The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1095: Real master

After the emergence of this more powerful force, it directly turned into a huge transparent barrier, standing in this vast space.

The ridiculous waves released by the five peaks of the Great Wilderness naturally escaped from the barrier, making the momentum of advancement finally stopped, and gradually dissipated.

Even so, the environment of the drug gods is now beyond recognition!

Within the barrier, it is still picturesque, beautiful if it is a fairyland, and outside the barrier is absurd, like a dead!

At this moment, Ye Feifan’s hanging heart was finally put down.

Because he knows that his master has finally shot!

Ye Feifan, who has let go of his heart, once again issued a roar of angry roar: "Kill him!"

After seeing the power of Jiang Yun and the damage caused by the drug Shenzong, he has given up his intention to catch Jiang Yun.

Now, he just wants to kill Jiang Yun quickly, so that he can be less punished.

After all, I volunteered to deal with Jiang Yun, but the result was that Jiang Yun almost destroyed the entire drug god.

Only when Master has killed Jiang Yun before he has appeared, can he make up for it.

However, after his order was issued, he did not receive the slightest response.

This made his eyes look down on the five peaks of the Great Wilderness.

Although he saw his own medicine was suppressed by this illusory mountain, but when he wanted to come, the most was to get the medicine to be injured.

After all, medicine is a humane isomorphism, and it is so easy to be killed.

But now, the heart he just put down can't help but hang up again.

It’s hard to be done, is the drug sputum dead?

At this moment, this illusory five peaks suddenly swayed violently, and then they turned into a very brilliant light, went straight into the sky, disappeared without a trace.


In the stagnation of the nine places, the wild map spit out a long breath and walked out of the five peaks of the Great Wilderness.

And Lu Lun, who was waiting outside, immediately greeted him and asked, "How?"

The simple picture of the wild map: "It's all done!"

Lu Lun yelled: "What is it?"

"I just sent a part of the power of the Great Wilderness to Jiang Yun for a while, and now this part of the power has returned. It is clear that Jiang Yun is running out."

"What happened to Jiang Yun now? Have you got rid of the danger!"

"I don't know about this!" The wild map shook his head. "But don't worry, that kid is a big blessing and can't die!"

"Well, too!" Lu Lun nodded in agreement: "Not to mention, there is a very strong existence in his body, certainly not let him die."


When I heard this, the waste map suddenly said: "Is there a strong presence in his body?"

As a wild map that has laid out the entire illusion, there is no such thing as a strong presence in Jiang Yun’s body.

Lu Lun also realized that he said that he had leaked his mouth. He smiled and said: "The predecessor is not allowed to say it. Who is the predecessor? I don't know, but the strength is very strong, and it is also good for Jiang Yun."

"In order to let me pass the reincarnation to Jiang Yun, he also made a deal with me."

"What transaction?"

"This, I am not convenient to say, anyway, with me, and my reincarnation!"

The wild map frowned slightly: "What does the predecessor look like?"

"I didn't see it, but I only felt the breath that he had sent out, so I couldn't bear it. I can imagine that his strength is definitely far more than me."

Lu Lun’s words can’t help but let the wild map fall into meditation, thinking about who is this extremely powerful power that exists in Jiang Yun’s body...

Jiang Yun, who was standing on the foothills of the Wufeng Mountain in the Great Wilderness, naturally disappeared into the air with the disappearance of the Five Peaks.

Underneath him, the place where the drug was supposed to be, is empty, and there is nothing left.

It was as if the medicine had disappeared from the air.

The drug sputum has indeed disappeared. The power released by the Great Five Peaks is the power of the wild, and it is a terrorist force that can make everything in the heavens and the earth a ridiculous.

Although the drug scorpion is a humane isomorphic environment, his realm is forced to ascend through the stimulation of medicinal herbs, so it can not stop this absurd force.

It has long been under the influence of the power of absurdity, and the complete disappearance has vanished.

At this time, Jiang Yun did not pay attention to Ye Feifan, who was stunned. His gaze was only fixed in the depths of the medicine Shenzong, that is, the place where the power of the majestic came.

Jiang Yun is naturally clear, and the emergence of the Great Five Peaks finally alerted the real master of the medicine god.

Now, it is the beginning of a real battle between myself and this medicine Shenzong!

However, almost all of his own cards have already been used, and even the Great Five Peaks have completely dissipated after killing the drug.

With the strength of his temporary promotion after five days of worship, the drug gods only need to send another strong person in the Taoist world, which is enough to kill themselves.

Now, the only thing I can count on is the powerful soul in the body.

Sure enough, just under the gaze of Jiang Yun’s gaze, an old man came out from the depths of the drug god.

Although it is not just a person who has just blocked the power of the wild, it is the cultivation of the Tao.

The old man went straight to Ye Feifan's side and looked at him coldly: "Today's business is also a lesson for you. Although you have the help of medicine, it does not mean that you can be rampant. If you want to be strong, you need to improve your own strength."

When I heard the old man’s words, Ye Feifan’s body trembled and looked back. He looked at the old man: “Uncle Shi, the disciple knows!”

"Well, come back aside, then, there is nothing for you!"


Ye Feifan’s obedient retreat took a few steps, but his eyes still looked directly at Jiang Yun, and there was a strong hate in his eyes!

With Ye Feifan's retreat, the old man did not look at Jiang Yun at all, but looked up at the sky: "The friends of Jiuyi Zong, since you have already come, why not hide?"

"If this is to be carried out, is it not to say that my medicine **** does not understand the hospitality!"

When I heard this, not only was Ye Feifan shocked, but even Jiang Yun was a slight glimpse. The two looked up at the sky at the same time.

Obviously, they did not realize at all that in this space, in addition to themselves and others, there are still others hiding in the dark.

Especially Jiang Yun, I did not expect that Jiuyi Zong would come here.

However, Jiang Yun’s heart suddenly moved. He thought of the fellow who had been mentioned by Ding Han and himself. It would not be the other party!

As the voice of the old man fell, there was a loud laugh on the sky. "Hahaha, little devil, you can say this wrong."

Hearing this person's name for the old man, everyone is a slight glimpse. This old man is already the strength of the Taoist world, and the age must be great. However, this person actually calls him a little ghost.

However, this old man has no anger, but is still calm: "I don't know who is the sovereign of the Jiuyi sect?"

"And, in the next sentence, how is it wrong?"

"Because you are a guest, it is your medicine god, our nine Yizong, is the real master here!"

Above the sky, the sound rang again, and in this voice, a group of colorful clouds tore up nothingness, falling from the sky, directly appeared in front of Jiang Yun and others.

Looking at the colorful clouds, Jiang Yun’s pupils could not help but shrink slightly.

When the clouds spread and revealed the three figures in it, Jiang Yun’s body was suddenly shocked and directly looked at the vicissitude man wearing a colorful gown.

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