The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1057: Inexplicable vibration

At this time, Jiang Yun can almost certainly determine that the soul ancestor in the prison of the mouth should be the pioneer of the medicine **** Shenzong in the mountains and seas, the drug **** predecessors!

In fact, as early as in the illusion, Jiang Yun saw the soul of the soul family has no fixed soul, knowing that the soul of the soul is far more powerful than other vitality, it is vaguely thought, the drug **** will come from Soul.

Now, combined with all that the criminal demon said, he finally knows that his thoughts are not wrong.

This is also why the seniors of the drug gods will help Lu Lun to produce the remedy that can cover the blood of their family.

They are the same as the descendants of the nine ethnic groups. This is the same illness, and in the same world, they will naturally help each other.

Even with the words of the criminal demon, Jiang Yun can roughly analyze it. After the end of the war, the death of the nine people died, fleeing and returning.

But whether they are escaping or returning, there are ethnic groups in their family who choose to leave their respective ethnic groups and go to a common place----mountain and sea!

For example, Lu Lun of the reincarnation, the medicine **** of the soul family, the road of the abbots, the heavens of the Chaos, and the Jiang Wanli of the Jiang people!

As for why they will go to the mountains and seas, it is naturally related to the phrase "one mountain, one sea and one sea" that has been circulated since ancient times.

Perhaps they all believe that the first world they opened up in their ancestors hides the way in which they can rejuvenate the nine races or return to another world.

Although the criminal demon did not hear the words of "the fire of Nirvana" that Jiang Yun said, but looking at Jiang Yun's appearance, let him realize that Jiang Yun seems to have some understanding of the ancestor of his own soul.

"Adult, is it, you heard about this ancestor of my family?"

Jiang Yun opened his eyes and shook his head. "No, I just feel a little sorry. If you can remember the Danfang of the remnant Dan, how good it is!"

"Right, haven't you gone to find your ancestors?"

The criminal sighed and sighed: "Of course I have found it, but the boundaries are endless. The world is more than 100 million. If you want to find his old man, it is just like finding a needle in a haystack. It is impossible."

Jiang Yun can see that the criminal demon in front of him did not lie, but this also made him feel a little puzzled.

Because they are the same ethnic group, since the medicine **** can go to the mountains and seas, why don't they go to the mountains and seas to find?

Then again, the drug gods were actually in the prison, and even received two disciples.

Even if the criminal demon was not the ambassador of the Third Palace, but more or less should know this thing, but he did not find the slightest clue.

In this regard, Jiang Yun can only think that perhaps now, the descendants of the Jiuzu have no idea of ​​the existence of the mountains and seas.

As for the prison, either the drug **** predecessor deliberately concealed the identity as a soul race, or the Tao Zun or Dao San et al deliberately erased the relevant things.

Since the criminal demon does not know, Jiang Yun will naturally not ask again.

After re-collecting Dan Fang, who was still in the soul, Jiang Yun said: "I know, thank you for telling me everything."

"I am still the same sentence, you can leave at any time if you want to go, but if you are willing to follow me, then I advise you, you and Suyang are best not to show up."

Since the ancient boundary of the Tao is a world of freedom, there are a large number of masters in the prison, so some of them must have seen the criminal demon and Ralink!

Su Yang won the body of Lei Ling, and then appeared alongside the criminal demon in the ancient times of the Tao, it is easy to be recognized, thus attracting unnecessary trouble.

The criminal demon obviously knew this too, and nodded and said: "I still enter the instrument!"

Su Yang, who has never spoken before, nodded and said: "Me too!"

"it is good!"

Jiang Yun naturally agreed, and before the criminal demon came into the top of the black cloud, he once again said to Jiang Yun: "Adult, although this ancient world is not subject to the jurisdiction of the temple, but because there are a lot of masters of other worlds in prison So it must be extremely confusing here, and please be careful by adults!"

This point, Jiang Yun can naturally think of it.

Being imprisoned, although there are indeed many innocent people like themselves, there are certainly many real people who are not guilty.

Therefore, this ancient world is naturally not good.

“Thank you for reminding me, I will pay attention!”

Jiang Yun no longer said more, directly sent the two into the top of the cloud.

After entering it, Su Yang stretched out and looked at the criminal demon and smiled: "The two identities are now the same, and they will have to be related to each other in the future!"

However, the criminal demon looked at him coldly and said: "I am different from you!"

"Where is it different?" Su Yang suddenly widened his eyes and said: "The trick is the slave of the master. Can you still think that your identity is higher than me?"

"I think the master is the main one, because the master promised me, will help me to grow stronger again, regain freedom, and you..."

The criminal demon said here, shook his head in a scornful color, and kept his mouth shut.

"What happened to me!" Su Yang was even more unhappy. He said with a big voice: "If you have the ability to finish your words, what happened to me?"

"You, or hurry to improve your strength. Although I didn't think Ralink was better than me, but he was not weaker than me. You have won his body, but only with such strength. If Lei Ling is still alive, I am afraid that you will be killed by your life!"


Although Su Anli wants to refute, he is said to be speechless and red-faced.

Because the criminal demon is telling the truth.

Don't talk about the comparison with the criminals in the late stage. When he was in the world of the spirit, he was easily played by Jiang Yun, who was playing with his applause. Today's strength makes him feel jealous.

"You wait, the strength of Laozi will catch up with you soon!"

After that, Su Yang stopped paying attention to the criminal demon, and sat down from his knees and began to practice retreat.

The criminal demon also sat down, staring at the front and falling into meditation.

With the departure of the criminal demon and Su Yang, Jiang Yun also carefully sent Dongfang Bo into the top of the black cloud.

"What you have to do now is to find the place where the monks gather, and then find the remedy that can set the soul!"

For Jiang Yun, anything is not as important as the life of the master brother. So after making up his mind, he no longer delays, immediately vacated, and his body is extended to the extreme, and continues to fly deep into the ancient world. .

Jiang Yun’s flight was three days, and this made him have to feel the size of this ancient world again.

In the three days, under his full flight, the distance traveled was a million miles away, but he still did not see the existence of a monk, let alone the place where the monks gathered.

Fortunately, these days, the life of the master has not changed in the slightest, and it is clear that the soul-soul pattern played by the criminal demon has played a role.

However, the more so, the more Jiangyun is more anxious, I want to find the right medicine soon.

After all, no one knows how long this soul soul pattern will last!

When it was another day, Jiang Yun’s heart suddenly jumped.

Because in his body, there is something inexplicable shaking up, and exudes a breath, seems to be guiding the direction for Jiang Yun!

This makes Jiang Yun's brow slightly wrinkled, and he doesn't understand what is going on.

However, under the indulgence, he simply turned his body shape and went in the direction of this breath.

Only a moment later, in the mind of Jiang Yun, I saw a man with a unkempt face like a sly, running fast between a mountain.

In the back of the man, there are seven people who are chasing him!


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