The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1042: we won

The noise of this noise came so suddenly that Jiang Yun could not respond at any time and was in the same place.

Because at this moment in this vast illusion, in addition to myself and Lu Lun, as well as the wild map, there is no existence of any living beings, completely dead, how can suddenly there be a loud noise?

Especially when you listen carefully, you can clearly distinguish that among these sounds, there are distinct bursts of cheers, bursts of laughter, and bursts of crying!

Jiang Yun suddenly turned back and looked at himself behind him, looking at the direction of the voice.

At first glance, Jiang Yun couldn't help but hold it again!

Originally, like the frozen, those fragments that are still in nothingness, at this moment, are re-aggregated into a living being!

Nowadays, these creatures are gathering together. Among them, Jiang Yun saw the wild feathers, saw Yizheng, and saw all the wild people who participated in this great war!

At the moment, some of them laughed, some cheered loudly, some burst into tears, and some hugged each other.

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Everyone’s mouth is constantly chanting four words: “We won!”

Looking at this lifelike face, and hearing the words they said, the color of surprise on Jiang Yun’s face gradually disappeared, replaced by the same smile.

"Adult, adults, we won!"

"Adult, we defeated the temple, and from then on, no longer have to worry!"

"Adult, we can go home!"

At this time, Yizheng and other squadrons also saw Jiang Yun, while rushing toward him, while continually yelling in his mouth, his expression was extremely exciting.

Just when the tens of thousands of people were about to rush to Jiang Yun, they all stopped.

It’s not that they don’t want to move on, but because they and Jiang Yun have an invisible barrier that they can’t cross.

This barrier is real and illusory!

Although they can't move forward, they are raising their hands and holding their fists, and they are deeply worshipping Jiang Yun!

When I looked up, everyone’s face had tears falling, and in their eyes, Jiang Yun was not hard to see a hint of understanding and reluctance.

"Adult, if there is an opportunity, I am willing to follow the adults again to kill the enemy!"

"Adult, you take care, we are gone!"

"Adult, thank you!"

A voice full of sincere words came out from each of them. Hearing Jiang Yun could only nod his head constantly, and his eyes also raised fog, but he could not say a word.

"Adult, let's go home!"

This is the last sentence that Yi Zheng and others told Jiang Yun.

After that, they once again clenched their fists at Jiang Yun, and then turned around and walked with the other abandoned people to the depths of nothingness.

Looking at the back of their gradual departure, Jiang Yun said softly: "This is the ending you want to see!"

Jiang Yun’s voice just fell, and there was another voice beside him: “Yes!”

It’s the wild map!

At this moment, there is no existence of the ridiculous monarchy around him. Obviously, he has already completed his goodbye with his father.

The ruins and Jiang Yun stood side by side in this emptiness, and watched the deserted people go far away, until all people disappeared without a trace, as if they were integrated into nothingness.

Nothing has restored silence again!

Jiang Yun and the wild map did not speak, so they kept silent with each other, standing quietly in the same place, and seemed to hear the voice of the deserted people in their ears.

After a long time, after all, the wild map broke the silence: "Ginger brother, my pot of wine, tastes good!"

The words of the wild map made Jiang Yun suddenly realize.

When he left the desert, he went to find himself and sent himself off, and he drank his own pot of wine.

The reason why I was able to break through to the ground in the war, the reason why I can use the power of the nine people, in fact, the real reason is because of the pot of wine!

As the arrogant of this illusion, the wild map is the true master of the illusion.

The jug of wine he sent contains the relics of the abandonment and his protection of Jiang Yun.

Although the purpose of the jug is to let Jiang Yun help the wild people win the battle, but for Jiang Yun, it really helps a lot, so Jiang Yun is holding a fist in the wild map: "Thank you!"

The wild map shook his head: "The person who said thank you is me, you fulfilled my wish and let me see the ending I want!"

"The end is over, everything should be over!"

Speaking of this sentence, the wild map has already raised his hand, and the big sleeves are swaying toward the front.

I saw a ray of light shining through the cracks in the darkness.

In an instant, the boundless darkness was all scattered, revealing a vast space filled with colorful light!

Jiang Yun only felt a flower in front of him, and the eyes that were clearly squinting suddenly opened again and looked at his surroundings.

There are countless people sitting or standing around in their own surroundings. Among them, Jiang Yun saw the sky and saw the wilderness, and everyone was closed and motionless.

Obviously, here is the real silence!

So far, this decade-long fantasy has finally come to an end!

At this time, the wild map also opened again: "Ginger brother, congratulations, complete your mission."

"Now, you can take this sacred place to leave this land of solitude, leave the land of the world, and return to the real world!"

This is the purpose of Jiang Yun's entry into the nine places, but now I can hear these words. Jiang Yun's heart is not a little bit of joy.

Although the illusion has ended, but the years of the decade, let him be good for the abandonment, for everything in the illusion, there is already feelings.

Even now, even if he wakes up, he still can't extricate himself.

The sound of the wild map then sounded: "However, you want to leave now, or before you leave, you and I have a good chat!"

Jiang Yun nodded; "Of course I hope to have a good chat with my brother!"

Regarding the truth of the war in the Taikoo era, these questions have always plagued Jiang Yun about the origins of the Nine and the Nine.

The wild map is both a descendant of the nine races and a spirit of the sacred object, so he will certainly be able to answer these doubts for himself.

"it is good!"

The wild figure was swung in a big sleeve, and everything around it disappeared without a trace, and the two were already in the mountains of a mountain.

Looking at the mountain underneath, Jiang Yun does not have to guess that it is bound to be the Great Five Peaks.

"Ginger brother, are you familiar with this great five peaks?"

Jiang Yun nodded and said: "I don't know if the ridiculous brother knows it. It makes Lang ridiculous. In a world called Shanhaijie, I created a questioning and dividing. I just asked the disciples."

"And among the questions about the division, the most famous one is to ask the five peaks, and the five peaks of the nobility of the nobles are almost exactly the same!"

The wild map smiled slightly: "Ginger brother, take a closer look at this great five peaks!"

Ginger cloud glimpsed a little, but he did not understand the meaning of the wild map, but he still spread his knowledge and looked at the five peaks under the great wilderness.

At first glance, Jiang Yun’s body suddenly became stiff, and then he suddenly turned his head and looked at the wild map: “This, this is asking the five peaks!”

For asking the five peaks, Jiang Yun is too familiar with it. It is more than once to show the palm of the hand and the sword of the sword, so naturally it is easy to distinguish the five peaks that he is now at the moment. It’s the question of the mountain and the sea asking the five peaks!

That is to say, always standing in the mountains and seas to ask the Taoist sect, in fact, is the five peaks of the wild sacred objects!

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