The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1063: Valley Pagoda

At the same time as Jiang Yun speaks, he has already pointed to a knife, and he is suddenly pointing to himself and Wei Hong!

Taoism, love not to suffer!

Under this command, Jiang Yun can clearly see that there is a strange distortion in the space around him, just like having an invisible palm holding the air. extrusion.

After a muffled sound, a few strong waves rushed out of the twists, and suddenly a wind swelled, sweeping into all directions.


The sound of explosions came out, and the power contained in these waves caused all the furniture placed in the small building to be crushed.

At this moment, in front of Jiang Yun Jiang Yun, Wei Hong is standing there with his face, and his hands are empty.

Behind Wei Hong, the old man of the Tao is a strange color, with a ray of light in his eyes, and staring at Jiang Yun.


The storage ring that Wei Hong handed over in Jiang Yun’s eyes, together with what he said, is all illusory!

This illusion is extremely clever, just started, and even spy on the secrets of Jiang Yun’s mind, knowing that he is looking for the medicine to treat the soul, and the curiosity about the medicine Shenzong, so it will be said from Wei Hong’s mouth. Contains the words of temptation.


The person who exhibited this illusion is naturally the Taoist old man who came in with Wei Hong.

And the way and time he used to display illusion is the moment when he just entered the door and looked at Jiang Yun's eyes!

Although Jiang Yun is daring from the art, he has to admit at this time that this Xuan Zong is indeed a bit of strength!

Xuanxu Zong, Zong as its name, what they are good at is to make a mystery, that is, illusion.

Even with an inadvertent glance, you can display illusion, and also successfully let Jiang Yun fall into the illusion.

If it wasn't for Jiang Yun who had passed through the demons, but also experienced the decade of illusion in the nine places, then I am afraid I can't tell.

Of course, this is also the secret of the other party's eagerness to find Jiang Yun's heart, and continuous linguistic testing.

Otherwise, Jiang Yun should be trapped in the illusion for a longer period of time, so that the other side found him more secrets.

To be honest, after experiencing the decade of illusion of the nine places, especially after the top masters such as Wild Junyan and Tao Zun, the mentality of Jiang Yun is now a little bit floating.

Therefore, for this ancient world, although he knew that it was not good, it did not pay too much attention.

This is why he did not hesitate to agree to Wei Hong's invitation to enter the Xuanxu ancestors as elders.

Today, although Jiang Yun leaked some secrets, but for him, it is also a good thing, because it also makes him finally more aware that this ancient world is a hidden dragon.

The real knife is really a gun, maybe Jiang Yun is not afraid, but the major sects of the family can exist in this ancient world and stand up, they must all have their own deep heritage, can not be underestimated!

"Ginger predecessors, please also bear with me, although the younger generation sincerely invites you to serve as my elders of Zongkeqing, but according to my rules, as a guest, I still have to go through some assessments."

At this time, Wei Hong took an apology and said to Jiang Yun that he kept clenching his fists and explained.

Jiang Yun is well aware that Wei Hong is deliberately doing this, but what he said is true, and he is too underestimated.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yun’s a little impetuous mood instantly re- calmed down, and smiled slightly: “This is what it should be, just don’t know, has Jiang passed the assessment of the nobles?”

Wei Hong did not dare to speak, but looked at the old man behind him.

The old man also converges on the strange colors on his face, revealing a smile, and screaming at Jiang Yun: "It’s not old-fashioned. In the eyes of the old man’s confusion, Jiang Daoyou is the fastest person to wake up."

"So, welcome Jiang Daoyou to join my mysterious sect!"

Hearing what the old man said, Wei Hong suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and said: "Congratulations to Jiang’s predecessors, no, no, no, congratulations to Jiang Elder!"

At the same time of speaking, Wei Hong’s hand once again showed a storage ring and handed it to Jiang Yundao: “As an elder of my ancestors, I will enjoy a fixed filial piety every month.”

“In addition, if you have any special needs, you can also ask at any time. As long as I can do it, I will make you satisfied.”

Looking at the storage ring that stretched out in front of him, Jiang Yun did not hesitate this time. He reached out and took it. He reached out and found a lot of things inside.

In addition to the medicinal herbs and at least tens of thousands of stones, there are even some plaques and lithists, as well as a stone that Wei Hong used to open this space.

It is not difficult to see that this Xuanxu sect is quite generous to the elders of the Qing Dynasty, and this makes Jiang Yun realize that he can take out so many resources of practice without hesitation. The overall power of this illusory sect should not be too weak. .

The Taoist old man is holding a fist in front of Jiang Yun: "Well, there are just a few offenses, and I also hope that the friend Haihan."

"The old man first resigned. If there is a chance in the future, come back with Jiang Daoyou!"

After the talk, the old man turned and left, there was only Jiang Yun and Wei Hong left in the house, and Wei Hong smiled and said: "Ginger elder, if you are not tired, it is better for me to stay, tell you about my mysterious sect. There is also the situation in this ancient world!"

Jiang Yun will certainly not be polite, nodding: "That will trouble you."

Therefore, Wei Hong sat down and began to introduce to Jiang Yun everything about the ancient world of Xuanxu.

At the same time, the Taoist old man immediately ran to the back of Zongmen after leaving the small building where Jiang Yun lived.

The back mountain of Xuanxu Zong has a small valley.

The valley is sunken, with a seven-storey pagoda standing in the center, and several bells hanging above the towers on each floor.

Surprisingly, from the mouth of the valley, there is a strong wind pouring into the valley, blowing the pagoda, but can not shake these bells, even a little sound is not issued, quiet.

At the mouth of Taniguchi, sitting on a burly big man with his eyes closed, his eyes were closed. Although the big man was sitting there, his body was like an iron tower, blocking the entrance and guarding the valley.

The old man walked up to the front of the big man, his attitude became respectful, and he gave a courtesy: "The disciple has seen the elders."

Dahan’s eyes are not awkward: “How?”

The old man replied: "This person's name is Jiang Yun. It is indeed just coming to the ancient world, and the strength is unpredictable. In the eyes of the disciple's confusion, it took only three days to break open, so it is impossible to find more situations. The disciples are incompetent, and the elders are also punished."

Dahan no expression: "If you can't find it out, his past is not important. What we want is his future! As long as he can play for my mysterious sect at the crucial moment, you can, let's go back!" ”


After the old man was in a ceremony, he turned and left, but the big man suddenly opened his eyes, and the two cold awns shot in his eyes pierced the emptiness in front of him.

Then, Dahan turned and looked at the seven-story pagoda in the valley behind him. He continued to say to himself: "I don't know how long it takes for the master to go out, and I don't know if the young master can succeed."

"If it succeeds, the day when the Lord will leave the country is the day when my family rises!"

As the voice of the Dahan fell, all the bells that stood still on the pagoda suddenly swayed together, and the sound of the bells and crisp sounds rang through the valley in an instant, spreading through the mysterious sect!

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