The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1029: Tao Zun

Although the voice of Dongfang Bo is a bit blunt, it is the voice of Jiang Yun’s memory.

Especially in this sentence, it is even more so that Jiang Yun’s body is shaken again after the earthquake.

Not only did his raised palms settle in the air, but the determination to make a shot to the masters was also strongly shocked.

Jiang Yunyan's eyes widened, and he still had no expression on his face, but his mouth was constantly closing the old man who spoke.

"Little brother, how long have we not met?"

"After the year, it has been dozens of years. When we left, we did not say hello to you, let the younger brothers worry about you."

"But over the years, my Master and my two sisters are also looking for your whereabouts. When you know that you have been sent to prison, Master is letting me go to prison to find you!"

?h positive%H version... first ● M issued I!

Listening to these words spoken by the masters, the tears in Jiang Yun’s eyes could not stop falling.

At this moment, for Jiang Yun, it seems to have returned to the Tibetan Peak and returned to the home with Master's brother and sister!


However, just in the moment when the Oriental Bo dialect fell, his figure was once again appearing in front of Jiang Yun, and he took a shot.

Jiang Yun still did not dodge, let this fist lie on his own body, let his body fly backwards.

The exhausted body, under two heavy losses, the blessing of the power of the heavens that has just been obtained is almost gone.

But Jiang Yun insisted that he stood up again, facing the master who continued to walk towards himself and was still talking.

"Little teacher, Master is also very concerned about you, but also always told us that if someone dares to bully you, it is to go with us, we have five men and women, and will not let go of each other!"

"Little teacher, Master also said that when you become stronger, you will tell us our true identity. At that time, our four brothers and brothers, and thousands of people, what a glory!"


In the words of the Oriental Bona, Jiang Yun flew out for the third time.

This time, he did not even have the strength to stand up, the blood in his mouth spurted out, so he was lying in nothingness, listening to the voice of the master who kept ringing in his ear, the tears in his eyes were no longer tears. But blood and tears!

Although Jiang Yun has already understood, today's Dongbo is just awkward.

Even, it can be seen as another avatar of Tao.

All he said now is nothing more than the memory of Dongfang Bo after Dao Zun occupied his body.

But because of these familiar words, it is to let Jiang Yun no longer want to go to the master to shoot.

For the master to shoot, the equivalent of bullying the ancestors, is equivalent to betraying the teacher!

With his eyes open, Jiang Yun lies in nothingness, muttering: "Dao Zun, Jiang Yun as long as he does not die, since then, heaven and earth, thousands of roads, will definitely find your place, let you taste the world All the pain!"

As for everyone around, when Jiang Yun shouted out the "master brother", he was already in the dead.

Looking at all that happened between Dongfang Bo and Jiang Yun, some people who reacted quickly understood the problem, but at the moment, no one can help Jiang Yun’s busyness. Watching.

Even Lu Lun clearly understood that the Taoist who had just been killed by Jiang Yun would be so weak.

Because, in front of this Oriental Bo, is the real avatar of Tao Zun!

Tao Zun has long known that in this illusion, he will not be the opponent of Jiang Yun, so he has turned Dongfang Bo into another avatar.

Moreover, most of the strength of Dao Zang's avatars is hidden in Dong Bo.

As a brother of Jiang Yun, Dongfang Bo is a very passionate person. When faced with Dongfang Bo, it is really difficult to shoot.

The consequences of being difficult to shoot will make him die in the hands of Dongfang Bo.

Let the two close relatives die, and have to say that the mind of the Tao is indeed extremely treacherous.

Thinking of this, the tree of reincarnation suddenly vibrates. Lu Lun’s voice like Hong Zhong Da Lu is also alive in Jiang Yun’s mind: “Jiang Yun, he is not your master, he is Tao Zun, you stand Get up and kill him!"

Lu Lun wants to wake up Jiang Yun in such a way, so that Jiang Yun realizes the current situation and does not want to be a Taoist.

Unfortunately, Lu Lun did not know that Jiang Yun was not lost in his mind, and Jiang Yun is far more thorough than others in the current situation.

Just, still that sentence, listening to the masters telling them about their past, telling the things they have experienced together, so that he really can't harden his heart to go to the master.

So much so, he has the idea of ​​being killed by the master in his heart.

When Jiang Yun was beaten by the Eastern Boao for the fourth time, when the whole person was almost ready to lose his mind, his voice was ringing in his ear.

"Jiang Yun, although he is your master brother, but he has been cultivated by Dao Zun to become a avatar. If he wants to restore his mind, he will only defeat him first. So, I still have a way to save him."

"In addition, this is your master!"

This voice, just like the voice of Dongfang Bo, made Jiang Yun feel very intimate and proficient, and also let him suddenly open his eyes, and looked hard at the direction of the sound.

I looked at a middle-aged man standing there, and a little boy who was just like his own, just opened his eyes.

"Master, Master!"

Seeing these two people, Jiang Yun once again slightly!

The nature that emerged is the ancient Bo, which is still young and still young!

The old voice also came again: "Jiang Yun, I said, I will protect you from being bullied by anyone, but in this battle, I have no way to shoot for you."

"Because only you can defeat him personally, you can complete your mission and succeed in gaining recognition from the sacred objects of the Nine."

"However, Master will look at you here and watch how you beat Dow!"

"Master also believes in you, you can do it!"


Master's words added a bit of power to Jiang Yun's body, supporting him, and finally he finally stood up again slowly.

At this moment, the Oriental Bohe in front of him once again said: "Little brother, I am your master, I was first turned into a beggar by the Tao, and was brought here by Tao Zun."

"But I am still alive!"

Dong Bo’s remarks made Jiang Yun, who had just changed his mind because of the emergence of Master, could not help but hesitate again.

Because at this moment, he can clearly see that the master’s eyes have repeatedly added a touch of agility.

"Little brother, don't doubt, now I am your master. When I went to Dao San, I deliberately separated two gods. I hid it in the depths of my body, just to tell you. These ones."

"And another ignorance, I think, should be on your body, that ignorance is the key to saving me!"

This sentence, let Jiang Yun's eyes suddenly lit up a group of light, watching the eyes of the master of the smart color has quickly receded, his face sad and sadness was swept away in an instant.

Jiang Yun said deeply to Dongfang Bo: "Master, the younger brother understands that today the younger brother swears to Heaven that he will rescue the master!"

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