The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1109: Easy

The wild lines that appeared in their eyebrows spread at an extremely fast speed, and they had covered their entire body from the moment.

And then, their figure flashed at the same time, once again rushed toward the wind ancestors.

This time, although their bodies flashed, although there was no small wind, no one had any scars on his body.

Because of the wild lines, you can shield the power of the wind!


The Fengzu ancestors looked at the four people who rushed to themselves, and snorted: "I already knew that you would use the wild lines, but even if you are not afraid of the power of my wind, I will still be easy to deal with you!"

When the voice fell, the ancestors of the wind cadres raised their hands and pressed down in the direction of the four people!

I saw that the four people were in the middle of the wilderness, but their spurs were immediately like the boulder, falling directly down to the bottom, until the heavy squatting in the earth.

Sure enough, between the palms, it is easy to defeat the four people, this is the true strength of humanity and isomorphism!

"Look, now the gap between me and you is already beyond your reach."

The glory of the ancestors of the Feng nationality was more intense. After bowing down to the earth and screaming at the four people, they ignored the four people, but looked at Jiang Yun slowly.

"Jiang Yun!"

When I opened it again, the voice of the ancestors of the wind family changed abruptly and turned into the voice of the ink dust.

"In my life, I have always counted the other people's share, but I didn't expect it to be overturned in the gutter. You counted it once, you are really good!"

"M is even more. ◎New m fastest on B27%/0Z37...5r9g

"Unfortunately, you still can't fight me!"

"I originally wanted to directly swallow your fire, and then use your fire as a guide to let my life finish Nirvana, but now I changed my mind."

"As long as you are willing to return to me and take the initiative to help me rekindle my fire, then I will not only be able to spare you a life, but also to unlock the poison in the little girl's soul, so that you can both fly and fly!"

"Not to mention, you have also seen that the strength of me and the windy friends now is strong. The so-called masters of these ancient times are not our opponents at all."

"When we control the ancient world, we will go to the thousands of ways to kill the Tao. At that time, you are under one person, and the supremacy of 10,000 people exists!"

For the intimidation of the ink dust, Jiang Yun did not have the slightest reaction.

The whole person is like a sculpture, standing there, holding the body of Xue Qing, motionless.

However, as the voice of the ink dust fell, the voice of the black monster came from below: "Old nine, it seems that you are really obsessed, then don't blame us for not thinking about brotherhood."

Quite just followed: "Although no one of us has entered a real humanitarian isomorphism, do you think that Big Brother can't think anyone else will enter?"

"Since we are the masters of the ancient times, even in the context of humanity, in this ancient world, we must be obedient!"

The brows of the ancestors of the Feng nationality wrinkled and just wanted to talk. The four people below suddenly screamed and shouted, and the wild lines covered by their bodies all rushed into the air.

Under the whistling sound, Ren Dinghan and Hua Hong Niang, who are in the other nine spaces, are still in the ancient days of Jiuyi Zong’s ruined mountain gate.

Even in this entire ancient territory, all the disciples who are Jiuyi Zong are at the same time, as if they had received orders.

And above their eyebrows, there is a strange pattern that emerges.

Then, their wild lines were all separated from their bodies, and they rushed toward the direction of the four people.

Although most of the ruins are far away from their location, the entire territory of the Tao is a space with a ray of light.

At this moment, the entire transmission line in the ancient times of the Tao was launched, in order to bring these wild lines from all directions, in the shortest time, all sent to their side.

In the end, there are many disciples in Jiuyi Zong. No one knows, but after only counting the numbers, the wild lines appearing on the top of their heads are already dense.

At least hundreds of thousands, and in the distance, there are still more wild lines, and are continuing to come.

After the appearance of these wild lines, they began to intertwine with each other, just like countless root vines, growing together at an extremely fast speed.

Under this kind of integration, there are countless roads, and gradually combined into a huge and incomparable, almost covering the entire sky.

This is a huge pattern like a palm, a big wilderness like the Great Five.

For the fusion of these wild lines, Jiang Yun is naturally most familiar if he can see it.

Because this is the strongest life-saving trick of the abandon, it is to superimpose their mutual strength through the fusion of the wild lines.

In the illusion of the past, when Jiang Yunchu arrived at his desert 10,000 team, he was attacked by those people.

At this moment, although the individual strengths of these nine Yizong disciples are far less than the humane isomorphism, the wild lines formed when their strengths are completely superimposed together can indeed threaten and even kill humanity. I am afraid of the power of construction.

Apparently, the ancestors of the Feng nationality also knew this. The calm face of the original calmness was also seen as one of the changes in the mountain peaks between the heavens and the earth. "Give me, I know." He must have left his back, but even if the power of all of you is superimposed, it is not my opponent!"


The old man of the wind family waved his hand, the huge wind in the air, blasted open, and the wind whistled, rushing to the waste lines that were still coming in all directions, preventing them from continuing to merge.

On top of his body, there is also a figure of ink dust.

The two people, like the real integration, let the strength of the two of them seem to be superimposed, which makes him a strong breath, once again has a crazy skyrocketing.


Since coming to this ancient world, Jiang Yun can be said to have experienced one after another strange things, met one after another acquaintances.

Whether it is a strange thing or an acquaintance, it has brought him a lot of shock!

However, all the shocks combined together are not as good as the moment when he saw the wild lines that appeared in the eyebrows of the savage and black monsters.

As a result, although Jiang Yun knew that he was also under the cover of this eye, he could not move at will, but the huge shock still made his body could not help but tremble.


A breeze immediately passed, leaving a small blood mark on the palm of his hand.

However, Jiang Yun did not feel the slightest feeling. His entire attention was focused on the four people's wild lines, and his mind was even more blank!

The four demon people have the ruins, and they have already shocked Jiang Yun.

Because I didn't even notice it before.

But what makes Jiang Yun more shocked is that he recognizes it. It is quite ridiculous that the four people have the wild lines. In the eyes of outsiders, it seems that although it does not have any meaning, it is just a kind of grain.

However, for Jiang Yun, who had lived in the abandonian for nearly ten years, he recognized it at a glance. The wild line, in the text of the abbot, represents "far."

According to Jiang Yun, there is only one abandoned ethnic group with the word "far" as its own wasteland. It is far away, or it is a long way to go!

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