The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1025: Tao Zun body

At this moment, the vastness of nothingness, together with these powerful people standing in nothingness, even everything in the heavens and the earth, all fell into a state of quiescence.

Because everyone, in Jiang Yun, or, under the influence of the ridiculous atmosphere emanating from the Great Five Peaks, saw a scene that made them feel desperate inside.

So that they forget everything, get deep into it, and can't extricate themselves.

They saw the collapse of the sky, saw the collapse of the earth, and even saw their own death!

Everything is wild!

There is no trace of vitality between heaven and earth, and some are just a kind of doomsday.

Standing on top of the peak of the Five Peaks of the Great Wilderness, Jiang Yun’s figure is also motionless and blank in his mind.

So that he did not hear the depths of his life in the body, a sigh filled with vicissitudes.

However, Jiang Yun’s stillness is not because he feels the absurd despair, but for other reasons!

I don't know how long it took, the shock of Jiang Yun's face gradually gathered, and he resumed his usual calm. His eyes finally looked at the Taoist who was also shocked below.

"Dao Zun, can be over!"

The words that Jiang Yun gently spit out are like squalls, and they are swept open in an instant, so that everything that is still is revived.

The ridiculous scene in the eyes of the people suddenly collapsed, and thus everyone saw it. It was originally a five-peak peak suspended in the square like the palm of the head of the Tao, suddenly slammed down and shot to the stunned Taoist!


In the earth-shattering roar, the Great Five Peaks finally fell down and fell on the Taoist!

Looking at the collapsed five peaks, the figure of Tao Zun has disappeared from the sight of all people, and seems to have been turned into nothingness by this great five peaks.

Jiang Yun is still standing on the top of the Great Five Peaks, but his eyes have slowly closed. No one knows what he is thinking.

It seems that at this moment, he no longer cares about whether Tao Zun has been killed by himself or not, but is thinking about another problem.

Looking at the lonely back of Jiang Yun, everyone really does not know how to describe their feelings.

Until now, Jiang Yunzhan’s refinement has been a realm of protection.

Protecting the environment and killing the Tao of the humanity and the isomorphism...

Although I saw it with my own eyes, everyone still couldn't believe their eyes, and there was a huge doubt in their minds.

Do you really die like this?

One of the most powerful peak powers of this era, created the sacred temple and the ruined nine-family chamber, and even the Taoist priests who had already destroyed the six ethnic groups, was killed by Jiang Yun?

All of them remained silent, and their eyes continued to swim back and forth under Jiang Yun and the Great Five Peaks.

They are waiting to see if the Tao will still appear. If you look at this war, can you draw a full stop.

However, this also makes them equally afraid of Jiang Yun, even the nine people are no exception.

A person who can control all the nine sacred objects at will, such a person is simply an invincible existence.

Especially the many abandoned people, it is very clear that the power of the five peaks of the Great Wilderness, the entire abandonment of the abandonment, and even the past and the present, no one can do it.

And this is the real power and horror of the sacred objects of the Nine.

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Only a sacred object can kill the Tao. If the power of the nine sacred objects is simultaneously motivated, then the scene that everyone just saw will make them desperately absurd, I am afraid that it will really appear. .

It was another long silence. Jiang Yun, who was always standing on the top of the peak of the Great Five Peaks, suddenly shook his body.

Then, the whole person directly fell to the emptiness of the rear.

"Jiang Yun!"

Seeing Jiang Yun’s body shape, suddenly several figures have already rushed toward Jiang Yun, but some people are one step faster than them.

When I saw the big sleeves of the ridiculous Yan Yan, I waved again, and the five peaks of the Great Wilderness slammed again, and flipped over, gently holding the body that Jiang Yun fell.

Countless gaze all condensed on Jiang Yun's body.

At this moment, Jiang Yun, lying in the palm of the Great Five Peaks, his eyes closed, and there are still blood stains on the corner of his mouth.

And looking at his appearance, everyone is no stranger.

Those who care about Jiang Yun are secretly letting go, because Jiang Yun is exhausted.

The truth is true!

Although it seems that Jiang Yun manipulates the five sacred objects, such as the arm, it is naturally random, but in fact, every control of the sacred object is an overload of the body of Jiang Yun.

In particular, in the end of the killing of the Tao, he even broke the power of the Great Five Peaks, so now he has no strength at all.

I can't even do it without opening my eyes.

Jiang Yun was so quietly lying on the top five peaks, and everyone thought of it, and they turned their eyes to the position where the Great Five Peaks had just fallen.

There, there is a fleshy man lying now!

It is the Taoist!

At this moment, Dao Zun, almost no one can find a complete place.

Even the bones were all broken into powder, and there was no slight fluctuation in the volatility, so that everyone could easily judge it. The lying body was the body of the Tao!

Dao Zun actually was directly spurred by Jiang Yun to drive the Great Five Peaks!

Although the people finally knew the result, they fell into silence again.

Everyone’s eyes reveal extremely complex eyes.

Fortunately, there are surprises, fears, and taboos...

However, only one person’s eyes are hesitating with others!

This person is the sky!

His eyes did not go to see the Tao, from the beginning to the end are staring at Jiang Yun lying there.

Naturally, he is thinking about whether he wants to complete the transaction with Jiang Yun.

Nowadays, with the death of Dao Zun, although the temple of 弑 still exists, there are still many masters, but the dragons have no head.

In addition, most of them have been deeply shocked by the power of Jiang Yun, I am afraid that they do not necessarily dare to have the confidence to shoot again.

Therefore, this ultimate battle is actually close to the end, and the winner is naturally the three major ethnic groups.

At the end of the war, Jiang Yun’s mission was successfully completed, and this illusion will also end.

Originally, Tiandeng has given up the intention to continue trading with Jiang Yun, but now Jiang Yun is lying there, but it is his perfect opportunity.

As long as he uses his own method to make Jiang Yun a slave to himself, then when the illusion is over, all the creations that Jiang Yun has acquired, even with the holy things, will be owned by him.

As for being close to Jiang Yun in the eyes of the public, it is definitely impossible for others, but it is not difficult for him.

After all, his identity is a wild and abandoned old man. It is also a normal performance to check Jiang Yun’s injury and express his concern.

However, what makes the sky hesitate is that now that Jiang Yun has the power of the Nine, even if Jiang Yun has exhausted, the power of the Nine will protect him.

Although Tianrui believes that his strength should be stronger than the Taoist, but it is certainly not strong.

After a period of struggle, Tianlu finally resigned: "If you don't get the nine sacred objects, even if the illusion ends, I won't live for a long time. It's better to gamble once!"

When I think of it, when the sky is lifted up, I will go to Jiang Yun.

However, at this time, the beasts with a lot of earth-shattering suddenly sounded.

And, a silhouette that descends from the sky!

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