The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1111: Meet the lord

Jiang Yun carefully sent the stunned Xueqing into the top of the black cloud, and then stepped out under the watchful eyes of the demon and the two, standing directly in front of the ancestors of the wind!

"Jiang Yun!"

Seeing that Jiang Yun appeared in front of himself, the face of the ancestors of the Feng nationality once again appeared the face of the ink dust, proudly said: "If I don't expect it, you should come to me!" ”

"Well, from now on, you are the first general of my team. All the promises I gave you before will not only be honored, but I will also help you improve your strength. Your cultivation is a little weak."

However, Jiang Yun is a calm road: "Although my cultivation is indeed weak, but to clean up both of you, it should be enough."

"what did you say?"

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The ink dust eyes widened and looked at Jiang Yun, and then there was a shocking laughter: "Jiang Yun, are you scared to be so stupid?"

"All the monks in the entire ancient world are not our opponents. Where can you come from, can you clean up us?"

At this time, the ruthless people who were shaken by the earth above the earth were gradually waking up.

Although they were all severely injured, the body could not move, but they could hear the dialogue between Jiang Yun and the ink dust.

Naturally, the scornful words spoken by the ink dust to Jiang Yun are also the thoughts of their hearts at the moment.

If it wasn’t quite a sudden appearance, Jiang Yun probably already died in the hands of the drug **** disciple.

Now, Jiang Yun is even more unlikely to be an opponent than the ancestors and ink dusters who are much stronger than the drug gods.

Jiang Yun gently shook his head and said: "I was not your opponent, but after I understood the truth of this ancient world, it was enough to pack you!"

"Good!" In the eyes of the ink dust, the flash of light flashed: "Then I have to look at it, how are you going to clean up us!"

Jiang Yun no longer spoke, and his own wild lines emerged in his eyebrows.

For Jiang Yun, there are also some ridiculous lines, whether it is ink dust or pretty, and so on.

Therefore, now that Jiang Yun actually wants to use the waste pattern to deal with the ink dust, everyone can not help but shake their heads again and again.

The faces of the ancestors of the Feng family emerged and sneered: "Jiang Yun, do you think that I am in the wind? I don't even look at their wild lines, let alone you!"

Jiang Yun shook his head again: "My wild lines are different from their wild lines."

"Where is it different!"

This time, Jiang Yun did not answer. The wild lines in the eyebrows rushed to the ancestors of the Feng nationality, and the latter also raised their hands in the sneer, ready to shoot toward Jiang Yun.

However, his palm was lifted in half, but he suddenly stopped in the air, his face was even more shocking.

At the same time, Jiang Yun's wild lines have already rushed into the eyebrows of the ancestors of the wind.

And then, in his eyebrows, there is also a wild pattern, a wild pattern like the "far" word!

With the appearance of this wild line, although the body of the ancestors of the wind family recovered the power of the move, the shock on his face was more intense.

Therefore, at this moment, in front of Jiang Yun in front of him, his heart has a sense of inexplicable fear---

Just like, Jiang Yun is his master!

"This, what's going on, your desert..."

For such a situation, the ancestors of the wind family did not know the reason at all, and he had a bite, but he couldn’t take it for the reason, and the palm of his hand went straight to Jiang Yun.

When he wants to come, no matter what Jiang Yun has moved to himself, relying on his powerful strength now, Jiang Yun is killed.

Looking at the hands of the ancestors of the wind family, they felt the terror power in the palm of their hand that could easily be photographed as nothingness. There was no slight change in Jiang Yun’s face. He only said two words: "Your Majesty !"


The Fengzu ancestors did not hesitate at all, and their knees were soft and straight and fell to the front of Jiang Yun.

Naturally, his raised palm was once again in the air, and his face was not shocked, but a deep doubtful color.

It’s not just him. At this moment, all the people who saw this scene with their own eyes are the same expression.

The strong ancestors who have truly entered the realm of humanity and isomorphism, and the ancestors who can counter the power of hundreds of thousands of disciples in the ancient world, in front of Jiang Yun, will be so obedient.

Gradually, everyone's eyes are no longer staring at the ancestors of the wind, but transferred to Jiang Yun's body.

Some people who are responsive are already thinking about what Jiang Yun just said - his wild lines are different from those of his own!

They guessed that there is nothing wrong with it, precisely because Jiang Yun’s desert lines are different from theirs, so Jiang Yun can let the ancestors of the Feng nationality obey their own orders.

Because their wild lines are slaves, they are forgotten to stay in their bodies and let them obey.

However, Jiang Yun’s wild lines are realized through the wild lines left by the wilderness.

Even in the illusion, he also turned his sentiment to the remote, so that the wilderness, through this sentiment, realized the "far" word waste!

Despite the absurdity in reality, the process of truly realizing the wilderness is definitely not related to Jiang Yun. However, with the end of the illusion, with the influence of the power of the nine sacred objects, the illusion has a certain impact on reality.

This kind of influence, Jiang Yun said that it is unclear, and the nine sacred objects are also unclear.

But if you have to explain it, you can only say that the process of feeling the wilderness between Jiang Yun and the wilderness is like a cause and effect, and it becomes a circle.

Although half of this circle is illusory, the two are still capable of causing each other.

Therefore, when Jiang Yun saw the wild lines that they showed, they already felt it, not only the remote is their master.

Their own wild lines have absolute control over their wild lines.

In other words, yourself, too, is their master!

And all this, Jiang Yun does not know whether it is a long time has been calculated for a long time, it is just a coincidence!

But in any case, at this moment, if the wildness is really not in the ancient times, then the only people who can clean up the ancestors of the winds are Jiang Yun!

Although the ancestors of the Feng nationality have never shown their own wild lines, Jiang Yun believes that with a far-fetched style of work, it will certainly not let such a demon.

Therefore, Jiang Yun stood up to clean up the ancestors of the wind.

The facts now prove that all the guesses of Jiang Yun are correct.

Although the ancestors of the Feng nationality have entered the realm of humanity and isomorphism, the wilderness is the talent of the abandon, but it also contains the power of the wilderness to let even the Taoist priests.

The kind of master-slave relationship formed by the connection of the wild lines, and the strong cultivation can not be changed, can not get rid of!

For the ancestors of the wind family who are already in front of them, Jiang Yun has no interest at all, but his eyes are on the distance, thinking about the remote things.

However, at this moment, a burst of loud voice suddenly came from all directions: "See the lord!"

Jiang Yun bowed his head and found that everyone, such as the savage, all went to worship himself.

"The lord?"

For this title, Jiang Yun is no stranger.

Because in the Great Wilderness, the identity of the remote self-styled is the wasteland.

Even after he entered the Great Wilderness, the solitary text also hoped to become a wasteland.

I just didn't expect that in this ancient world, I once again became a wasteland.

For a moment of silence, Jiang Yun slowly said: "This is your big brother let you do this?"

Quite a little nodded: "Yes, now, please let the lord follow us to see our big brother!"

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