The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1056: Soul ancestor

For the reaction of the criminal demon at this moment, Jiang Yun is no stranger.

Because when I first came to the world, it was also the reaction. The world, no matter from any aspect, is not in the same way as it is in prison.

However, he knows nothing about the world, but compared to himself, the criminal demon is the ambassador of the Third Palace. He must know where the world is.

Sure enough, after looking around for four and a half days, the criminal demon reached out to his own eyebrows and muttered: "If this is still in prison, then the world must be the ancient world!"

I don’t have to ask Jiang Yun to ask what is the ancient world. The criminal demon has already explained it.

The ancient times, although still in the prison, but it is within the entire world of the nine-layer prison, #-

"Because of the specific location of the ancient times, there are not many people in the entire temple."

“Only they go looking for someone else, and few people can actively find them.”

Speaking of these words, the eyes of the criminal demon sneaked at Jiang Yun.

When he wants to come, it is certainly not accidental that Jiang Yun is the identity of the three masters of the world.

Jiang Yun naturally would not explain to him, and then asked: "Isn't that respect for this ancient world?"

The criminal devil shook his head: "When you reach the status and identity of Tao, unless there is something that can threaten him, otherwise he should not pay attention to these little things."

Jiang Yun nodded and admitted that the criminal devil said it makes sense.

The most concerned about Dao Zun is his own practice. In the same year, even the ruined Jiuzu was destroyed by him. How could he care about a small Taoist world?

In his eyes, the ancient world is just a small fight, and I can't look down on any wind and waves!

After understanding the origins of this world, Jiang Yun’s attention naturally returned to how to treat his own master.

The criminal devil said: "It is almost impossible to change to other worlds in prison. It is almost impossible to treat the adults in the East, but since we are now in the ancient world, the possibility is much bigger."

The words of the criminal demon also raised the hope in Jiang Yun’s heart: "What do you do specifically?"

“It’s very simple, look for some remedies that will calm the soul!”

"The environment inside the other worlds of the prison is bad, and all kinds of medicines are scarce. Even if there are refining pharmacists, it is useless, but here there will be some powerful refining pharmacists and such medicinal herbs."

"As long as you can find the remedy for the soul, you can take it to the adults of the East. It is only good for him, no harm!"

Having said that, the criminal demon stopped for a moment and then said: "In the past, among my souls, an ancestor had developed a kind of medicinal herb called Reagan Dan!"

"If you can find this Dan, although it is not always possible to save the Oriental adults, but this Dan's effect is definitely stronger than the soul of the soul, at least to ensure that his state will not continue to deteriorate!"

"It's a pity, because my ambition is not in refining, so I didn't remember the Danfang that revived the soul. Otherwise, I had Danfang, and then I found the right materials, and then I asked the senior refining pharmacist to take the shot."

"Return the soul Dan!"

These three words made Jiang Yun's brow slightly wrinkled, and suddenly he raised his hand, and a piece of jade slip appeared in his hand and handed it to the front of the criminal demon.

After the criminals took the suspicion and took over the jade, after the gods explored it, the eyes suddenly smashed the road: "This, this is the Danfang of the soul, Dan, you, how could you have it!"

The Danfang, who is still in the soul, was collected by the disciples of Xia Zhongxing in the sky when the cloud was in the clear and turbid wilderness in the body of the Yinling.

At that time, he was looking for a senior refining pharmacist in Cangwu. He hoped that someone could refine the resurrection of Dan, in order to take Xia Zhongxing’s son in the summer.

However, this Dan is not complete, and it is up to seven products. Even with Jiang Yun’s accomplishments in the medicinal tract, it is impossible to promote the complete Danfang, let alone refining.

It’s just that Jiang Yun never imagined that this is still the soul of Dan, which was actually developed by a certain ancestor of the soul family.

Moreover, now this medicinal medicine can still save the life of his master!

Jiang Yun evaded the light and said: "I got it by chance. Can you complete this Dan?"

"No!" The criminal demon handed Yu Jade back to Jiang Yun and shook his head: "To tell the truth, let alone me, most of the people in my family have no interest in refining."

"The reason why my ancestors left the soul family in the same year was because they were a little disappointed with the tribes, so they wanted to go to other places to find a few suitable nieces and pass on his medicine."

"Since then, he has never appeared again, and he has no connection with the family. We don't know where he went or whether he is still alive today!"

Hearing here, Jiang Yun’s heart suddenly moved and looked at the criminal demon: “What is the name of your ancestor’s ancestor, do you know? Or, what special things does he have in addition to the medicinal tract?”

"I don't know, when the ancestance left my family, I was not born yet."

"As for the special occasions, in addition to the extremely high medicinal tracts, his old man also improved the practice of the fire-fighting practice that was passed down by my family, so that the lives of our people were strong and the vitality was far stronger than before. many."

With the fall of the criminal voice, Jiang Yun could not help but slowly close his eyes, silently spit out four words in his mouth: "Life is Nirvana!"

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