The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1106: Retribution is coming

In the face of the smug ink, Jiang Yun said coldly: "I do ask people, but I am not you!"

The ink duster sneered and said: "No one can be above me if the world talks about medicine."

There was a stone in the palm of Jiang Yun’s heart: "This piece of life stone, you can recognize it!"

Looking at the intact stone in the hands of Jiang Yun, the expression on the face of the ink dust suddenly solidified, and the mouth muttered: "Impossible, impossible, he can't live still!"

Naturally, this is the life stone of the drug god!

In the middle of the **** field, Tianshi was because his master's life stone was always intact. Therefore, although he died long ago, he still lived and sneaked away, in the hope that he would one day find Master.

Unfortunately, he did not wait until that day, so he gave this life stone to Jiang Yun.

Today, the life stone is still intact, it shows that the drug **** is still alive!

Instead of asking for ink dust to save the snow, Jiang Yun is better to find medicine.

The medicinal tract of the ink dust is higher, and there is still a gap compared to his master.

However, Jiang Yun also made a two-handed preparation, so he asked the criminal demon to ensure that the ink dust had to survive, and that it could not be lost.

If you can't find the drug god, you have to find the dust.

"Ink dust, you can rest assured that in my lifetime, I will definitely let you see the teacher again!" Jiang Yun put away the life stone road: "The criminal demon, he gave it to you!"

"Yes!" The criminal demon immediately went to the ink dust, but suddenly stopped halfway, turned and pointed to Ye Feifan: "What should he do?"

Previously, Jiang Yun let the criminal devil break the prohibition in the extraordinary soul of the leaves, just to know the whereabouts of Xueqing and Xuezu.

Now that Xueqing has been found, the Xue people are bound to be among the nine branches, so there is no need to worry any more.

However, Jiang Yun certainly will not let Ye Feifan so easily, and will not even kill him so easily.

Because Xueqing will fall to this end of the day, it is completely caused by Ye Feifan, so Jiang Yun calmly said: "You take it with you, since they are teachers and apprentices, then they are together to be a companion!"

"it is good!"

For the ability to have one more person to execute his sentence, the criminal demon naturally has no objection, and when he reaches out to the volley, he will catch Ye Feifan in his own hands.

However, at this moment, Ye Feifan suddenly shouted: "Wait, I tell you a big secret, about my master."

Hearing this sentence, I still haven’t waited for Jiang Yun and others to respond. The ink dust that was temporarily stuck in the sluggishness due to the appearance of the master’s life stone is suddenly coming back to God, bursting out a loud voice: “The gangster, you dare!"

"To shut up!"

A pretty rude slap in the face of his face, looking at Ye Feifan with interest: "You say!"

Ye Feifan trembled and said: "I said, you have to let me go!"

Jiang Yun said coldly: "Do you think you are still qualified to talk to us about conditions?"

Ye Feifan’s face showed a tangled color, especially the smear of the ink dust that almost killed him, which made his heart quite embarrassing.

But after hesitating for a long time, he still said: "Actually, my master, there are two spirits, and they all cultivated into avatars!"

"If you don't expect it, his other spiritual singer should be hidden somewhere in this ancient world!"

"In this way, even if you take him away now, just wait until the limelight passes, and his other spiritual avatar will appear, and if you change the look and breath a little, you can continue to live."


After Ye Feifan’s words were finished, the eyes of the savage and other people naturally looked at the ink dust.

Pretty smiled and said: "I didn't expect it. Your ink dust is also a gift of talent. You can have two Taos and leave a back road for yourself. No wonder you dare to be so arrogant!"

Jiang Yun is cold and cold and looks at the ink dust: "Ink dust, I didn't know why you betrayed your master, but now, your retribution is coming!"

For the ink dust, Ye Feifan’s current move is indeed the best retribution for him!

When he sold his master, now his disciple, in turn, betrayed him!

The ink duster did not care about the savage and Jiang Yun, but stared at Ye Feifan’s eyes: "Ye Feifan, I am treating you not thin, why are you selling me?"

Ye Feifan looked at him and said evilly: "Because, since you appeared, until now, you have never seen me from beginning to end, and have never thought of leaving me with me!"

This is why Ye Feifan is determined to betray the ink dust!

Just as the ink duster had previously looked at the slaughter of his medicinal **** disciple, in his eyes, the disciple died when he died, and the drug **** was gone, as long as he was alive, then everything could come back.

However, because of his words, it completely ruined his chance to come back again.

Pretty screaming at the sky, a palm directly stunned the dusty dust that was ready to speak, and screamed: "All the nine Yizong disciples are obeying, even if you dig this ancient land three feet, give me Find another Taoist avatar!"

Among the light curtains, the battle at the Jiuyi Zongshan Gate has ended. Under the nine medicines, Ye Shuo and others are not opponents at all. They have surrendered and surrendered to death.

When they heard the savage voice, they immediately agreed to hold the fist and immediately dispersed to find the whereabouts of the ink dust.

Then, quite awkwardly, I looked at Ren Dinghan and others: "You don't squat, go to the nine branches and find the Xue people!"

The battle here has already ended. The Jiuyi Zong just annihilated the drug gods disciples at a very small price.

As for the other nine divisions, although there are disciples of Yao Shenzong, the strength can not be the opponent of Jiuyi Zong.

"Yes!" Ren Dinghan and Hua Hong Niang promised to take the crowd to the nine branches.

Jiang Yun gratefully glanced at it: "Thank you!"

Pretty arrogant gesture: "I will see this outside, and things are gone. If you don't give up, go to me and stay there. Even if you are not tired, you can't hold it all the time."

Jiang Yun bowed his head and looked at the unconscious snowy snow. He nodded lightly: "That is harassing, yes, there is one more thing to trouble you."

"what's up?"

"I need to treat the evil medicine of the soul!"

"This is simple, I have it there, go, go to me, and I think you need a place for this man, and torture and torture this ink and dust master!"

Ye Feifan’s body trembled: “Wait, I have already said the secret of the ink dust, you should let me go!”

Jiang Yun looked at him coldly: "When did I promise to let you go? Then, you see the same in the end of your master. If I let you go, you will definitely be like him in the future!"

The criminal devil is also neat and stunned by Ye Feifan, one hand and one, holding the master and the disciples.

Quite a piece of jade, after crushing, in front of everyone, a space bubble emerged again, there is actually a transmission array.

Quite awkwardly explained: "When the space was arranged, just in case, we left a transmission array near each space, let's go!"

The pedestrians walked into the transmission array in turn, but when they were ready to start the transmission array, everyone’s ear suddenly sounded a voice: “Wait!”

Then, among the emptiness above the head of the crowd, a whirlpool suddenly appeared, and a black old man emerged from the vortex.

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