The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1061: Sorrowful

Medicine Shenzong!

This name, the original Jiang Yun, who was a little tempted to enter the Xuanxu ancestors, was finally determined.

Although he knows that the drug gods in this ancient world are probably the same names as the medicine gods in the mountains and seas, in any case, since the sects who dare to take medicine themselves, the accomplishments in the medicine are inevitably low.

Mu Shaofeng’s injury is actually not too heavy. Jiang Yun’s own pharmacy can cure him. What really makes Jiang Yun care is the injury of the master.

Perhaps, this drug god, there is really a cure for the soul damage!

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Although the mind has already made up his mind, Jiang Yun’s face is still looking at Wei Hongdao with no expression: “You don’t even know who I am, invite me to be the elder of your mysterious ancestor?”

"To tell the truth, I am a bit skeptical. Are you going to trick me into your sect and then deal with me?"

"Furthermore, if you say these conditions, if I am a guest elder, it is enough, but I want to let you spare your life, but it is still a little worse!"

“Don’t dare!” Wei Hong accompanied his smile and waved again and again: “The predecessors didn’t know. In the ancient times, it’s very common to invite masters to serve as a guest. Even the masters have several sects. The guest."

"However, the suspicions of the predecessors are indeed reasonable, but I can't give any substantial guarantee. If the predecessors don't believe it, then I..."

Wei Hong was determined to be a good idea. When he heard Jiang Yun’s words, he immediately understood that this was Jiang’s temptation for himself, or for his elders who had enmaged the Taoist and the Taoist.

In short, Jiang Yun can promise to go to Xuanxu as a guest elder, but Jiang Yun still doubts Wei Hong’s identity in Xuan Zong, and whether the conditions he has issued can be honored.

Especially regarding the conditions of Mu Shaofeng!

Although Wei Hong wants to win over Jiang Yun, if Jiang Yun enters the Xuanxu ancestor, the elder who has the vengeance of the Taoist sect is still unwilling to let go of the words of Mu Shaofeng, then this matter will be difficult.

At this moment, Wei Hong’s heart is also hesitant!

The reason why his attitude towards Jiang Yun will suddenly change, except that because Jiang Yun’s own strength is amazing, more importantly, he speculates that Jiang Yun should have just entered the ancient times!

Otherwise, Jiang Yun will not know nothing about the name of his Xuanxu.

In the ancient world, even the disciples of the Third Palace could not find the entrance and could not enter. Jiang Yun could come in. Although it may be mistakenly hit, Wei Hong would rather believe that Jiang Yun is relying on his own powerful The cultivation is to know the way to enter the ancient times.

Although the number of people who can take the initiative to come to the ancient times is very small, it is not without.

And everyone who is like this is very big outside and has a very high strength.

After entering the ancient times, these people either opened their own sects or joined other forces to become guest clerk.

But no matter how they choose, as long as they have the power to sit in the town, they are now the first-class forces in the ancient times, and the existence that the Xuanxu can only look up to.

Xuanxu Zong, in the ancient times of the Tao, is indeed a strong, but in fact, the real strength, it can only be included in the end of the second stream.

Therefore, when Wei Hong realized that Jiang Yun actually took the initiative to enter the ancient times, he immediately decided to win him at all costs.

In this case, his own Xuanxu will also become a first-class power in the future, and his position in the Zong will naturally rise.

At this moment, in the face of Jiang Yun's temptation and suspicion, accompanied by several thoughts in his mind, Wei Hong suddenly raised his hand and slammed it toward the singer who had been stunned by himself.


After a dull voice sounded, the young man turned into a shredded meat directly!

Poor this young man will not think of death, he did not die in the hands of Jiang Yun, actually died in the hands of the uncle who was recruited by himself.

I personally killed my own teacher, Wei Hong is like nothing, and his face still smiles at Jiang Yundao: "I don't know, can the seniors be satisfied?"

Although Jiang Yun has long been used to killing, but did not expect that Wei Hong would respond to his temptation in such a simple way.

Naturally, Jiang Yun is also well aware that this is the name of the vote given to him by the other party.

Killing your own teacher, this kind of behavior is taboo in any sect. Once you are known by others, you will inevitably be severely punished and even have a life worry.

Therefore, Wei Hong is now sitting on a boat with himself.

At that time, if the elder who had a hatred for the Taoist sect still refused to let go of the lack of Mu Shaofeng, then Wei Hong will certainly help Jiang Yun and his surroundings.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yun took a deep look at Wei Hong and nodded: "Yes!"

Wei Hongyi listened, and suddenly said: "If there are no other things for the predecessors, it is better to return to Xuanxu with me now. After all, the older friends are injured, and they can heal earlier."

Through these words, Jiang Yun once again saw that Wei Hong was not only guilty, but also very intimate, and even the reason why he wanted to go to Xuanxu was all people could not refuse.

However, since Jiang Yun has promised, it is no different to go to the evening, so nodded: "Well, you lead the way!"


Wei Hong promised to turn around and turn to the two hands he brought: "The rest, do you know how to do it?"

The two men hurriedly nodded: "Know!"

Obviously, this is Wei Hong to let them clean up the mess and eliminate all the traces.

Wei Hong did not say much, and went to the front of Jiang Yun: "The predecessor please come with me. My imaginary ancestral door is not far from here, I will be there for a while!"

After the talk, Wei Hong directly vacated, and Jiang Yun is also behind him, flying toward the Xuan Zong.

"Right, I don't know the name of the predecessor's high surname?"

"Jiang Yun!"

Although Jiang Yun knows that he is a bit famous, he does not believe that in this ancient world where the temple cannot be inserted, some people will know their names, so they use their real names.

"It turned out to be a senior of Jiang!" Wei Hong smiled and no longer asked any questions, but introduced Jiang Yun to the scenery along the way.

Jiang Yun will not have any interest in the scenery and nature. He wants to know more about this situation in the ancient world.

Especially the origin of the drug gods in this world, but Wei Hong does not say, he will not take the initiative to ask.

In this way, after only about a quarter of an hour, Wei Hong suddenly stopped his body and pointed to the following: "Ginger seniors, we are here!"

Under the cloud, Jiang Yun is a rolling mountain range. The mountain is magnificent. Although there are many monsters in it, there is no semi-personality, and there is no such thing as a slight building. It is not like a sect. Where.

This makes Jiang Yun's eyes can not help but pick up slightly, thinking that Wei Hong is playing himself, but he should not have this courage.

Wei Hong apparently knew what Jiang Yun thought in his heart. He smiled slightly: "Ginger predecessors, the younger generations can never play the predecessors. My mysterious sect is indeed between the mountains, but the predecessors have not discovered it yet."

Wei Hong’s explanation made Jiang Yun’s doubts deeper, but he also understood that this was Wei Hong’s own temptation.

If you can't even find the sect of this mysterious sect, then the elders of this guest, I am afraid I will be greatly discounted!

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