The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1062: Make up mystery

Jiang Yun looked at Wei Hong with a quiet look, and the gods immediately spread to the rolling mountains below.

In fact, since entering this ancient world, Jiang Yun’s knowledge has almost always been outside the body, covering as much as possible the larger area, looking for traces of monks, but has never been harvested.

Now, since Wei Hong has told him that the mountain below is strange, Jiang Yun’s knowledge is no longer searched around, but concentrated in the mountains.

This time, it really made Jiang Yun discover the clue!

This mountain range is not suspicious when you look at it. Even if you use the gods to sweep it, you can't see anything special.

However, Jiang Yun’s knowledge of the gods is extremely powerful. Now, as he enters the peak of the protection of the earth, he is almost comparable to the gods of the powerful.

Adding to it in one place, this finally made him realize that there is a very weak wave of airflow in this mountain range.

If you don't pay too much attention, then it is possible to think of these airflow fluctuations as the wind!

Feeling the fluctuation of this stock, Jiang Yun’s mind was also spinning with thoughts until he suddenly understood it and looked at Wei Hongdao: “The nobles are hidden in another space! ”

"Ha ha ha!" Wei Hong suddenly smiled and said: "The predecessors are brilliant, you know, the first time people who entered the ancient times, no one can find this secret!"

In this case, Wei Hong looks like a mouthful, but the "first" three words are trying to test Jiang Yun. Although Jiang Yun knows this, he deliberately pretends not to know.

Wei Hong continued: "The **** predecessors said that it is a good thing. In our ancient times, but the Zongmen family, which is a bit of strength, is hidden in another space. Therefore, Jiang’s predecessors should not look at this road. Go to the shadow of the monk!"

This ancient world was originally bounded by the boundaries!

The reason why Jiang Yun can guess, in addition to his sensation of the faint airflow fluctuations of the stock, is mainly because the abandonment in the illusion is such a situation!

The military camps where the abbots of the abbots are all hidden are hidden in separate spaces. In the vast world of the abandoned people, there are still many boundaries in the world. Even now, Jiang Yun is still unclear.

However, this practice of hiding the Zongmen or the family in another space is indeed a lot of benefits.

Not only can they protect the safety of their respective Zongmen families, but they can also keep the Zongmen family secret.

Entering this boundary, if you are not brought in by a familiar person, unless you are extremely proficient in the law of space, you can only force it by brute force.

In this way, it will naturally be discovered. After you enter, the Zongmen family has already gathered strength to wait for you.

At this time, Wei Hong went on to say: "Accordingly, the Jiang predecessors even promised to become my mysterious guest, so naturally, Jiang should let the seniors look at the whole picture of my Xuanxu. However, after all, the **** predecessors first came, so I am afraid I still need to Some days."

Jiang Yun nodded in understanding, did not speak, and Wei Hong did not say much, took a piece of jade in his hand and gently pressed it in the void.

At the same time, the jade turned out to be like a melt, disappearing directly into the void, and then, in the disappearance of the jade, a whirlpool emerged.

Wei Hong reached out and pointed the whirlpool: "Ginger predecessors, stepping into the vortex, you can enter my mysterious sect!"

Jiang Yun once again looked at Wei Hong and stepped into the whirlpool without hesitation!

With the entry of Jiang Yun, the vortex suddenly turned rapidly, and the shape of Jiang Yun disappeared.

Wei Hong, who stood in the same place, looked at the whirlpool and said to himself: "This person is not only strong and strong, but also timid and decisive. This time, it seems that I really want to run!"

As the voice fell, Wei Hong stepped on the vortex.

At this moment, Jiang Yun has been in the rolling hills he just saw, but compared with the previous empty space, now there is a pavilion in front of his eyes!

Naturally, here is the sect of the mysterious sect!

Looking at this pavilion, Jiang Yun’s heart sighed: “The boundary of this world is more brilliant than that of the aristocracy. The boundary of the abbot is in the world, and the boundary of the boundary here. It is an overlap with the ancient times!"

At the same time, Jiang Yun’s knowledge was quietly spreading around and found that there were prohibitions in many directions.

Although I can't stop my own knowledge, if I really force it to see it, it will definitely lead to unnecessary troubles, so he just took it back and took it back.

Wei Hong’s figure also appeared next to Jiang Yun’s side, and smiled slightly: “Ginger seniors please follow me!”

Behind Wei Hong, Jiang Yun shuttled between the pavilions and pavilions, and after a while he went to a small building.

Wei Hong once again said: "Ginger predecessors, all the way forward must be a little tired, it is better to take a break here, I also need to explain to the Zong."

"it is good!"

Jiang Yun knew that Wei Hong was going to ask the elders of Xuan Xuzong, so he strode into the small building, and Wei Hong also left the door after he closed the door.

Although the small building is small in size, the interior decoration is extremely elegant.

Jiang Yun carefully checked around for a circle and determined that there was no ambush in the body, and then took Mu Shaofeng out of the top of the black cloud.

Mu Shaofeng still did not wake up, and after reviewing his injury again, Jiang Yun took out a few medicinal herbs to feed him.

Although Mu Shaofeng has many injuries on the body, it is easy to cure. It is a little bit difficult to do.

Jiang Yun can certainly refine the treatment of the medicinal herbs, but suffering from the body does not have the right medicinal herbs, so I have to wait for a while, let that Wei Hong find a way to get it for himself.

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Looking at Mu Shaofeng, Jiang Yun did not go to wake him up, let him continue to sleep, because it can be seen that this time, the lack of wind must not suffer less.

In addition, many injuries on the body and the body's aura are consumed. After seeing himself, let his nervous nerves finally relax, and finally rest assured.

After returning Mu Shaofeng back to the top of the black cloud, Jiang Yun once again thought about the things of the master.

In this way, it took almost half an hour to pass, and the voice of Mu Shaofeng came from outside the house: "Jiang's predecessor!"

"come in!"

Wei Hong came in, but he was not alone. Behind him, he followed a gray-haired old man.

When Jiang Yun looked up at the old man, the old man was watching him. The eyes of the two men touched in the air, and Jiang Yun regained his gaze.

Wei Hong did not introduce the old man to Jiang Yun, but handed Jiang Yun a storage ring: "Ginger predecessors, here are some medicines for treating the spirits and souls, as the filial piety that my ancestors gave you. Please also accept it!"

Ginger clouded a little, looking at the storage ring, did not reach out to pick it up, but the heart was a bit strange.

I can't say that the soul of Mu Shaofeng is hurt. How can Wei Hong give himself the medicine to treat the soul?

Wei Hong once again said: "Ginger predecessor, Yao Shenzong knows that you have become the elder of my mysterious ancestor, and specially invited you to be a guest."

"At that time, if you need other medicinal herbs, I believe that with their strength, you can certainly meet your requirements!"

Hearing this sentence, Jiang Yun’s eyes flashed in the cold, and he looked up at the old man behind Wei Hong’s body: “Xuanxu Zong, it’s really a mystery!”

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