The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1060: Not too much.

Young people have been paying attention to the expression of Jiang Yun from the beginning to the end, and although Jiang Yun’s face is calm, but his heart is a move, finally understand why these people are going to chase and kill the wind.

It turned out to be the identity of Mu Shaofeng, because of the Taoist dynasty!

Seeking the Taoist sect, as one of the nine avenues in the thousands of high places, and the relationship with the Tao, at least on the surface is harmonious coexistence, then there must be many prisoners in this prison, is to ask the Taoist sect to come in.

These prisoners hate the Taoist sect, so now that there is Mu Shaofeng, the Taoist priest appeared in the prison, they naturally concentrated this hatred on the body of Mu Shaofeng.

However, the young man in front of him is not very old, and it is impossible for him to seek revenge for the Taoist sect. Then he should be in the mysterious sect of his ancestors.

This young man is just ordered to catch up with the wind.

After understanding these things, Jiang Yun also realized that the troubles of Mu Shaofeng are indeed not small. God knows how many people in this ancient world and seek Taoism.

And if you can seek revenge for the Taoist sect, the strength will certainly not be too weak.

However, since Mu Shaofeng is a friend of Jiang Yun, Jiang Yun will naturally protect him.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yun does not speak, just watching young people quietly.

Under the gaze of Jiang Yun, the color of the young man's face constantly changed, because he couldn't see what Jiang Yun thought in the end, and he did not dare to continue to speak for a while.

After a while, Jiang Yun finally said again: "Okay, your helper has arrived, but it seems that they seem to take you away today!"

When the voice fell, Jiang Yun looked up at the sky.

Sure enough, after only counting interest, three figures have appeared on the sky, directly falling behind Jiang Yun and young people.

The three people are also the brocade suits, and Jiang Yun’s gaze is just looking at the middle-aged man who is headed, and the strongest of the three.

"Uncle Shi, save me!"

Seeing this middle-aged man, the face of the young man suddenly showed a happy color and hurriedly screamed.

After the middle-aged man glanced at the young man who was locked in the stone cage, he looked back at Jiang Yun. The cold voice said: "Under the Xuan Xuan Wei Hong, I don’t know how the undergraduate teacher provoked you. ?"


Jiang Yun calmly said: "He brought people to kill my friends. If it wasn't for me to arrive in time, my friend is now dead."

"Although my good friend's life has been saved, my friend has been seriously injured and even the spirit has been injured, so I will kill him!"

The young man is in a hurry: "Uncle Shi, I am chasing killing is Shao Shaofeng!"

As soon as I heard the three words of Mu Shaofeng, Wei Hong’s face suddenly disappeared: “Mu Shaofeng is seeking Taoist sects, and seeking for a patriarch and my elders in the sect.”

"As a monk, there is revenge, we are chasing him, it should not be too much!"

Jiang Yun nodded. "Then your teacher and I have hatred now. I killed him. It shouldn't be too much!"

While talking, the stone cage that trapped the young man suddenly began to shrink rapidly, scaring the young man to shout again: "Uncle Shi, save me!"

Wei Hong was also decisive, and the cold flashed in his eyes. He suddenly raised his hand and shot Jiang Yun directly to the palm of his hand.


In the face of this palm, Jiang Yun did not hide or not, let this palm shot on his own body.

Muffling in the past, Jiang Yun's body does not move, and Wei Hong is the force of the earthquake that was uploaded by Jiang Yun's body to retreat.

This time, Wei Hong's face suddenly changed!

Although this one did not use all his strength, even the same-order monks did not dare to pick up, but the person in front of him not only took it, but also injure himself.

This is enough to show that the strength of the other side is far more than oneself!

At this moment, Jiang Yun once again said: "Call me, now you have a hatred with me, then I killed you, the same is not too much!"

As soon as the voice fell, Jiang Yun had lifted his palm and gently pressed to the void!

With the push of force, the young people who were closest to Jiang Yun suddenly felt that a powerful force suddenly appeared, so that the void in the square around the body was distorted.

Under this distortion, all the people, including Wei Hong, sullenly screamed, and each one fell back until they sat down on the floor, opened their mouths, and each spit out a blood.

At this moment, Wei Hong’s face has changed not only greatly, but also the color of fear.

Until then, he realized that he was still looking down on Jiang Yun.

"This is indeed the fault of my teacher. I offended you, but you have already taught him a lesson, so I don't know if I can see it on my face."

Wei Hong wanted to come, although he was not the opponent of the other side, but the Xuanxu Zong behind him was also a strong man in the ancient times, so he moved out of Zongmen and wanted to scare Jiang Yun.

But where did he know that his teacher had already mentioned the name of Xuan Zong in more than one time.

"Xuanxuan Zong! Why do you want to make a sacred door?" Jiang Yun looked flat and said: "Sorry, I have never heard of it!"

Compared with his own teacher, Wei Hong's experience and experience are extremely rich. When he heard what Jiang Yun said, his heart suddenly moved, his eyes showed a shocking color.

Immediately afterwards, he stood up from the ground and yelled at Jiang Yun: "Predecessors, under the name of the ancestral door, are not threatening their predecessors, but they want to invite their predecessors to join the illusory sect."

"If the seniors are willing, then today's business will definitely give a satisfactory explanation to the predecessors!"

When I heard Wei Hong’s words, the young man’s eyes were straight, and he couldn’t understand why his uncle’s attitude suddenly changed so much.

Even though Wei Hong is not Jiang Yun’s opponent, it should not threaten Jiang Yun in the first second, but the next moment he actively invites Jiang Yun to join Xuanxu.

"Uncle Shi..."

The young man just wanted to say something, but Wei Hong actually raised his hand, and took a volley in his body, directly stunned him, and then looked at Jiang Yun with sincerity.

Jiang Yun looked at him with a smile and smiled: "Join your Xuanxu, become a disciple?"

"No, no!" Wei Hong quickly shook his head: "Predecessors laughed, the cultivation of the older generation, joining my mysterious sect, must be the elder of the guest."

"As an elder of my ancestors, I can get a lot of offerings from my ancestors and enjoy the resources of various spiritual practices. Besides, the most important thing is that no one will know the whereabouts of the Taoist sects since then!"

This sentence, let Jiang Yun deeply look at Wei Hong, have to admit that Wei Hong is indeed a personal thing!

The other party is very clear that the so-called spiritual resources and offerings are all imaginary. What really touches them is that they will hide the traces of Shaofeng.

They may even release a message saying that Mu Shaofeng has been killed by them. In that case, in the future, there will be no need to worry about the pursuit of others in this ancient world. It can be said that it is solved once and for all. The problem.

Although he is not afraid of any enemy, but he is enemies with Mu Shaofeng, he will take over for the lack of wind, but if you have the ancestral hall of Xuanxu, you can save yourself a lot of trouble.

What's more, I don't know much about this ancient world. I still need to find the right medicine for my master. If I can enter this mysterious sect, I will definitely be much faster than my own.

"Right, just the predecessors said that your friend Dao Ling is hurt, this injury is not very good to heal, but coincidentally, my mysterious sect and the medicine Shenzong have a good relationship..."

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