The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1058: See the old man

Although the man's face was covered with dirt, people could not see his true appearance, but when Jiang Yun's eyes stared at him for a while, his eyes gradually turned bright and brighter!

In this light, there are doubts and anger, and more... joy and emotion!

For the arrival of Jiang Yun, whether it was the man who was running away, or the seven people who followed him, he was not aware of it.

Because of their cultivation, the strongest is only the spiritual environment, which is far worse than the current Jiang Yunlai.

The chase of these eight people has obviously lasted for a short time. The pungent man's mouth is constantly breathing heavily. Although the speed of running is not slow, it is not difficult to see that he is already a strong end.

As for the seven people who are always behind him, they are all brocade suits, one by one, and they are completely capable of catching up with each other, but they are deliberately just keeping a certain distance. It is clearly playing the other side.

Especially the young man who is headed, it seems that he is only in his twenties, looks very good, and does not rush on the road. He also sneers at the mouth: "I said that you have been running for so long, tired? ”

"I have said, as long as you are willing to kneel down with me and call my grandfather, I will not only spare you this commandment, but also be happy, and will protect you, why are you obsessed?"


Although the hooded man was almost running, but he heard the other person’s words, he still looked back. He snorted on the ground and said: "Your grandma’s, if it’s not for the younger brother, it’s up to you. A few little nephews will not be in the eyes of Xiaoye!"

"Tell you, if you have the ability to kill me today, if you can't kill me, then, see how the little man cleans you up!"

"Ha ha ha!"

The young man suddenly burst into laughter and said: "At this time, I dare to speak up. Since you want to run, run it. I like to watch people run like a dog!"

"Reassure, don't waste the last glimmer of strength in your body, we won't kill you!"


In the past, the head of the Pengtou man suddenly squatted under his feet, and flew straight out under his body shape, and fell heavily on the ground.

Although this smash is not heavy, but he is there, he can no longer stand up.

No way, his last strength in the body has been exhausted.

As the man fell, the young man smiled and came to his side in one step. He looked at him with a condescending look: "I can't run so fast? Get up and continue running!"

The unkempt man couldn’t even say anything, and he just couldn’t stop breathing and rolling his eyes.

"Haha, I wanted to kill you, but now I see you like this, I changed my mind."

"I decided to take you back and keep it in the cage for people to watch!"

"Let everyone take a look at it. Among the thousands of avenues, one of the sects of the nine avenues of the Tang Dynasty, asked the Taoist priest of the Taoist dynasty, what kind of virtue is it!"

This unkempt, like a sly man, was the one who was trapped in the mountains and seas, and the scorpion of the nine bloods in the ring array of the Taoist sects, Mu Shaofeng!

Just something that suddenly vibrates in the body of Jiang Yun is a scattered whip!

The scattered whip is given to Jiang Yun by Mu Shaofeng, and although Jiang Yun can take this whip as his own, but it does not do this later, so within this whip, there is still the brand left by Mu Shaofeng. .

Therefore, just the scattered whip sensed the breath of Mu Shaofeng, so it will be inexplicably shaken, and directed the direction for Jiang Yun.


Although Jiang Yun has already recognized Mu Shaofeng, he still does not believe his eyes.

Because as a Taoist priest, when he was sent to prison by Yue Qing, he had already helped Dao Lian to help him out.

It stands to reason that he should have returned to the Taoist sects and enjoy the noble status of the Tao. How can it now appear in the ancient world of the prison!

But now, after hearing what the young man said, Jiang Yun can finally confirm that this person who can't move on the ground is Mu Shaofeng.

Between Jiang Yun and Mu Shaofeng, it was actually an enemy. However, as the two spent a year in the nine-blood chain, they let the two not only turn their enemies into friends, but also have friendship.

Especially before the arrival of Yue Qing, Jiang Yun gave his feelings about the formation of the law to Mu Shaofeng, so that Mu Shaofeng also gave the ghost whip to Jiang Yun, so that the friendship between the two was more profound.

Therefore, it is now impossible for Jiang Yun to let Mu Shaofeng suffer any harm.

At this time, the young man was facing six people behind him: "You are still doing what you are doing, and you will quickly carry the Admiral."

"You can be careful, Mudaozi is honorable, don't hurt him, or he will be anxious to him. He is anxious to seek the Tao. When the time comes, the Daozong soldiers are attacking. We are not opponents!"

Six people immediately laughed and rushed forward, reaching out and grabbing the past with Mu Shaofeng.

At the moment, Mu Shaofeng has no ability to resist, and can only close his eyes with his teeth.

However, at this moment, his voice was ringing in his ear: "Mu brother, I haven't seen you for a long time, don't come innocent!"

Upon hearing this voice, Mu Shaofeng’s body suddenly trembled. The eyes that had just closed were suddenly opened, and they tried their best to look up the direction of the voice.

This voice is not only heard by Mu Shaofeng, but the seven people also heard it, so that they are all in the same place.

Still, the young man reacted the fastest, his eyes turned, and he held a fist to the surrounding area: "I don't know which friends are here, below..."

However, before he finished speaking, the voice had once again interrupted: "Now, you either kneel down and admit your mistakes, pray that he can spare you a life, if you want, let's start running!"

As the voice fell, the branches of several towering trees suddenly rose wildly, like an arm, and they were directly caught by seven people, such as young people.


One of the people was directly connected to the shoulder by a branch because of the distance, and blood was dripping.

This scene, let the other six people naturally change their face, finally realized that the person who spoke secretly was not joking, but the young man still had some hope: "The next is..."


A sudden speed up, the branch directly stabbed to his door made him suddenly close his mouth, did not dare to speak again, hurriedly turned and fled towards the distance crazy.

Behind the seven people, the roots of the ever-spreading branches chased them in madness, as if the trees in the entire jungle were alive, so that they all showed their entire cultivation and desperately escaped.

As the seven people gradually moved away, Mu Shaofeng finally had a pair of feet in front of him, and when he tried to raise his head, the owner of the foot had already collapsed.

Seeing the appearance of the person in front of him, Mu Shaofeng’s face finally showed a smile, softly said: "Ginger brother, I finally found you!"

When the voice fell, Mu Shaofeng closed his eyes and completely passed out.

Jiang Yun’s knowledge swept through the body of Mu Shaofeng, and determined that he did not have any serious problems. He took a medicinal medicine from his arms and stuffed it into the mouth of Mu Shaofeng.

Then, with a big sleeve and a wave, Mu Shaofeng’s body was directly sent to the top of the black cloud. He stood up and looked at the direction of the seven people’s escape. He said: “You can do everything you can. I won't kill you until you have exhausted the last strength in your body!"

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