The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1021: Challenge Tao Zun

Ginger return!

Hearing the sound in the incoming ear, and the name, Jiang Yun was a glimpse, but he quickly thought about it.

On the Tianlu Mountain where the world is bounded by the world, there is a demon called Wen Gui, who secretly shot and helped himself to survive the sky.

Later, Jiang returned to even spurred the appearance of the **** sacred building, and at that time he told Jiang Yun that the Jiang people had great grace for him, so he would help Jiang Yun.

However, Jiang Yun has a little doubt about his real motives.

Because the other party originally led to the move of the tower, it seems to be helping themselves, but in fact it is also exposed to the fact that they are not afraid of the holy things of the Jiang people.

At this moment, I heard the other party shouting these words, and suddenly let Jiang Yun understand.

Jiang Gui has also entered this illusion, and the role played in this illusion is actually Sen Luo!

Although Jiang Yun remembered Jiang Gui, especially the other party’s last sentence to know the secret of the Jiang people, it really made Jiang Yun move his heart, but he decided to test the other side.

"Since you have awakened your mind, you still shot me, why should I let you go?"

Jiang Yun did not know when Jiang was awake, but now he is only swindling him.

If Jiang Guizhi has long awakened his mind, then he still beats himself as Sen Luo, which means that he does not really help himself, but has another picture.

Ginger return is also a glimpse. After the silence, I was in a hurry. "No, I just woke up!"

Although Jiang returned to the reaction is not slow, but the silence of the moment has already allowed Jiang Yun to be sure, he is lying!

The sneer in my heart, Jiang Yun’s face is not moving: "In this case, I can let you go when you secretly help me on the mountain."

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"But I need you to be temporarily motivated by me, so I have to leave a fire in your soul, just in case."

Jiang returned again: "You don't have to worry about it. The Jiang people have grace for me. You are a Jiang ethnic group. I will definitely listen to you..."

Before he finished speaking, Jiang Yun had already bluntly interrupted: "Show your true face!"

Although Jiang did not want to, but now dare not defy Jiang Yun’s order.

Then, in the indefinite soul fire, Sen Luo’s figure suddenly fell into a state of quiescence, and his eyes stood there without a god.

And in his body, there is an illusory shadow.

This shadow is clearly a... turtle!

Moreover, this turtle has only one eye.

This made Jiang Yun suddenly think of the method of choosing a disciple in the early days, only need to be glanced at it.

It turned out that this is a real look.

What makes Jiang Yun a little ridiculous is that he does not know whether the sacred sacred objects that are arranged in this illusion are intentional or unintentional, and let Jiang Gui play the role of Sen Luo.

And the ghost eye of Senro was burned out by his own fire, so there is only one eye left!

Jiang Yun flexed his finger and his own fire suddenly flew into the soulless fire and directly rushed to the body of Jiang Gui.

At the same time, Jiang Yun also shouted: "Don't resist, accept this fire, become my slave, I will spare you a life!"

Jiang Yun is deliberately wanting to be heard by everyone.

Jiang returned to the fact that Jiang Yun’s life was not in his own soul, and Jiang Yun was also a big sleeve wave, and the soulless fire suddenly spit out the ginger.

Jiang returned to the second words, holding a gift to Jiang Yun, and then stood behind Jiang Yun.

In this scene, everyone who is watching is stunned.

Because they did not hear the dialogue between Jiang Yun and Jiang Gui, nor did they see everything that happened in the soulless fire.

Therefore, in their view, this Sen Luo, who originally helped Dao Zun and was bent on turning Jiang Yun into a ghost slave, turned out to be the slave of Jiang Yun.

I have to say that this is a very dramatic scene!

However, even if Sen Luo betrayed the Taoist, but under the burning of the soulless fire, his strength has been greatly reduced, so there is no longer any threat.

"You will tell me later, the secret of the **** people you know!"

After Jiang Gui’s re-transmission, Jiang Yun’s gaze finally looked at Dao Zun: “Dao Zun, this war, I am tired of it, it’s better, you and me, let’s make a complete knot!”

After solving the Sen Luo, now Jiang Yun finally launched a direct challenge to the Tao.

Although everyone just saw the provocative meaning from Jiang Yun’s gaze to the Tao, he was challenged by Tao Yun at the moment, which made his mind still unacceptable.

Tao Zun, the most powerful existence after the annihilation of the Nine, not only created the temple of martyrdom, but also destroyed the six great tribes, and now has the ultimate battle with the last three tribes.

Such people, whether strength or mentality, are absolutely powerful and terrible.

Even if the patriarch of the Nine tribes are killed, if they are not forced to go to nowhere, I am afraid that they will not dare to challenge the Tao.

But now, Jiang Yun did it!

A monk who protects the environment has dared to challenge the strong people in the context of humanity and isomorphism. This is absolutely unprecedented.

Even, I am afraid that there will be no more coming in the future!

If you change the words of Jiang Yun before you change it, you will only think that Jiang Yun is really crazy.

However, after Sen Luo was turned over by Jiang Yun as a slave, they no longer dared to make a slight embarrassment to Jiang Yun.

Naturally, this also makes them more and more certain that Jiang Yun is bound to have the power of the Nine, so he has such courage and courage!

However, apart from Lu Lun and Tian Lie Yee, others do not understand the true meaning of Jiang Yun’s sentence.

The meaning of Jiang Yun is to decide the winner of the illusion with the victory and defeat between himself and the Tao.

After Dao Zun glanced at Sen Luo coldly, he nodded and said: "Exactly, I think so too!"

When the voice fell, Daozun looked at the wilderness Yan, apparently worried that when he and Jiang Yun played against each other, Yan Junyan would take the opportunity to take the opportunity.

The ridiculous priest did not pay attention to the Taoist, but asked the voice of Jiang Yundao: "Are you sure?"

Seeing Jiang Yun gently nodded, Yan Junyan also stepped back very simply.

This step backwards clearly means that he will no longer shoot the Tao.

However, I do not know why, looking at the step back of the barren Yan Yan, Jiang Yun's heart suddenly inexplicably surged a strange feeling.

The step of the retreat of the ridiculous priest Yan seems to be more than just giving up and continuing to entangle the Taoist, and it seems that he has withdrawn from the war and truly become an outsider!

At this time, Dao Zun laughed loudly and his body shape appeared directly in front of Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun also took back the look of the wilderness, and left the other thoughts in his mind, focusing all his attention on the Tao.

Although Jiang Yunming knew that it was only a avatar of the Tao, he tried to restrain his emotions, but his heart was still unstoppable.

Because, he is more aware of the terrible dignity than any one here!

In the age of Taikoo, Dao Zun was strong, but at least there were many people who could stand shoulder to shoulder with him, such as Yan Junyan, such as Lu Yiwu and so on.

However, in the age when Jiang Yun lived, the Taoist Temple of Dignity and Devotion has truly become the supreme and strong existence above all living beings.

Those who have been able to stand with him have been killed by him, and I am afraid that only his own master is still alive!

However, now, this little monk, who is only a guardian of the earth, is about to start a battle of life and death with such a strong existence!

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