for a long time."

"So, once our true ghosts enter the birthplace, they either hide in the body in a way similar to the way they are, or they condense a flesh in the flesh and blood of the soul."

"This Sen Luo is a bit brighter, and it is not the flesh, but the avatar!"

Jiang Yun then asked: "Is there anything special about this kind of flesh and blood?"

"There is nothing special, but like the white woman you just killed, the technique of living is able to hurt him and even kill him!"

The most difficult place for the ghosts is that it is really hard to kill, but now I have heard the explanation of the ghosts, and immediately let Jiang Yun shine.

Since it can hurt to kill each other, Jiang Yun is more confident!

At this time, Sen Luo has also returned to God, and smiled coldly at Jiang Yun: "I am really a little bit of you!"

"However, even if you are not afraid of ghosts, it is not my opponent, I can still turn you into a ghost slave!"

Sen Luo Nai’s face was murderous, and when he swung his sleeves, he saw five black shadows flying out of his sleeves. He was five sly heads, opened his mouth and exposed his white teeth, toward Jiang Yunchong. The past.

These five ghost heads are solid, obviously not illusory, and it is impossible for Jiang Yun to swallow it.

Looking at the five ghosts, Jiang Yun’s face is without any expression, but the cold road: “Slightly safe, don’t wait until I return, we won’t be late!”

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