The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1096: 100,000 empty doors

Just as Jiang Yun looked at the ancestors, the ancestors were also watching Jiang Yun.

The moment when the two men's eyes touched in the air, in the minds of the two people, at the same time, there was a picture that flashed like a streamer.

However, for Jiang Yun, those pictures are bits and pieces that he experienced personally in the illusion.

For the ancestors, the situation in those pictures has never been experienced, but it also makes him feel the same.

After a long time, Jiang Yun’s face gradually revealed a smile from the bottom of his heart, and slowly said: “It’s quite...hey, I haven’t seen you for a long time!”

Upon hearing this sentence, the faces of Ren Dinghan and Hua Hongniang suddenly changed.

Because, Jiang Yun shouted out the name of the ancestors, and the name of the ancestors, looking at the entire ancient world, even if there are not even a few people in Jiuyi Zong!

But Jiang Yun, can actually break the word!

Yes, at this moment, the ancestors of the Jiuyi sect standing in front of Jiang Yun are the lords of the wild world in the illusion!

Although his appearance is much more vicissitude than in the illusion, although his cultivation is much higher than in the illusion, Jiang Yun still recognizes him at a glance.

After all, they have fought side by side.

Even at the request of Jiang Yun, the savage man also personally destroyed the wild world and ruined his home!

Originally, Jiang Yun and Qu Han were only hostile, but the demon old man who played the savage was unexpectedly awake and falsified the memory of the role of the savage, thus the relationship between Jiang Yun and the savage. A change has taken place.

Even, let the savage think that Jiang Yun is his master!

For people and things in the illusion, Jiang Yun has already had feelings.

The end of the illusion, the disappearance of those who are familiar, also makes Jiang Yun feel lost.

*{See *¤正@☆版T章}节U;上r...0y

However, I did not expect that in this reality, he could still see the familiar people again, so that Jiang Yun is really very happy!

Compared with the shock of Ren Dinghan and Hua Hong Niang, the savage at the moment is not only shocked, but also has deep doubts.

Because the pictures that he had never experienced in his mind, he not only did not reject it, but actually had a more familiar feeling in the invisible Jiang Yun.

It is as if I have ever had a dream, and in that dream, there is the existence of Jiang Yun.

However, that dream has been forgotten by myself. Until today, I saw Jiang Yun again, and I reminded myself of the situation in my dreams.

So that his mouth also shouted out three words that made everyone shocked: "Ginger...Adult!"

Even Jiang Yun is no exception!

Because Jiang Yun is clearer than anyone else, the savage in front of him is not the landlord of the wild world in the illusion. He can't know everything that happened in the illusion, and definitely shouldn't know himself!

However, he even shouted out the name of himself in the illusion!

Although shocked, Jiang Yun suddenly thought of a possibility, whether or not, all the things that happened in the illusion, under the influence of the power of the nine sacred objects, can have some influence on the reality.

After all, even now everything in this world is created by the Nine and its sacred objects. Then the illusion has some influence on reality, and it is not impossible!

Only in this way can we explain why the savage in reality can recognize ourselves.

Seeing this scene of Ren Dinghan and Hua Hong Niang, it is really completely stupid.

Especially Ren Dinghan, he was a self-sufficient, but at this moment, he wanted to break his head and could not explain what was going on.

Jiang Yun and the savage look are distinctly two old friends who haven't seen each other for a long time. After meeting each other, they greet each other.

Just, this is simply impossible!

Although Jiang Yun’s strength is amazing, his age is not over 100 years old, and his ancestors are the demon who stands on the ground of spiritual practice. The age is too big to be imagined.

What's more, it is said that the ancestors always existed in the ancient times of the Tao, never left here, and Jiang Yun is the first time to come to the ancient world, how can these two people be old friends?

At this moment, the old man of the Tao Shenzong faintly said: "So, you should be the ancestor of Jiuyi Zong!"

The voice of the old man finally made Jiang Yun and the savage return.

Quarry temporarily put aside the doubts in his heart and gently nodded to Jiang Yun: "What's the matter, we will revisit later!"

After I finished speaking, I was so stunned that I looked at the old man. All the expressions on my face instantly turned into indifference: "Yes, I am a pretty ancestors, you are not qualified to talk to me, let your medicine gods The sovereign is out!"

For the arrogant attitude of the arrogant, the old man is still not angry, but smiles slightly: "In the ancient world, to say the most powerful forces, naturally it is my medicine Shenzong and ancient Tianzong."

"But if you want to talk about the most mysterious forces, then your ninth sect is not doing it!"

"All said that Jiuyi Zong was created by nine brothers who were willing to vote, but almost no one has ever seen these nine brothers. I didn't expect to be able to see one today!"

"It's just that the mystery is mysterious. It is not qualified to see my patriarch as the owner of a second-class sect."

"Let's do this, I will give you the chance to meet my patriarch after waiting for you to wait!"

Speaking of this, the old man suddenly raised his voice: "The disciples of Yao Shenzong, you still don't hurry up and show off these few Jiuyi Zong's guests!"

As the voice of the old man fell, he heard a burst of sound coming from all directions.

In the meantime, among the nine sub-disciplines of the medicine Shenzong, there are one figure directly appearing in the space where the main sect is located, and four people such as savage and Jiang Yun are firmly surrounded.

Looking around, suddenly there are at least 10,000 people of medicine Shenzong disciples, Ren Dinghan and Hua Hong Niang's face can not help but change slightly, even Jiang Yun is also a dark frown.

Because the drug gods disciples that appeared at the moment are not the drug slaves who were sent to death.

Among them, the weakest is also the cultivation of Tao Lingjing, and the strongest is the medicine of two humanistic isomorphisms!

As the drug sect of the largest sect of the ancient times, it is nothing to have such a powerful strength.

But what really makes Jiang Yun feel puzzled and puzzled is that these disciples and medicines seem to be dedicated to swearing at them!

In other words, Yaosong had already expected that the Jiuyi sect would come to the master, so he was ready in advance and laid the nets!

Among the four, only the faceless expression, even did not go to see the medicine Shenzong disciples around, but still looked at the old man: "We came here just to take away Jiang Yun, but since you think so Leave us, then we are welcome!"

The voice fell, and in the body of the savage, a black bug suddenly flew out, densely packed, and almost filled with almost half of the sky in an instant, with a total of 100,000.

Looking at these worms, Jiang Yun couldn't help but illuminate the light, because these worms are a worm!

Although Jiang Yun is a bit surprised by the fact that he is also a vulgar, it is not unusual.

Because the savage and his father are swallowing up, they are themselves worms.

For the role of the empty door worm, Jiang Yun is very clear, so he immediately thought of a possibility -----

An empty door worm is equivalent to a door to space, so 100,000 empty worms mean...

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