The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1041: Will be indefinite

This sentence naturally attracted everyone's gaze to the figure again.

Especially the wilderness, the face is even more excitable, shivering and asked: "picture, still alive?"

The figure nodded and said: "Yes!"

Speaking of this sentence, his body, which was originally like water, slowly became solid.

The feeling for everyone is like walking into reality from illusion, and letting his appearance gradually appear in front of everyone.


The person who had already revealed a clear appearance suddenly fell on his knees and fell into the void. He stumbled in front of the ridiculous Junyan, his head was low, and he said softly: "Oh, not filial, still alive!"

This scene, let Jiang Yun and Lu Lun's face all show a shocking color, and the wild king Yan is like a lightning strike, the whole person is standing in the same place, motionless!

In the face of the ridiculous prince, there is only one person who claims to be filial, and the map!

At this moment, everyone finally realized that the young patriarch of the abbot had become the instrument of the five peaks of the sacred sacred thing!

It is also his, the layout of this illusion that spans ten years!

Not to mention the ridiculous monarch, even Jiang Yun and Lu Lun never imagined that the wild map would be the instrument of the sacred sacred object.

In particular, the relationship between Jiang Yun and the wild map is irresistible, even the master of the son of the wild map, but never seen a clue.

However, after understanding this point, Jiang Yun’s many problems that he could not figure out before were solved.

Why Jiang Yun’s mission is to help the abandoned people to change their destiny. Why is Jiang Yun’s place in the vicinity of the world of the abandoned family? Why is it necessary for Jiang Yun to enter the deserted city and let Jiang Yun enter the desert army?

At the time of the previous war, the deity of Dongfang Bo and his overlap in the illusion made the illusion almost terminated early, and it was about to end, but in the end it continued.

Because at that time, Lu Lun clearly heard the unwilling voice of the wild map, he said, this is not the ending he wants to see!

As the patriarch of the abbot, as the survivor of the war in the real world of the year, the ending that the wilderness wants to see, of course, is that the abandonment can defeat the temple, kill the Tao, and then all the people, forever A happy life goes far.

Unfortunately, this ending, he can not see in reality, so he can only hope to see in the illusion!


Even everyone understands why the illusion is clearly over, but the reason why the priest is still there is that it is a wasteland, and he wants to be with his father again!


At this time, the ridiculous priest finally returned to God, and the footsteps went to the front of the wild map, and stretched out his hands, shaking his arms to the wild figure.


With the word export, the ridiculous Yan Yanyan can no longer say other words, and the eyes are watching the wild map, and the old tears on his face.


The waste map looked up and smiled in tears on his face again: "No filial son is still alive!"

Yan Junyan nodded and said: "Good, good, good, just live, just be alive! Come on, stand up, stand up!"

Under the support of his father's hands, the wild map stood up from the ground, and the eyes of the ridiculous priests continued to look up and down against the ruins, and the eyes were full of deep care and gratification.

After a long time, when the wild map just wanted to speak, the wilderness Yan was the first step: "Look, can our father and son talk alone?"

The waste map immediately nodded: "Of course!"

"Okay, but before that, I still have something to say to Vice President Jiang!"

The wilderness Yan released his son's arm and walked to the front of Jiang Yun. He said to Jiang Yun that he had a fist: "Jiang Daoyou, the previous thing, the desert has been offended!"

Jiang Yun also held a fist and said: "Abandoned people and even sentimental people, where there are offenses, words are heavy!"

Yan Junyan went on to say: "Although this is a fantasy, although everything here is illusory, for the desert, Jiang Daoyou has great grace for my abandon, this grace, the desert will not forget!"

At this time, everyone can see that with the appearance of the wild map, the wild yanyan has apparently accepted the fact that he is illusory, and is no longer obsessed with wanting to continue the illusion.

Today, he is saying goodbye to Jiang Yun!

In the end, the eyes of the ridiculous Jun Yan slowly passed from Jiang Yun and Lu Lun and others, and they held a fist to everyone: "You will have no time afterwards!"

After saying this, the wasteland Yan Yan turned and went to the side of his body. The father and the son walked side by side to the depths of nothingness and gradually disappeared.

Looking at the backs of the father and son, Jiang Yun and Lu Lun's hearts are full of unbearable, especially after that sentence will be indefinite, but also make them extremely sentimental.

Everyone is drunk, I am alone!

If there is no shortage of pictures, no one knows what kind of ending will be in the wild.

"Cough!" With the disappearance of the father and son of the priest, Lu Lun suddenly coughed up with force: "Yes, I still have something to do, Jiang Yun, I will go back."

Lu Lun did not give Jiang Yun the time to open his mouth. The voice fell and people had slipped away.

Jiang Yun knows that this is his intention to give himself time to say goodbye to his master!


Jiang Yun went to the old age and whispered.

At the same time, Dongbo, who was lying on the ground, also stood up in a difficult way, and also shouted out of Master.

For being in a illusion, he is an illusion, and he has already known it. Maybe he still didn’t believe it before, but at this moment, he is naturally very clear, knowing that after his disciple and himself say goodbye, they also It should have disappeared.

However, he does not have the kind of attachment of Yan Junyan.

So at the moment I heard the voices of two disciples, and then looked at the two disciples. His face showed a gratifying smile: "I don't know what I think in reality, but I can have two of your disciples. And seeing your growth, and even getting along with you for a while, I have no regrets!"

"Since then, the world is big, you take care!"

Speaking of this, the old figure gradually began to become illusory, and apparently he is about to dissipate.

Jiang Yun and Dongfang Bo also fell in front of him, saying nothing, because they did not know what to say.

Seeing that the ancient figure is about to disappear completely, his gaze suddenly looks at the Oriental Bo, softly said: "Oriental Bo, what you see, is not necessarily true, what you remember, also It's not the truth of the matter!"

When the voice fell, the old figure was finally completely dissipated, leaving only the long-suffering Jiang Yun and Dongfang Bo!

The last sentence of the ancients is to make a big stone in the heart of Dongfang Bo and Jiang Yun, and let it down.

Although the ancients did not say it clearly, it is obvious that the lonely people were killed by the genocide, and there is another hidden feeling.

Just how specific, you need Dongfang Bo to investigate.

"Plop", the Oriental Bo plant that completely let go of the mind fell to the ground, and could not hold on, and stunned the past.

Jiang Yun carefully examined the injury of Dongfang Bo and determined that there was no worry about his life, and this was sent to the top of the cloud.

After doing all this, Jiang Yun’s ear suddenly sounded a loud noise...

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