The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1030: The power of the sun

Jiang Yun, who has straightened up, has restored his former calm on his face, and all his emotions have been deeply hidden by him.

Because he knows that the moment he appeared in front of himself, speaking to himself is not the avatar of the Tao, but his true master!

The words of the master also reminded him of it. When Thunder’s Thunder was killed by himself, Ralink’s Taoist avatar wanted to escape, but he fled halfway and took the initiative to return, thus being thundered by himself. The body swallowed.

It is because of the sacred knowledge of the master in his Taoist avatar, it can be said that the master finally stopped the escape of Ralink.

Originally, I didn’t know why the masters had hidden that ignorance of the gods in Lei Ling’s avatar. After all, as long as the master’s deity is fine, a glimpse of the gods is dispensable, and there is absolutely no need to keep it.

Now, I finally understand!

It turned out that all of this was arranged by the master in advance.

That is to say, when the master went to see what was the third time, he expected that there would be an accident, so he hid two gods.

Nowadays, because of the sudden awakening, it is already disappearing, and the other is hidden in its own body.

As long as you can kill the Tao who occupies the body of the master, then with that knowledge, there is the possibility of saving the master!

With the personal words of Master and Master, Jiang Yun certainly would not have any hesitation any more, so his hands slammed countless copies, and the slaps of the sin.

"Five times to worship the sky!"

The five-day sacrifice was originally the limit of Jiang Yun’s sacrifice of the heavens, and the price was to pay all his life.

However, with the fact that he has now reached the realm of protection and the realm of life, his vitality and fire are also rising, so that he can now easily display it without jeopardizing life.

In the darkness of the border, there are countless squalls in the air, just like the situation when Jiang Yun broke through the environment, from all directions, from the depths of the endless darkness, to the body of Jiang Yun.

All the people in the vicinity of Jiang Yun were all swept past the body by these gusts of wind, and their face changed again.

Even Jiang Yun, who has been poured into the body by these squalls, has changed in appearance!

Because the power contained in these squalls is -- the power of the sun!

Jiang Yun is not the first time to perform the sacrifice of the heavens, but each time it is displayed in a certain world, it is also the blessing of the power of heaven in a certain world.

At that time, he did not even know the difference between yin and yang, so he never cared about it.

However, at this moment, it is already the peak of the protection of the environment. The next step is to enter the heavenly world, but it can be easily distinguished. The power of these blessings is the power of the sun!

If, his Tao Ling will absorb all these forces of the sun, if the power of these yang is enough, then his cultivation will be more likely to continue to break through to the heavens!

Not only did Jiang Yun think of this, but many people present also thought of this, and this naturally made them unable to believe.

A monk who has just stepped into the peak of the protector from the peak of the Tao Ling, can he continue to break through to the heavens?


When they want to come, since Jiang Yun is able to control the sacred objects of his own family at will, then it will not be too shocking to display the Nine Sacrifice.

As more and more gusts of wind poured into the body of Jiang Yun, there was a breeze that no one could detect, and it also appeared silently.

After the breeze blew, everything in the border, together with everyone like Jiang Yun, became illusory again.

However, they did not realize that their stature became illusory.

Under this illusion, there is an inexhaustible huge void.

This nothingness is not dark, but full of nine colors of light.

The source of the nine-color ray is suspended in this illusory, huge shadow in nine different positions.

In addition to the nine black shadows, in this nothingness, there are still countless numbers in various poses!

These figures are all closed and closed, and the figure is still, motionless, like falling into a deep sleep.

Among these figures, there are both days and clouds, and there are even wild clouds and even Jiang Yun!

If anyone can see this piece of nothingness, it will understand that this is hidden under the illusion, the real silence!

The nine black shadows, that is, the nine sacred objects!

With Jiang Yunshi exhibiting the Nine Sacrifice Heavenly Techniques, I have let this silence. I don’t know how many years of real silence in the nine places, there is a trace of activity.

The sacred objects of the nine tribes all trembled gently, and there was another wind in the void, which rushed toward the closed eyes of Jiang Yun.

In the illusion, a lot of violent winds of the sun's power came into the air, so that Jiang Yun's hair and clothes all hunted in the wind, and the breath that came out of the body was soaring!

His cultivation, which has reached the peak of the protection of the earth, is naturally crazy and continues to climb. Under the feelings of everyone, it has almost reached the late stage of the Tao!

This kind of cultivation, facing the East Bo, if it is replaced by others, naturally it is still not an opponent, but replaced by Jiang Yun, but no one dares to make such an assertion.

At the moment, Jiang Yun did not pay attention to the thoughts of other people. His eyes had a glimmer of light that others could not understand.

Because of the influx of these forces of yang, in addition to letting his repairs temporarily improve, he also unexpectedly discovered that he had faintly seen the fascinating nine-colored light and saw nine huge black shadows!

In particular, the location of one of the shadows, and the tree of reincarnation, overlapped together!

With a little thought, Jiang Yun will understand.

"Is this the real silence?"

"If this is the case, there is a big fortune waiting for me!"

"But before that, I still have to kill the Taoist!"

As these Jiang Yun thoughts fell, his cultivation climbed and finally stopped, and the Oriental Bo in front of him also made a sneer, swaying and rushing toward him.

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