The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1024: Everything is wild

At the same time as Jiang Yun’s voice fell, the ruins of his eyebrows emerged. Under the madness of the spread, the six divisions became six wild lines, and like the six butterflies, they danced in the air.

With the appearance of six butterflies, the five peaks of the Great Wilderness suddenly rose up, and they slammed down directly, and the huge mountain shaped like a giant palm, also slammed into the Tao.

Dao Zun’s eyes were deeply watching the six butterflies flying in front of Jiang Yun. Although his face was expressionless, his eyes were deep, but there was a hint of vagueness.


However, this silkworm is only a flash, and the eyes of Daozun have regained their calmness. Their eyes have also moved away from the butterfly and they have looked at the five peaks of the Great Wilderness.

Under his hands, he saw a huge illusion on his body.

It is a bit like the King Kong ancestors that Jiang Yun summoned before, but this illusion is wearing a crown and wearing a robe.

The illusion only appeared, it exudes a momentum of the world, so that some people in the place feel a kind of pressure at the same time, and a sense of surrender in the heart.

It feels like a demon sees the demon!

This seems to be no longer a strength, but an imposing manner, a kind of momentum that is unique in heaven and earth!

At the same time, the Great Wild Five Peaks finally came to the front of the Tao, and Dao Zun and the virtual shadow opened their mouths at the same time, and spit in the mouth: "Break!"

One word export, just like the wording method!

The huge and extremely wild five peaks collapsed directly and turned into countless graves!

It seems that the sacred object of this abandon is powerful, but in the presence of the Tao, there is no courage to fall, and only the collapse of obedience can come.

Dao Zun smiled coldly and stopped looking at the collapsed five peaks. Instead, he looked at Jiang Yun and opened his mouth. He was obviously ready to speak again.

However, at this moment, the six wild flowers like the butterfly floating in front of Jiang Yun were suddenly made into six rays, directly immersed in the collapsed five peaks, and also blasted and turned into a The strange atmosphere of the stock has filled the moment.

Everyone, under the cover of this breath, has not changed suddenly.

Even if he had already stayed out of the way, like the outsiders, the wilderness of Yan Junyan opened his eyes and looked at the two brilliant lights in his eyes. He looked straight at the five peaks in the collapse.

However, at this moment, although the Great Five Peaks are still a pile of gravel, they are not collapsed, but in----condense!

In other words, the Great Five Peaks are re-aggregating at a faster rate than the collapse.

Like, time is reversed!

Compared with other people, the savage and savage fathers and sons seem to be much calmer because they have seen a time reversal.

It was also because of the time that the time was reversed that the hunger had changed the plan of returning to the temple and returned to the abandonment.

However, their father and son did not know that the person who showed the time to reverse the time was not Jiang Yun, but this time, it was Jiang Yun!

At this moment, the face of Tao Zun changed dramatically, and even the tall illusory images behind him were slightly trembling.

Like everyone else, he stared at the five peaks that had re-agglomerated in front of him.

At such a close distance, his feelings are stronger than others, so that he can't help but blurt out and say: "Yes, this kind of power is this kind of power. I didn't expect that you actually touched it. It is this power!"

Although the voice of Dao Zun is not big, but it has been clearly introduced into the ears of everyone, and many people's faces are shocked, and there are a few more doubts.

Because, they can all see that the breath of Jiang Yun's six wild lines blasted, clearly is the force that motivated the law of time.

The law of time, although one of the myriad rules between heaven and earth, is one of the most difficult rules to master. From ancient times to the present, only a very small number of people can master it.

However, now Jiang Yun has mastered it!

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Although this makes them all shocked, but in the words of the respected words, it seems that Jiang Yunshi is not showing the power of time, but another force?

What is that power!

"I understand!" With the fall of the Taoist voice, Jiang Yun’s voice followed: "What you are looking for is this kind of power, this power, I call it the power of the wild."

"However, what you see now is not the power of the waste that I have mastered!"

While talking, Jiang Yun suddenly stepped forward and marched toward Dao Zun!

Jiang Yun’s words also make everyone confused and wasteful. Shouldn’t it be the power of the abandon?

How did it become another force from the mouth of Daozun and Jiang Yun, and Tao Zun is still looking for this power?


Waiting for everyone to understand the meaning of the two people's words, the five peaks that had collapsed in the past have been re-converged into a complete five peaks of greatness, once again swaying toward the Tao.

At this moment, Jiang Yun was also at the same time as the voice fell, and the whole person set foot on a certain step near the peak of the Great Five Peaks.

In particular, the sages of Yan Junyan and others are more clearly seen. The number of steps that Jiang Yun stood on is the fifty-fourth, which is the number when Jiang Yun climbed the Great Five Peaks last time!

"Dao Zun, now, let me see, this power of waste!"

Jiang Yun opened his mouth again and raised his foot. Step by step along the steps under his feet and climbed toward the summit.

Jiang Yun’s footsteps did not stop at all, and the body was as straight as a sword, without any slight shaking.

The whole person presents a state of light and bleak, just like a leisurely step, starting from the fifty-fifth step, the moment has come to the ninety steps.

In the process of Jiang Yun’s climbing, Dao Zun and the illusory figure on his body were like being suppressed by the Great Five Peaks, and they couldn’t move at all. They could only watch.

Jiang Yun, standing on the ninth step, finally had a pause in his body shape, and turned his head and looked at the wilderness.

Because here, Jiang Yun feels the breath left by the wilderness.

In other words, the ridiculous monarch has climbed to the ninth step, and for the abbots, reaching the ninth step will also make their cultivation into the wilderness.

Ten years old, that is a higher level than the humanity of the same environment!

At this moment, Jiang Yun’s heart is more doubtful about the wilderness.

It’s already a wilderness in the wilderness. It’s easy to kill the Taoist, but why is he always merciful?

Even now, as a bystander, let yourself fight with Tao.

However, Jiang Yun did not care about it. After only one glance, he regained his gaze. At the same time, he lifted his foot again and continued to climb until he finally stood on the 99th step and stood on the peak of the Great Five Peaks. !

However, in the eyes of everyone, although Jiang Yun stood there at the moment, his body shape has become disillusioned and disillusioned, and seems to be no longer in the same space as everyone else.

And from his distorted body, there is a ridiculous atmosphere.

Under the influence of this breath, all people’s eyes were all ridiculous, and all of them felt a sense of despair.

Heaven, land, and people!

Everything is wild!

For all of this, Jiang Yun is ignorant, because at this moment, on his face, there is an extreme shocking color!

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