The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1017: Impact protection

Jiang Yun’s words made Sen Luo’s eyebrows pick, and the murderous face was more scornful: “Do you still have a avatar?”

"Well, I will let your avatar return to the deity, see if you can bring me a surprise!"

Obviously, although it is a bit of an accident for Jiang Yun to have a avatar, it is more contemptuous.

Because the strength of Jiang Yun’s deity is just that, when he wants to come, even if there is a avatar, how can it be!

Therefore, he simply recalled the five ghosts and stood in the same place, letting Jiang Yun summon the avatar.

Just as Jiang Yun said the words, between the branches and leaves of the reincarnation tree, a foggy group hanging like a fruit, suddenly lit up two lights.

Then, the mist suddenly rolled and contracted, revealing a young man in a black body, his eyes looked like a knife, suddenly stood up and took one step.

Naturally, this is the cloud of the sky!

At the same time, there are countless golden thunders on the body of Jiang Yun’s deity, which has become a network of thunder and lightning.

With the advent of the Thunderbolt Network, Jiang Yun’s deity took the same step, just in time with the sky and the sky.

There is no estrangement between the avatar and the deity, and there is no pause at all. The two are like entering each other's bodies and blending together!

At the moment, Jiang Yun, in addition to the golden thunder constantly moving away from the body, added a group of misty mist and completely wrapped his whole person.

However, everyone can clearly feel that a strong breath, which emerged from the fog, is like a hurricane, sweeping away in all directions.

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Among the seams, all the strong men standing now are swept away by this breath, and their faces are changed.

Especially the Tao Zun, the eyes are suddenly stunned to the extreme, the face of the rare appearance of a ruin.

Because after this breath has blown, there are more hurricanes in this endless seam.

These hurricanes flocked from all directions, and poured into the mist of the group at a very fast speed, pouring into the body of Jiang Yun!

However, these seemingly endless hurricanes are not breath, but the power of the yin!

Such a situation is no stranger to the strong people present. This is a sign that monks will appear when they attack the environment!

That is to say, with Jiang Yun’s sacred body returning to the deity, his cultivation is the realm, and finally he must break through the layer between the spiritual environment and the earth protection environment, and go to the earth to protect the environment and break through!

Although everyone understands this, except for Lu Lun, everyone else, including Daozun and Fan Junyan, can't figure it out. Why can Jiang Yun attack the environment in the seams!

Throughout the ages, any monk attacking the environment is in the world, and it is also the power of the yin in a certain world.

Now that Jiang Yun has absorbed so much yin power in this boundary, what kind of land is the refuge of the earth he can obtain?

These problems, let alone they can't figure out, even Lu Lun and Jiang Yun themselves are not clear.

In fact, at the end of the last retreat before the start of the war, Jiang Yun knew that he could break through to the ground.

However, he also knows that there is a nine-nation seal left by Dao.

Although in this illusion, the suppression of the road seal does not work, but if you really break through to the ground, then the Taoist detachment may still be able to know.

Even Dao Zun’s avatar is likely to ignore the big battle and go directly to chase himself. In that case, all his plans, together with the tasks, will be disturbed.

Moreover, at that time, he was not sure that Dao Zun was playing in the illusion of Tao Zun himself.

Therefore, he has repeatedly considered that he has not let himself enter the territory to protect the environment, but still maintains the peak of the Taoist environment.

But now, in the face of the ghost family Sen Luo, a strong Taiwanese leader, Jiang Yun must enter the earth to protect the environment, and then with his many cards, it is possible to fight with each other.

As the hurricane formed by these forces of the yin rushed in, the mist of the scorpion gradually dissipated, revealing the figure of Jiang Yunyun.

However, above his head, the body of the Taoist sitting in the disk still has a mist of fog.

That mist is the power of the yin!

Once it has become a substance, as if it had formed the earth, let the spirits step on it and then inhale it into the body, it represents the cultivation of Jiang Yun, and successfully entered the territory!

I have to say that Jiang Yun chose to break through to the ground protection at this time. Although it is dangerous, it is actually extremely safe.

Because when the power of the yin condenses the earth, if it is disturbed, the consequences are naturally unimaginable.

However, here and now, although there are indeed many people who want to stop Jiang Yun from attacking the ground, but there are also many people ready to go, ready to protect Jiang Yun at any time!

With the destruction of the wild world, the three major tribes and the sacred temples, the focus of the battle today, has been transferred to Jiang Yun.

Even in the distant seams that these people can't see, the ancient elders who have been trapped in the demon group screamed: "Can we stop and fight again?"

Among the demon group, an incomprehensible voice sounded: "Why?"

"Because, my disciples are attacking the environment, as a master, I have to take care of one or two anyway!"


When the sound fell, the demon group was all quiet, and the ancient elders turned and looked at the direction of Jiang Yun. In the eyes, there was concern that the outsiders could not see.

For these things, Jiang Yun naturally has no time to pay attention to it, but concentrates on attracting more power to the yin and sending it into the Tao.

When impacting the environment, the more power that is attracted to the yin, the more solid the earth is condensed, and the higher the strength after naturally entering the territory.

It just made a lot of people around me feel puzzled again.

Because to be honest, the power of the yin that Jiang Yun has brought to other monks has long been enough to successfully condense the earth, but Jiang Yun is clearly or not enough here!

Where do they know that Jiang Yun started from the Tong dynasty, and every cultivation of the big and small realm is far more difficult than others, the aura required, and all kinds of power are extremely large, so he is now entering This is especially true for the local protection.

The amount of yin power he needs is far more than everyone imagines.

The tumbling of the mist in the body of the Tao is more and more intense, and when the moment passed, the force of the yin of the body of Jiang Yundao finally formed and formed a black earth.

And roaring out of its body, suspended in front of Jiang Yundao Ling!

Now, as long as Jiang Yun’s Tao Ling embarks on this black land, it means that Jiang Yun’s cultivation has broken through to the realm of protection!

Just as everyone thought that the next step, Jiang Yun’s Tao Ling must open his eyes and stand up and set foot on the land.

However, the hurricane formed by the power of the yin in all directions has not disappeared, but has become more.

In the body of Jiang Yun’s Tao Ling, there was a mist of mist!

And this time, the fog almost appeared, and it quickly became solid, and once again rushed out of the body, suspended above the previous land.

Looking at the two grounds like the steps, everyone's eyes are round again.

"this is……"


In the body of Jiang Yundao, the third group of mists appeared!

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