The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1107: Nine brothers

Seeing this old man in black, the pretty face immediately revealed the dissatisfaction: "Four brothers, I have finished here before you appear, it will not want to take credit with me!"

The pretty four brothers are naturally one of the other eight masters of Jiuyi Zong.

Looking at the old man, Jiang Yun is frowning, and he has a familiar feeling in his heart.

The old man in black looked at Jiang Yun, and his brow was slightly wrinkled. He seemed to have a familiar feeling for Jiang Yun.

However, he quickly regained his gaze and shook his head. "I am not coming to you to take credit. Ye Chen’s Tao Ling has been found, but things are a bit tricky, so I will inform you."

"How is it still tricky?" asked quite puzzled.

"Because his spirit is separated..."

Not waiting for the old man in black to finish the words, in the ears of everyone, suddenly there was a sound of crisp bells.


The bells disappeared after only a few clicks.

For this bell, perhaps others are not familiar, but Jiang Yun is too familiar.

Even a few days ago, he fought a battle with the owner of the bell.

Naturally, this bell is from the wind chimney of the Xuanxu genre belonging to the wind!

However, Xuanxu Zong is quite far from here, and the bells are louder and louder. How could it be here? It is difficult for the ancestors of the Winds to come with the wind chimes.

What makes Jiang Yun even more surprised is that when he heard the bell, the pretty face turned out to be dignified.

You must know that since the appearance of the savage, until now, no matter what happened, his expression has always remained calm.

After all, his identity can be regarded as one of the masters of the ancient world. In the ancient times, there is really nothing that can make him discolored.

But now, this sudden sound of the bell is clearly caused by the savage attention.

Sure enough, quite awkwardly said: "The Taoist avatar of this ink dust went to the Xuanxu, the **** guy!"

"That way, my fourth brother, you should go to Xuanxu Zong to delay the time. When I send them back, I will go to you immediately."

Although it is not a real humanitarian isomorphism, it is also a strong person who has already passed three days of robbery. It is stronger than the deity of the ink.

And his fourth brother, and his strength is certainly comparable.

However, in order to deal with the Taoist avatar who went to the sinister emptiness, the savage singer did not trust his fourth brother to go alone, but asked his fourth brother to delay the time and wait for him.

This makes Jiang Yun really a bit puzzled, it is difficult to achieve, the dusty body of the Tao Ling is actually stronger than the deity?

Even so, as the owner of the ancient times, the savage brothers will not be able to deal with it!

"it is good!"

The old man in black nodded and his body suddenly exploded, turning into a black mist, and instantly crossed the sky.

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Looking at the direction in which the old man disappeared, Jiang Yun finally remembered who the other party was, whispered: "Black monster!"

"Hey?" Hearing the three words spoken by Jiang Yunkou, the pretty face showed a suspicious color: "How do you know the nickname of my fourth brother?"

However, Jiang Yun did not answer his question, but slowly closed his eyes.

Because at this moment, Jiang Yun's heart is beating vigorously, only closed eyes can conceal the inner excitement.

At the same time, the scene of the last battle in his mind emerged in his mind.

In that battle, there were three extremely powerful demon helpers on the side of the temple, which were blood east, evil old and black old!

Naturally, the pretty four brother who just left is the black monster at that time.

However, the black monster in the illusion is still very young, but in reality he has become an old man, so Jiang Yun did not recognize him for a while.

For the relationship between the blood, the black monster and the evil old man, Jiang Yun also knows that they are indeed brothers and sisters.

More importantly, they still have a common big brother.

It is in the illusion that Jiang Yun has noticed the existence of the other party several times, but after all, there is no refining demon who can see the other person's true feelings;

Or, it is the first refining demon who was born between heaven and earth.

In the illusion, they stood on the side of the Tao, standing on the opposite side of Jiang Yun.

However, in the illusion, as a man of his own, but in reality and black blame they become a brother.

For this, Jiang Yun does not feel strange.

Because of the illusion, the savage and his father had swallowed the sky and had contact with the refining sorcerer. Even the refining sorcerer also helped to swallow the wild leaves left by the desert.

If it is not because of the sobriety of the old Mozu, they will be the masters and brothers of the refining sorcerer.

The real reality, obviously, is that the father and son finally chose to become the master of the refining sorcerer, and it is quite a sorrow to become a brother with the refining sorcerer!

The other seven brothers who are quite awkward, there must be blood, and there are evil old people...

However, blood and evil spirits, they are still imprisoned in the seven layers of the prison.

This is also why the Jiuyi sect clearly has nine brothers, but no one has seen the reasons for these nine brothers.

Because they still have a few brothers, they are still imprisoned in prison!

With the emergence of these ideas, Jiang Yun is gradually clearing the truth about Jiuyi Zong in this ancient world.

Obviously, after the end of the war, Tao Zun became the master of this world, and for some reason, the refining demon and his brothers were all imprisoned.

However, the refining sorcerer came out of trouble, and successively rescued the savage and black grotesques, and created the Taoist world, using this as a base to rescue other trapped brothers!

The blood flow, in fact, also knows the existence of this ancient world.

Because he gave up the Jiangyun after he gave up, he sealed the flamingo into the refining pen and told Jiang Yun that he would send Jiang Yun to a place outside, let Jiang Yun take the firebird and go to his eldest brother.

Naturally, the place where he originally wanted to send Jiang Yun should be this ancient world.

However, Jiang Yun was attacked by people and strayed into the land of the world. After leaving the land of the world, he turned around and did not expect that he would eventually come to this ancient world!

It seems that there is a big hand in the midst of it, let him and the refining sorcerer meet one side!

Jiang Yun suddenly opened his eyes and looked at him quite awkwardly: "Your big brother, is it still alive?"

Seeing that Jiang Yun was silent for a long time, he asked such a question. However, there was no accident at all. He even nodded. "Our big brother is still alive, and his relationship with you should not be shallow!"

Quite awkward, let Jiang Yun be more certain that his speculation is correct.

"It's really not shallow. I have been famous for him for a long time, but I have never been able to meet. This has always been a regret in my heart!"

Quite a slight smile: "Reassured, you two will definitely be able to see you in the future, but now let us have a thing of ink!"

Not giving Jiang Yun the time to continue, quite swearing: "Well, I will send you back to me first, and later I will go to Xuanxu."

Jiang Yun no longer spoke, just nodded.

However, the bell rang again when the squad was ready to start the transmission array again.

This time, the sound of the bell is much bigger than that of the previous one. It is truly earth-shattering, and there is a short-lived loss in the mind of everyone.

The pretty face is also more dignified, with a big sleeve and a wave, I want to start the transmission array, but the face can not help but change again, because the transmission array can not start.

It is clear that there is a powerful force that has shackled this area, and that it can do this, except for a few of their brothers, only the real humanity and isomorphism!

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