The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1097: Long-planned

Just when Jiang Yun’s thoughts just emerged, I only felt that I had seen a flower in front of me, and I saw a small figure from the small body of the 100,000 empty worms.

In an instant, there are 100,000 figures in all directions of this space!

100,000 monks!

Seeing this 100,000 monks, Ren Dinghan and Hua Hong Niang’s eyes suddenly brightened, and the face could not help but reveal the excitement.

Obviously, these 100,000 monks are all disciples of Jiuyizong!

And this is what they did not expect!

The original ancestors seemed to be coming alone, but in reality they took 100,000 empty worms. At this moment, with these empty worms as the medium, they recruited the 100,000 disciples of Jiuyizong!

In this way, although it is the main sect of the medicine god, although there are thousands of disciples of the medicinal gods, and even the two humanities are in the same situation, but the more than 100,000 disciples help each other, then this In the First World War, the drug **** can not be an opponent.

However, the hearts of the two are also a bit puzzled.

These 100,000 Yizong disciples can appear at the same time in such a short period of time, and they should be clearly arranged in advance.

It’s hard to be done. The ancestors were prepared to attack Jiang Shenzong by helping Jiang Yun.

In the face of this sudden appearance, like the 100,000 Yizong disciples of the gods and soldiers, the old man's face of the drug Shenzong did not even have the slightest shock, but instead smiled.

"The original ancestors are also prepared, and if it is not bad, this should be the essence of your Jiuyi sect!"

"Oh, I really didn't think that a second-rate sect of the district could have so many disciples. It is really deep enough that your Jiuyi sect hides its strength!"

"However, it's good! After that, my drug gods will have more than 100,000 medicines, and there is even a drug of humanity and isomorphism!"

"With your help, soon after the ancient times, there will be only one of my drug gods!"

The old man suddenly raised his hand again, and he saw the light of the sky rising from the ground of the entire drug gods.

If you look at it from the outside world at this moment, you can clearly see that the space where the entire drug **** is in the main sect is clearly a huge transparent ball.

Inside the ball, there are countless beams of light criss-crossing each other, and each of the beams of light exudes amazing breath fluctuations.

With the appearance of these light beams, the land of the entire drug god, the main land, collapsed at this moment.


Under the earth, there is a red sea of ​​molten smelt, with endless flames constantly rushing, and the hot high temperature radiated, which distort the entire space!

From the melt, there is a hint of all sorts of weird smells coming out.

Jiang Yun, who knows the venom of the drug, immediately smells the smell of these incoming noses.

If it is not bad, there should be a huge furnace under the sea of ​​this melt!

The sea of ​​the melt is the flame that is emitted from the Ding furnace, and the scent that comes out is the various herbs in the furnace.


That is to say, the drug Shenzong is now clearly going to make the 100,000 monks of Jiuyi Zong, together with the savage Jiang Yun and others, all directly into medicine!


Then, the space in which the nine branches of the outside world are located is suddenly moving rapidly.

In the twinkling of an eye, they have changed their original positions, and each of them radiates a ray of light. A total of nine rays of light have filled the space where everyone is in the air.

This series of sudden changes, let Ren Dinghan just regained the calm look can not help but change again!

Although Jiuyi Zong came to 100,000 disciples, it is the mountain gate of the drug god.

Here, the drug gods spent so many years quietly arranged, this space has long been built as a solid soup.

Today, in order to deal with the 100,000 disciples of Jiuyi Zong, they have started all hidden arrangements!

The two people's knowledge swept through the four weeks, and immediately felt that the entire space was completely banned, even if the stone, the jade key can not leave this place.

Can not leave this array, there is a hot sea of ​​molten mud below, the hot temperature, so that even if they are in a situation, they feel a burst of heat waves, a little unbearable.

As for the numerous beams of light that are in all directions and intertwined into a spider web, it is clearly a huge array of giants.

Although I still don't know what role this battle has, it is bound to hide many killings.

Obviously, the drug gods have already arranged the Tianluo network, and the 100,000 disciples of Jiuyizong, together with the savage and themselves, have become the worms of the self-investment.

What's more, they did not believe that they were killed. As the drug sect of the Daoist in the ancient world, there were only so many 10,000 disciples.

They certainly have a large number of disciples who have not appeared, and they do not need to appear when they look at the current situation.

These arrangements, which are manifested by the current drug gods, and the medicines of the two humanitarian isomorphisms, are enough to kill themselves and others.

Thinking of this, Ren Dinghan and Hua Hong Niang involuntarily moved to the shape of the body, and approached quite a bit.

And the 100,000 Yizong disciples are all in full swing, and they are also ready to approach the ancestors.

However, the old man suddenly said: "It is best for you to be a little bit safe. When you move, it is very likely that you will completely activate my squad. What kind of consequences will happen, I can't predict."

When I heard this sentence, the 100,000 disciples did not dare to move.

And the old man continued to say: "All of you said that Jiuyi Zong is a group of rabble, now it seems that this is not the case!"

For many people, for example, Wei Hong, in their cognition, the reason why Jiuyi Zong can rank among the second-class sects is entirely because they recruited disciples.

Such disciples are naturally impossible to coexist with the Zongmen. Once the Zongmen is in trouble, they will inevitably flee in the first place. It is impossible to manage the death and death of Zongmen.

But now, with my own eyes, it is to let the old man realize that the rumors are obviously wrong.

As disciples of Jiuyizong, each of them is willing to fight for the Zongmen.

Just like the current Ding Han and Hua Hong Niang, and the 100,000 disciples, they are in danger. The first thing that comes to mind is not to escape, but to protect the ancestors at all costs.

After realizing this, the old man was even more fortunate to have his own idea of ​​killing Jiuyi Zong mainly and to make such arrangements.

Because of such sects, as long as they give them enough time, they will inevitably grow and even threaten the status of the drug god.

For the actions of many disciples, there was a gratifying color in the depths of the eyes of the ancestors. After the eyes swept through the crowds, this was the old man who said to the drug gods: "It seems that you have been planning for me for nine years. Alright!"

"Not bad!" The old man said: "In the ancient times, my drug gods are absolutely not allowed to have any secrets beyond our control!"

"Not to mention, don't think that we don't know, you Jiuyi Zong has been secretly against us. My patriarchs have long wanted to uproot you, but there is no suitable opportunity."

"Fortunately, at the auction of Dongming City not long ago, Qingyun Ding, who was stolen by my family, suddenly appeared, and the most suspected ones were Ren Dinghan and Hua Hong Niang."

"This makes us realize that you seem to have an extraordinary concern for this Jiang Yun."

"So, we decided to use Jiang Yun as a bait to see if you can catch the big fish of Jiuyi Zong."

"Now, your big fish is really hooked!"

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