The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1086: Xuezu encounter

The windless words made Jiang Yun’s heart unable to move.

It seems that this wind has always been retreating after coming to the ancient times, but in the dark it has also made some arrangements for himself.

As for the Xue people, although Jiang Yun is really anxious to know, but now naturally is not the time to ask.

Therefore, Jiang Yun nodded and said: "You are injured in the body, the movement is inconvenient, I will send you into the device first, you will feel peace of mind, wait until the safe place, I will let you out again, if there is anything we will say later ""

Although the wind has not survived the power of time reversal, but he was injured by Jiang Yun, the last moment is to force the bell containing the blood of his own life to explode, so now it is no different from the waste. .

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Therefore, the wind did not avoid Jiang Yun’s proposal and nodded silently.

When Jiang Yun was ready to send him to the top of the black cloud, he suddenly said softly: "Thank you!"

This simple word makes Jiang Yun’s heart feel like a sudden and cheerful feeling.

Because he knows that one thing that he is worried about in his heart can finally be completely put down.

The hatred between myself and the wind is finally disappearing at this moment, so that even Jiang Yun’s face reveals a smile: “Polite!”

When the voice fell, Jiang Yun no longer gave the opportunity to open the wind and directly sent it into the top of the black cloud.

And he naturally casts his body to the limit and flies in the direction pointed out by the wind.

Outside the valley of Xuanxu Zong, with the disappearance of Jiang Yun and the wind, the people inside it still face each other, do not know whether it is time to chase their own masters, or let this matter down.

At this moment, there was a roar of anger that was always floating in the wind bell tower above the valley: "Everyone listens, the Lord is indifferent to the traitor, from now on, at all costs. Let him catch me back."

"As for Jiang Yun, kill innocent!"

Hearing the roar of the roar, the face of the Xuanxu people could not help but change.

They naturally know that the person who speaks is their own lord, but they never imagined that the lord and all of them had high hopes and ignorance, and they would betray the sect and betray the ethnic group.

The face of the strong man suddenly showed the color of anger, but even the cold voice said: "You didn't hear the words of the sovereign, don't hurry to catch the wind and kill Jiang Yun!"

"Yes! But where are we going to find them?"

Everyone is as awake as a dream, and they have come back to God, but they don’t know where to look for these two people.

The brave man said coldly: "Just the wind has no words, he wants to take Jiang Yun to the medicine god, I think this is a lie!"

"Jiang Yun has offended Ye Feifan. It is not a self-seeking way to go to the medicine god."

"So, in addition to the drug gods, go to all the neighboring towns and Zongmen near our Xuanxu, and find them in the ground!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Everyone quickly promised, and the heart could not help but complain.

After all, the area of ​​the ancient world is too big, even if it is adjacent to the Xuanxu, it is a huge range, and it is so easy to find.

However, they did not dare to say anything more, and quickly left, including Wei Hong.

However, compared to the distress of others, Wei Hong’s eyes flashed a glimmer of light.

For the young master suddenly looking for Jiang Yun than the test, he was confused, but he did not even think that the result of the test, it turned out that Jiang Yun pulled the young master to rebel out the Xuanxu!

This also made his mind to rely on Jiang Yun more determined.

Since even the Lord is willing to follow Jiang Yun, even the lord can't stop Jiang Yun's departure, then if you want to report this broken arm, you can only count on Jiang Yun.

As for Jiang Yun and the wind, there is no place to go, although the strong man said that it is impossible to go to the drug gods, but in Wei Hong's opinion, Jiang Yun really should go to the drug god.

After all, Jiang Yun is facing the Tianjing Dan, facing the strong reaction of Ye Feifan, Wei Hong is the most clear to see, but also knows well, Jiang Yun will never let go of Ye Feifan.

Wei Hong guessed that there was nothing wrong with it. Just one day later, between the jungles not far from the medicine god, Jiang Yun appeared!

In the direction indicated by the wind, Zhu Yun successfully found the town and the transmission array hidden in the town and arrived here.

At the time of leaving, Jiang Yun naturally did not forget to destroy the transmission array, so at this moment, let alone the ancestors of the wind ethics, no one in the entire ancient world can know his position.

After confirming that the surrounding area was safe, Jiang Yun found a remote place, which brought the wind out of the dark clouds.

At this moment, the wind is unscrupulous, although the face is still pale, but the state is much better than the day.

The most important thing is that his eyes are filled with deep hatred.

Obviously, everything that the Fengzu ancestors have done has completely changed the view of the wind and the ancestors, and with this kind of hate as a support, he will certainly live stubbornly.

The wind is a little embarrassed to go to see Jiang Yun, deliberately turned his head and looked around: "I was also a moment when I got a transfer array."

"I originally wanted to find an opportunity to sneak into the medicinal sect, killing the lord or the lord of the medicinal tract, but I did not expect it, but now it saved my own life."

Jiang Yun couldn't help but feel a little glimpse when he heard the wind.

It turns out that the wind has no way to make such a transmission array, the purpose is actually to assassinate the lord of the medicinal tract...;...;

This kind of thing is also a loss he can think of!

However, Jiang Yun also knows that although the age is older than himself, the experience is completely incomparable with himself, so it is not a strange thing to have such a simple and direct idea.

After a moment of silence, Jiang Yun directly said: "Talk to me about the Xue people!"

Although Jiang Yun and the wind are unscrupulous, it has been regarded as a friend of the enemy, but they are indeed a bit embarrassing.

Especially in the position of Jiang Yun, despite the sympathy of the wind, but do not know how to comfort or persuade, it is better not to say anything.

"it is good!"

The wind nodded and nodded: "When we are in the mountains and seas, although we have never had the chance to meet, I have always understood about your business."

"I know that you once helped the Xue people to fight against the Wan Yao Cave, so after I arrived at the Taoist world, I happened to know that the Xue people were here too, and I asked about it by the way."

"The Xue people came to this ancient world before me, but I was picked up by people, and the Xue people broke into it unintentionally, so they appeared in the vicinity of the drug god."

Based on this sentence, Jiang Yun knows that there is no lie in the wind.

Because I know more than anyone else about the process of the Xue family leaving the mountains and seas.

At that time, the Xuezu was separated from the mountains and seas by a transmission array left by Xueyucheng. I really didn't know where it would be sent. It was completely gambling. I didn't expect to go to the ancient times.

"The drug gods here and the medicine gods of the mountains and seas, although the names are the same, but the style of action is very different, I think you should also understand."

"For the Xue people who broke into their sphere of influence and did not have any backstage background, they took them as slaves for granted."

"No, it should be said that men are treated as drug slaves, while women are treated as playthings and even trained as medicine."

It is obvious that there is no experience of being a human being, so the words spoken are extremely direct.

He didn't even notice his own words. Jiang Yun's body had already had a slight trembling, and his eyes shot the fierce light of the sky!

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