The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1110: Pick up the pieces

For the wild lines, Jiang Yun has a very clear understanding.

Although non-religious people can also have the same pattern, but the premise is that there must be a wasteland for sentiment.

Jiang Yun’s wild lines are like this.

In addition to this, there is also a situation where the abandonment of the ethnic group is made by the abandoned people.

These four demon people who have participated in the eradication of the abandonment of the abandonment, even the disciples of all the Jiuyi sects in this ancient world, they are able to have the wild lines, and they still have the same kind of "far" word Can only explain their wild lines, is planted by people!

In other words, they are --- a slave!

As for their masters, nature can only be far away!

The strong man of the five heavens and the robbers, the true masters of the ancient times, and the disciples under them, all of them are wilderness slaves. This situation reminds Jiang Yun of the great wilderness that is separated from the mountains and seas. !

Far from the wilderness, in addition to his father’s ruins, the last remaining abandoned ethnic group, after being renamed Daoyuan, not only went to the mountains and seas to establish a questioning and sect, but also occupied the Great Wilderness. It actually came to the prison, and turned the savage and other people into their own slaves.

In particular, they have just mentioned that their older brothers have long expected that there will be strong people in the realm of humanity and homology in the ancient times, so the way to deal with them is to integrate the wild lines of all their slaves. Come together!

Naturally, this means that their big brother is not the one who Jiang Yun imagined, but the wilderness!

This naturally makes Jiang Yun unacceptable and unbelievable.

Originally, he thought that he had already understood the truth of this ancient world and Jiuyi Zong, thinking that this ancient world was created by the refining demon.

But in fact, people who really open up the ancient world seem to be more desolate!

In addition to the wild lines that they have, there are countless independent spaces in this ancient world, which is also a good proof.

Because opening up an independent space to live, this is the method adopted by the abandoners.

To be honest, when Jiang Yun thinks that the big brother is a refinery, his mood is extremely complicated.

Because the refining demon did not have any positive contact with himself, and he had no enmity.

However, he was helping Dao Zun to deal with the ruin of the Nine.

And myself, and the relationship between the dead and the nine people is not shallow.

Like the ruins of Lulun, and their own grandfather, they even have their own kindness.

Then it is equal to saying that this refiner is also his own enemy.

But they are quite arrogant, black and old, but they have become the master of this refining demon, and they are very close friends, and they are the descendants of the black and old, that is, the old black brother is like a mentor.

If you really have to deal with the refining demon, you have to rip them apart.

However, now, after knowing that their big brother is far behind, Jiang Yun’s mood is calm.

Because, at least, they don't need to be rude and they rip their faces.

Because, he can understand the purpose of doing this in the wild.

Very simple, revenge!

Everything that has been done in the wild is for revenge!

The object of his revenge, in addition to the high-ranking Taoist, naturally includes everyone who had participated in the attacking the abandonment.

For example, pretty, black and old, especially the refiner!

Therefore, the wilderness did not know what method was used, entered the prison, opened up the ancient world, rescued the savage and other people, and turned them into their own slaves, so that they willingly use it for themselves. .

In this case, once there are enough monks in the ancient times, and with sufficient strength, they will inevitably enter the thousands of boundaries and seek revenge for the Tao!

As for why the wilderness has become a big brother who is quite arrogant, I am afraid to hide his true identity.

After all, the identity of Big Brother is always more hidden than the identity of the owner.

However, the big brother, who is far away, does not seem to be in the ancient world. Otherwise, he should have appeared long ago!

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At this moment, a deafening explosion suddenly sounded, and finally Jiang Yun pulled back the reality from the shock.

Looking up, the screaming is the ancestors of the wind.

However, this squeaky sound is that there are two sounds overlapping, that is, he and the ink dust at the same time.

At this moment, the breath of the ancestors of the wind family has soared to the extreme.

In his body, the number of winds surrounding him is almost half of the space.

And what he is facing is the wild line that is occupied by the other half of the space, which is made up of the wild lines of countless Jiuyi sects!

"Come on, see if you are a group of people who are in harmony, or are they strong in humanity!"

In the violent screams of the ancestors of the Feng nationality and the ink dust, he took the countless roads that covered the sky behind him, and with the mighty power to shake the world, rushed to the peaks of the mountains.

Four people, such as the savage and the countless Jiuyi sects, also exhaled, and the voice of roar and roar was also heard in the mouth, urging the desert, welcoming the overlapping of the ancestors and the ink dust. Figure.


After a loud bang, the entire ancient world seems to have returned to the world.

Everything is completely covered by boundless waves and endless winds, as well as the smog of smoke, and no other things can be seen.

After all, this is equivalent to the full blow of two powerful humanities in the same way!

At this moment, although the vast majority of the creatures in the entire ancient world did not know what happened, they were all deeply shocked by the drastic changes in this world.

Everyone is looking up at the sky, waiting for the end of this dramatic change.

In particular, Su Yang and the criminal demon who are standing behind Jiang Yun are even more worried and worried.

Because if the ancestors of the wind and the ink dust won, then this ancient world will really be controlled by them.

Judging from the shameless behavior of the two men selling their brothers and selling Masters, they are in control of the ancient world and will be a disaster for any living beings.

Naturally, they will not let go of Jiang Yun!

However, Jiang Yun’s face is extremely calm, as if he did not worry about the outcome of this war.

After knowing how long it had passed, there was a loud laughter on the sky.

And when I heard this voice, the spirit of the demon and Su Yang could not help but sink, because this is the voice of the ancestors and the ink dust.


With the spread of laughter, a gust of wind suddenly appeared, blowing all the diffuse smoke and air waves, revealing the body shape of the ancestors of the wind.

Although his face was pale as paper, the seven scorpions were bleeding, but his face was smug.

In the bottom, not only the peaks of the mountain peaks have disappeared, but also four people, and Ren Dinghan and Hua Hong Niang are all on the ground.

Although they did not die, they were seriously injured.

As for the farther places, although Jiang Yun can't see it, it is not difficult to guess that all the Jiuyi sects who contributed their own wild lines must be in this state.

In other words, this battle, after all, is still the wind old man and the ink dust won.

And the reason why they can win is probably because of the strange fusion of the two of them.

After all, the wildflowers that have been left behind by the wilderness, although capable of killing the strongmen of the humane isomorphism, have never thought that this powerful person with the same humanity is not one person but two. The fusion of the strong!


Looking at the Fengzu ancestors who stood on the sky and laughed loudly, Jiang Yun said to himself: "There is no shortage, you are here, I will be here today, and I will clean up the mess for you!" ”

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