The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1087: Is a friend

The Xue family left the mountains and seas through the transmission array. For them, it was indeed a kind of gambling and adventure, because they simply did not know what kind of place they would go to.

However, at that time, the mountains and seas, the big robbery is coming, so even if they want to come in Jiang Yun, no matter where they will go, the situation is worse, it is absolutely bad, but the mountains and seas.

However, I did not expect that the ancient world they came to was actually a place more terrible than the mountains and seas!

No, the horror is not the ancient world. The real horror is the human heart. It is the medicine **** of this world!

In the mountains and seas, the Xue people are at least free, but when they came to the ancient times, the drug gods actually treated them as slaves and trained them as medicine.

And with the weak strength of the Xue people, it is impossible to turn over!

At this moment, Jiang Yun's heart is shaking, so that he does not dare to imagine, after so many years, whether there are still the existence of the Xue people.

After a long silence, Jiang Yun tried to suppress the anger in his heart and asked again: "Have you ever heard of a Xue woman named Xue Qing?"

"Snow sunny?"

The wind has no thoughts and thought: "I have never heard of it, but I have heard that Ye Feifan had seen a woman from the Xue family and wanted to accept her as a ban, but the woman could not die, or even several times. I want to commit suicide."

"But Ye Feifan wants to marry her with the life of the entire Xue ethnic group, so that she can not die even if she dies."

"Later, she was shut down by Ye Feifan into a secret of the drug god, and she did not know if it came out."

Speaking of this, the wind has never noticed the Jiang Yun in front of him, not only has closed his eyes, but the hands on the knees are clenched into fists, clenched!

Although the wind is not ignorant, I don’t know what the name of the Xue woman was forced by Ye Feifan. But with the Tianjing Dan, Jiang Yun naturally knows that the woman must be Xue Qing!

The snow-clear character is just fierce. When she encounters such a thing, she will indeed die, but if she dies, she must be tired of the entire Xuezu, then she can only live with it.

"Ye Feifan, medicine Shenzong!"

From the tight gap between Jiang Yun, these six words were squeezed out.

Even if the wind is unreasonable, it will be unreasonable. At this time, nature can also guess the relationship between Jiang Yun and the woman named Xue Qing.

Looking at Jiang Yun, who is obviously angry to the extreme, he sighed: "Jiang Yun, although you are not the same today, but you want to fight against the drug Shenzong, you want to kill Ye Feifan. That is absolutely impossible."

Jiang Yun did not respond to the wind, but he opened his eyes again and slowly looked at him: "What are your plans for next?"


The face of the wind and the unscrupulous face also showed a hateful saying: "Nature is to find a place to take care of, and then take revenge!"

"Although the injury was not light, but it also made me blessed in disguise, I was surprised to feel the opportunity of breakthrough. I believe that soon I will be able to break through the situation!"

Jiang Yun shook his head and said: "Then you are not the opponent of the demon!"

The wind is unscrupulous and follows: "Not necessarily, he was injured in the body. He has been hiding in the wind chimney tower for years, and he did not dare to leave."

"And in the wind chimney pagoda, I can not only leave my demon blood in a bell, as long as I can reach the Tao, then I have 60% of the grasp, can become the master of the wind chimney!"

"Once the wind chimes are in hand, I can take revenge!"

After listening to the wind, Jiang Yun nodded, and the wind should have some confidence.

As soon as he was indulging, Jiang Yun suddenly took out a medicinal herb and handed it to the wind: "Serving this demon, you should be able to break through to the situation."

At the time of the land of Jiejie, Jiang Yun once killed a tree demon in a sexual state, and took away his body, put it into a flameless lamp, and made it into a demon.

For Jiang Yun, as well as the Terran, the role of the demon is limited, so he has not used it, and now it is simply given out to the wind.


Looking at the demon in the hands of Jiang Yun, the heart of the wind can not help but tremble.

He naturally knows what is a demon, and can also see that there is a very strong energy fluctuation in the demon.

However, the wind was unscrupulous but did not reach out to pick it up, but looked at Jiang Yundao: "Why?"

"Because we are all from Lushan!" Jiang Yun calmly said: "Not to mention, after you revenge, you should also help me!"

After a moment of silence, the wind was unscrupulous, and then he reached out and took the demon dan: "Yes, we are all from Lushan!"

"From now on, I owe you a life, when do you want it, and when you can get it back."

In this regard, Jiang Yun just smiled and stood up and said: "If this is the case, then we will not do this, there will be a period!"

The wind is not afraid to follow up and stand up: "If you want to go to the medicine **** now, I will accompany you!"

Jiang Yun shook his head and said: "No, you are right. Today, I am not enough to compete with the drug god, so I will go find a few friends first to see if they can help me!"

The wind has no thoughts and thought: "You can go to the ancient Tianzong, they and the drug gods are always facing, perhaps they can help you against the drug god."

"I will consider it, then, don't go over, leave!"

Nothing nodded to the wind, Jiang Yun turned and left.

Looking at the back of Jiang Yunyuan, the wind suddenly felt his hands clenched in his hands, and he went deep, and then he left in the opposite direction.

After the wind left, the shape of Jiang Yun was gone and returned. Under the overhaul, he took Mu Shaofeng out of the top of the cloud.

After learning about the experience of the Xue people, Jiang Yun has made up his mind, even if he is dead, he has to go to the drug gods, but also to see the situation of the Xue people, find the whereabouts of Xueqing.

However, in order not to be tired, Jiang Yun lied to him.

In this ancient world, Jiang Yun did not have a friend at all. The only person who helped him was Ren Dinghan and Hua Hong Niang. Jiang Yun did not know what their purpose was, and naturally would not ask for help.

What's more, Jiang Yun does not want to be involved in other things, but before he goes to Yao Shenzong, he still needs to set up a good person.

"Mu brother, wake up!"

In the voice of Jiang Yun, Mu Shaofeng, who has been sleeping for several days, finally slowly opened his eyes...

At the same time, on the second floor of the Beast Dange in Dongming City, Hua Hong Niang looked forward and looked forward to slowly letting down the three pieces of Jade Jane in her hand: "How?"

Ren Dinghan Shen Sheng said: "Ye Feifan and the snow woman have already found out that the woman named Xue Qing, Tian Jing Dan was the time when the mountains and seas, Jiang Yun gave her."

"As for Jiang Yun in the mountains and seas, he asked the disciples of Daozong. Later, because of the shards of the road, he was captured by the sacred temple named Yue Qing and sent to the **** world of the seven layers of the prison!"

"After he reached the **** world, there was a huge change in the **** world. But because the people who participated in the war of the Three Palaces died, and the **** world was completely blocked, it was impossible to know the specific situation. ”

"However, the ability to block the **** world is inevitably not Jiang Yun’s own strength, but the blood demon seniors help!”

"Integrating this information, it should be ok, Jiang Yun and us are friends!"

When I heard this, the flower red lady suddenly stood up and picked up the sleeves and said: "What are you waiting for? Jiang Yun must have gone to the medicine gods now, we are going to help him!"

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