The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1022: Stay out of the way

In the real world, this is something that Jiang Yun can't imagine dreaming.

However, within this illusion, it is to make dreams a reality.

Dao Zun looked at Jiang Yundao with no expression: "I am very curious. Are you really controlling the power of all the dead, or just a few of them?"


Jiang Yun did not answer this question, but asked with a voice that only two of them could hear: "Why, you have to arrange a nine-nation seal on my body?"

Dao Zun smiled slightly: "After I kill you, you will understand!"

Jiang Yun also smiled and said: "Since you don't want to say it, then I will kill you, then find your deity, believe that he should tell me!"

"Jiang Yun, I admit that your growth is amazing, but you are still too high to see yourself!"

Dao Zun converges with a smile and shakes his head. "Do you think that only you have the power of the Nine?"

With the fall of the words of Dao Zun, above his hands, he suddenly climbed up countless black lines, that is --- magic lines!

The body of Dao Zun actually appeared in the magic pattern. This scene naturally made everyone suddenly shocked and could not speak.

Obviously, Dao Zun has also mastered the power of the Nine.

However, when they want to come, this should be the konjac to protect the Mozu from being destroyed, and the power of their Mozu as a cast name, dedicated to the Tao.

However, when they saw that the face of the konjac was equally shocked, it was realized that the konjac should not give the magic to the Tao.

Looking at the Taoist who is also in the same way, Jiang Yun’s face is not shocked.

Because the other party is the avatar of the Tao, it is from the real era like himself.

In addition to Jiang Yun, there is also a person's face that is equally expressionless.

And this person turned out to be a wilderness!

The patriotic patriarch only looked calmly at the look of the demon statue, and then even closed his eyes, not knowing what to think.

But it is not difficult to see that he seems to have known this for a long time.

At the same time, Jiang Yun also faintly said: "I think, the reason why you want to create a temple, to destroy the dead nine, should be for the strength of the nine people!"

In fact, this is not difficult to guess.

The fundamental reason why Dao Zun and a group of strong people have destroyed the ruined Jiuzu is because the hands of the Jiuzu are in control of a higher level of spiritual practice, or a higher level of power.

This has led to the fact that monks other than the nine races can no longer go further after practicing in the context of humanity and isomorphism.

In reality, Dao Zun has succeeded in destroying the Nine-Clan, and it is not unimaginable to gain their power.

What's more, Jiang Yun's back has a nine-nation seal, which is the best proof.

“Not bad!” Dao Zun also nodded and nodded and admits: “So, if you think that you have the power of the Nine, you will be able to overcome me, then you are very wrong!”

Jiang Yun also nodded: "If you really have the power of all the nine people, then I really will not fight with you, but unfortunately, here, the power of the nine people you have is not as good as me!"

Upon hearing this sentence, Dao Zun’s eyes suddenly burst into two dazzling lights.

Although he does not know the confidence of Jiang Yun, but obviously, this is the real reason why Jiang Yun dare to shoot himself.

Jiang Yun is no longer open, and the body is once again covered with the diamonds, and the body has a strong atmosphere of overbearing, and directly punches the past.

Dao Zun smiled coldly, did not hide, and raised his fist to meet.


The two men collided with each other and a dull bang was heard.

The figure of Dao Zun did not move. Jiang Yun was retreating. He refused to stop until he quit dozens of feet. He waited for an opening and a blood had been ejected.

Despite the first fight between Jiang Yun and Daozun, Jiang Yun is clearly at a disadvantage, but it is enough to make the audience feel great shock again.

Both Jiang Yun and Dao Zun have the power of the Mozu, and then offset each other. It is equal to Jiang Yun’s loyalty to the Taoist cult of the humanity.

This blow is just a matter of letting Jiang Yun suffer a bit of injury, which is incredible.

Even the face of the Taoist stunned a trace: "Impossible, how can you be so strong? This is definitely not the strength of the ground protection!"

Jiang Yun was a cold smile, reaching out to wipe the blood stains on his lips: "Weird, how do you feel as strong as there is no rumor!"

When he said this, Jiang Yun looked at Yan Junyan intentionally or unintentionally.

At the moment, the ridiculous Jun Yan is still closed, and it seems that there is no interest in the battle between Jiang Yun and Dao Zun, who can determine the fate of their abandon.

When others want to come, Jiang Yun’s sentence is deliberately contemptuous of the Tao, but in fact, Jiang Yun is telling the truth!

The Taoist in front of him was even weaker than what he encountered when he was in the land of Jiejie. This made Jiang Yun wonder a bit strange.

If Tao Zun is really just this kind of strength, then Yan Junyan can easily kill it, but why is the priest Yan Yan only entangled the other side, did not start?

Especially now, Yan Junyan has shown a look of no interest in anything, as if he were outside.

"It’s hard to be done, and Yan Junyan has awakened his mind, or he is also played by someone in the land of the world!"

Only this possibility seems to be able to explain the abnormalities shown by the ridiculous Yan Yan!

But now Jiang Yun can't take care of this problem, even though the Tao is indeed weak, and he is indeed stronger, but in contrast, his strength is not as good as the Tao.

At the same time, Jiang Yun’s ear rang Lu Lun’s voice: “Boy, what the **** is going on, how can you become so strong?”

Do not look at Lu Lun as the spirit of the tree of reincarnation, but also retain the sober mind, but why Jiang Yun is stronger, it is also a fog.

For Lu Lun’s inquiry, Jiang Yun naturally would not hide it. He just smiled and said: “Actually, I don’t know, even I didn’t even think that I could directly enter the earth to protect the environment!”


If it is not extremely trusting Jiang Yun, Lu Lun will definitely think that Jiang Yun is deliberately deceiving himself.

Jiang Yun also followed: "I just think that the body suddenly has an inexplicable force. This power allows me to temporarily borrow the power of the Nine, so I will hurry and challenge the Tao!"

Upon hearing this sentence, Lu Lun suddenly became stunned and realized: "I understand, this is the power of asylum, and the power of asylum on you finally appears!"

However, Lu Lun’s words made Jiang Yun live.

He naturally knows that after he provoked the appearance of the relics of the abandonment, and triggered the cessation of the nine places, the Great Five Peaks sent himself a breath, condensed into a bridge, and took himself into the nine places.

After entering the nine places, this breath will become the power of asylum and give yourself some help.

But when he thought about it, the power of this sanctuary should have been used to suppress the nine-nation seal. How come it now again?

Is it not the power of asylum to suppress the Jiuzu Road Seal?

Or, the power of asylum is divided into two shares, one suppresses the nine ethnic road seals, one now appears, so that you can borrow the power of the nine ethnic groups?

Moreover, this gives them the power of asylum, but also a bit too much, too much?

At this moment, Dao Zun once again said: "Although I don't know why you have become so strong, but still kill you first!"

When the voice fell, the body of Dao Zun suddenly burst into a ray of light, colorful and colorful.

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