The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1101: Come to life

For Gu Tian’s words, the drug **** Shen Zong, who is known as Ye Shuo’s humanity and context, did not pay attention to it. His eyes swept through the shadows of thousands of spaces in turn, cold and cold: And you guys!"

"You should have come against my drug gods under the coercion of Gu Tianzong!"

"Do you really think that if you have the ancient Tianzong support for you, you will be able to destroy my medicine god?"

"If you are now willing to turn and leave, then today, my drug **** can have the right to have not happened."

"Even, no matter what benefits the ancient Tianzong gave you, my medicine gods are willing to double!"

"But if you are still obsessed, then you should also find out that my patriarch is not here."

"Even though all the disciples of our drug gods are killed here today, as long as the lord is still there, he will surely avenge you one by one!"

Although the moment of the situation has reversed, it has been a big disadvantage for the drug Shenzong, but this Ye Shuo is not too flustered.

Because when he wants to come, he can contend with his own medicine gods, only the ancient Tianzong, then all the behind-the-scenes masters must be the ancient Tianzong.

As long as you can persuade these first-class forces, leaving only the words of the ancient Tianzong, then there is still a battle for their own medicine.

However, when he said this, he accidentally discovered that no one in the thousands of space bubbles had responded.

In particular, the person who is the head of the group, with the same strange look on the face of Gu Tian, ​​silently stares at himself.

At this time, Gutian sighed again and shook his head. "Ye Shuo, you don't have to scare them here. I just said it, you said it wrong!"

"I said something wrong!"

Ye Shuo's gaze looked back at the ancient sky, and the unrelenting light in his eyes revealed the anger.

Gutian slowly said: "We and Jiuyi Zong are not cooperation!"

In the eyes of Ye Shuo, the ray of light skyrocketed: "Not cooperation, then why do you want to help Jiuyi Zong?"

Gutian had his own chest: "Because, my ancient days, this is the disciple of Jiuyizong!"

"There are also the elders of these first-class powers, all of whom are disciples of Jiuyizong!"

"Today's lord has an order, let us annihilate your medicine gods, we come to life, you can resist!"

With the words of Gutian, whether it is in the main body of medicine, or the drug **** disciple surrounded by thousands of space bubbles, even the Dinghan and other 100,000 Yizong disciples, including **** The cloud is all stunned, as stupid!

Rao is Ye Shuo's strong person in the context of humanity and homology. When he hears these words from ancient days, he can't help but sway, and he will step back and step back.

In an instant, the entire ancient world has fallen into a deadlock!

The ancient Tianzong, one of the two great giants in the ancient times, has dozens of elders of the first-class powers, and all of them are disciples who have come out from Jiuyizong!

"No, impossible!"

After a long time, Ye Shuo’s mouth spit out these four words, his face full of incredible colors.

This is indeed to make it difficult for anyone to believe and imagine. A Jiuyi sect who is only a second-rate force has created a celestial body and created dozens of first-class forces.

How powerful is the true strength of the Jiuyi Zong...

Looking at the face is still calm and pretty, at this time, Jiang Yun and others finally understand the meaning of the previous words.

The mountain gates of Jiuyi Zong are more than one, and even the entire Taoist world can be regarded as the mountain gate of Jiuyi Zong.

Because Jiuyi Zong is the true master of the Taoist realm!

"There is nothing impossible, the truth is in front of you!" Gutian shrugged his shoulders and said: "Well, we have been fighting for thousands of years, now it is time to make a conclusion!"

"and many more!"

Ye Shuo suddenly spoke again, reaching out for the direction of the medicine Shenzong: "Since you are all Jiuyi Zong, then your lord is quite awkward, and there are 100,000 Yizong disciples, who are trapped in our drug god. Within the Ancestral Hall, as soon as I make an order, they will be killed immediately!"

Ye Shuo, this is to take advantage of the life of the savage and other people to marry them, and thus exchange for a life.

However, the ancient sky is shaking his head, and his face does not matter: "The ancestors of the ancestors, we can't control, you want to kill, even if you do it!"

"Well, today your medicine gods will disappear forever from the ancient times!"

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Gutian took the first step, and among the thousands of space bubbles, at least one million monks immediately sent out the sound of shouting and shouting, and rushed toward the drug gods.

Ye Shuo’s eyes showed a sly color: "Do you think that we are really afraid that you will not be able to do it? We are just a lot of medicines in the context of humanity and isomorphism. There are as many as nine. I have to look at it today. Who is born and who is dead! Kill!"

All of the drug gods and disciples have been scared by the hidden secrets of the Jiuyi sect, and even many people have lost the courage to take the shot.

However, Ye Shuo’s words, especially when he saw that the nine medicines were turned into nine lights, when they first rushed to Jiuyi Zong, they only came back to God, and there was some hope of living in their hearts.

Indeed, with Ye Shuo, Yao Shenzong has a total of ten strong people in the same environment of humanity, and there are more disciples of Jiuyi Zong, and it is not always possible to win.

Therefore, they also shouted out loudly and braved the courage to meet the nine Yizong and others.

At the same time, the old man in the Lord of Medicine is also a wicked saying: "It’s quite awkward, it seems that your disciples are not so concerned about your life and death. If so, you will die for me!"

When the voice fell, he smashed a piece of jade slip that was always hidden in the palm of his hand. It was the general organ that controlled the entire main space.

Once crushed, all the killings of the main space will appear!

However, with the crumpling of the jade slip, the space in which the entire drug **** is in the main sect, whether it is the criss-crossing beams of light, or the sea of ​​molten water under the earth, has no slight reaction at all. Same as before.


The old man's eyes widened and he did not understand what was going on. He obviously had spurred all the organs to ambush, and he could not respond.


I sighed with a sigh: "Hello, you are also a real market. How can your brain be so bad? I have told you twice, your medicine **** is a guest, and our Jiuyi ancestor is the master of the ancient world. ""

At the same time of speaking, there was a piece of jade in the pretty hand. He lifted up and shook the old man: "Don't you think about it, you, even all the forces of size, and the space where the big and small towns are located, are Was it opened by my Jiuyi sect!"

When the voice fell, the savage smashed the jade in his hand.

I heard the sound of the rupture of "咔咔咔" suddenly sounded, and looking at it, the huge space on the large area where the Lord of Medicine was located, suddenly there were countless cracks.

These cracks have already filled the entire space, and then, in the loud noise, collapsed!

Whether it is the criss-crossing beams of light, or the sea of ​​molten mud under the earth, and the green mountains and green waters and various buildings within the main sect, all collapsed under the collapse of space, and instantly became nothing.

The stunned eyes swept away the Ding Hanhua Hong Niang and the 100,000 Yizong disciple: "What are you waiting for? Is it difficult, do you want my old man to personally take it?"

Upon hearing this, Ren Dinghan and others immediately agreed in unison, one by one, and rushed to the tens of thousands of drug-minded disciples who were still dumbfounded.

But the savage is looking at Jiang Yundao: "Jiang Daoyou, you better not be too far away from me, the drug **** lord should be present!"

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