The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1102: Transitional realm

Jiang Yun has also been shocked by this series of incredible changes.

At this moment, when he heard the ridiculous words, he suddenly realized that it is true that until now, the space of the main lord of the drug **** has been destroyed, and the lord of the medicine **** has not yet appeared.

However, Jiang Yun is not worried about the lord of the drug god, but looks at the savage: "In the space, there is no other person?"

Quarry shook his head and said: "I know that you are here to find the Xue people. You can rest assured that within the main body of the medicine god, except for the disciples of the medicine Shenzong and some serving slaves, no other people will be allowed to enter. ”

"Snow people, it should be among the other nine branches!"

Jiang Yun nodded, no longer talked, turned and walked toward Ye Feifan!

At this moment, Ye Feifan has already been transformed into a sculpture. His mind is completely blank, and he has lost the ability to think.

The moment before, he was the young master of the medicine god, and now the main sect of the drug gods has disappeared, and all the disciples of the drug gods are also being encircled.

For him, it was like dreaming. Even when Jiang Yun appeared in front of him, he still didn't wake up.

Until Jiang Yun raised his palm, a slap in the palm of his face!


Ye Feifan suddenly spewed out a blood, and there are still a few broken teeth.

Jiang Yun's face is still calm, but in his eyes is a murderous road with a skyrocketing: "Where is Xue Qing!"

Ye Feifan finally came back to God. After blinking his eyes, he sneered again and again: "Snow sunny? I don't know who is called Xueqing. I only know one Xuezuo small slogan. After I got tired of it... ”


After waiting for Ye Feifan to finish the words, Jiang Yun’s palms have pinched his head, and the powerful gods have condensed into a needle and directly penetrated into his soul.

Instead of listening to Ye Feifan’s nonsense here, it’s better to search for the soul directly.

However, Ye Feifan’s face showed a smirk: “I want to search my soul, dreaming!”

"In my soul, there is a special prohibition under the master's cloth. No one wants to see the memory of my soul."

Sure enough, the needle of Jiang Yun’s fascination, just touched the soul of Ye Feifan, was immediately shocked by a powerful force.

However, Jiang Yun is stunned: "The criminal devil, no matter what method you use, I want to know all the memories in his soul!"


The criminal demon who stood behind Jiang Yun always promised, and immediately came to Ye Feifan’s face, pointing directly to Ye Feifan’s eyebrows.

The criminal demon is a soul race, and no one can overpower the soul family in terms of understanding and control of the soul.

After only a moment, the criminal devil brows slightly: "Strange, his soul is indeed banned by people, but this prohibition is somewhat similar to the soul of my family."

When he heard the criminal demon, Ye Feifan even proudly laughed and said: "Jiang Yun, you will die. If you want to know the whereabouts of the Xue people, please ask me!"

For Jiang Yun, Ye Feifan is already hateful.

Because if it is not the emergence of Jiang Yun, if it is not Jiang Yun to seek revenge for the Xue people, then these things will not happen today.

In his cognition, Jiang Yun ruined everything about him.

However, he did not want to think about it. If it wasn’t for his own daring, bullying the Xue family, or even taking the initiative to provoke Jiang Yun, how could it usher in the present results.

Jiang Yun simply ignored Ye Feifan, but looked at the criminal demon: "Can you break the prohibition!"

The criminal demon micro-sinked: "Yes, it only takes a little time, and I still need to borrow something from the adults."


"The fire of adults!"

Jiang Yun is also nonsense, directly taking out a fire and throwing it to the criminal demon: "In addition, I don't want to listen to him nonsense anymore!"

The criminal devil grinned and said: "This is simple!"


As the voice of Xing Dee fell, Ye Feifan’s mouth suddenly made a scream, but the sound of screams just halfway out, and he shrank back.

Although his mouth is still big, the facial features on his face are twisted together, clearly suffering from great pain, but no sound can be emitted.

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This silent pain is even more shocking!

Xing Mo, the singer of execution, the best is the execution!

Jiang Yun returned to the side of the savage, looking up at the undisappeared light curtain above the sky: "Can they be opponents?"

Don't look at the ancient days, although the Jiuyi sects of the Jiuyi sects have the upper hand in terms of numbers, but the drug gods have ten strong people in the same environment of humanity, but they really say that who wins and who loses.

However, the savage is a slight smile: "Jiang Daoyou don't have to worry about where there are so many humanities in the context of humanity."

"Actually, Ye Shuo and Gu Tian, ​​even including me, are not really humane isomorphisms. They can only be regarded as heaven and earth."

Heaven and Man Five Robbery!

Jiang Yun’s slight glimpse, Taoism, Taoism and humanity are all called the three realms.

It is also the last three realms of well-known practice so far. How can we now have a world of annihilation?

Brutely knows the doubts of Jiang Yun, and then explains: "When the monks practiced in the Jiu Dao Jiu Jing, they want to break through the humane isomorphism, they need to experience the five robbers!"

"These five major disasters are more than a horror, and only if they all pass through, it is truly a situation of humanitarian homology."

When I heard this, Jiang Yun suddenly remembered. When I met Mu Shaofeng at the beginning, from the mouth of Mu Shaofeng, I first knew the specific division of the nine realms of monasticism.

However, Mu Shaofeng also told himself that if he wants to enter the realm of humanity, he must go through the ravages of heaven and earth.

Quite awkwardly said: "As long as we can survive a catastrophe, the strength has already been brought up with the Taoist platform, but it can not be regarded as a humane isomorphism. Therefore, we all simply divide the heaven and the man into separate A realm is a transitional realm."

"Most of the monks do not know this realm. When you get to the Taoist territory, you will naturally know."

Jiang Yun finally realized that the higher the strength, the more unknown things.

Who can think that there is still a transitional realm between the Taoist platform and the humanitarian context.

And this means that most of the so-called strong people of the so-called humanitarian isomorphism should be the realm of heaven and man.

For example, the Taoist avatars, such as the sky and the avatar!

And their deity, I am afraid, is the real environment of humanity and isomorphism!

Jiang Yun couldn't help but look at the savage saying: "Are you a Taoist demon, have you not entered the realm of humanity?"

"No, I am now a three-robbery. Soon after, I will welcome the fourth robbery. Oh, I don't know if I can spend it!"

I sighed a lot and suddenly stopped talking.

This makes Jiang Yun's heart move, naturally can guess, and it is obvious that there is no confidence to spend this fourth robbery.

However, even the average is too much, but he is powerless, but there is no real humanitarian isomorphism among the other eight brothers who don’t know how to be pretty.

After a few moments of silence, it was quite awkward to follow the previous words: "As for the nine medicines, it is forced to improve by the medicinal herbs. At most, it is better than the Tao."

"However, even if the nine medicines are really humane, you don't have to worry."

"Don't forget, the space where the medicine gods are located is all that we have developed. Their every move within them can't escape our attention."

"All the medicines of the medicine **** refining system, in fact..."

The savage voice suddenly stopped, and in the eyes of the sky, the colorful clouds suddenly wrapped up the clouds!

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