The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1118: Seal of the robbery

Next, Jiang Yun began to tell Xiao Letian about his experience in the turbid wilderness.

Naturally, this is equivalent to letting Jiang Yun relive the memory of the turbid wilderness, reminding him of the friends he met there and some things that are about to be forgotten by him.

For example, the mutant animal egg, I don't know if it has been hatched since the past.

There is also the body of the Yinling World, the first time it became a demon, and even the shadow demon named Jiang Ying, now what kind of realm has been cultivated.

As for Xiao Letian, although he is most concerned about the situation of his own people, but also for Jiang Yun's experience is quite emotional.

Until Jiang Yun finished speaking, Xiao Le genius spit out a long breath, looking at Jiang Yundao with a full face: "Brother, I really don't know how to thank you!"

"Xiao old brother said a lot!" Jiang Yun politely waved his hand.

"Not at all!" Xiao Letian shook his head and said: "If you don't have it, I am afraid that my people have already fallen."

Xiao Litian suddenly closed his eyes.

Just a moment later, a strange mark appeared in his eyebrows.

And this imprint, when Jiang Yun saw Xiao Letian in the memory of the ghostly beast, his eyebrows were there, obviously it should be the mark of their ethnic group.

Suddenly, this mark exudes a radiance that shrouds Jiang Yun’s body.

Although Jiang Yun didn't know what Xiao Letian was going to do, he naturally understood that he was not malicious, so he didn't panic. He just looked at the light of his body and could clearly see the light. It was clearly another space.

"Brother, you can save the grace of my people. I don't think that I will send you a copy of the looting of my ethnic group. With this seal, you may be able to comprehend the power of the squad!"

At the same time, Xiao Letian suddenly opened his mouth, but before Jiang Yun responded to his sentence, he saw that the light of his body suddenly turned into a straight line and straight into his own eyebrows. in.


Jiang Yun’s body trembled lightly, and his own eyebrows immediately showed the same imprint as Xiao Letian.

With the appearance of this imprint, Jiang Yun’s knowledge suddenly boiled up at this moment.

God's knowledge, this is invisible and inferior, but a special feeling after the monk cultivated to a certain realm.

However, now, under this boiling, Jiang Yun’s knowledge has gradually condensed the essence in his mind.

Looking at it, the gods formed a lake. The lake was crystal clear and covered with tens of thousands of rays, like countless stars falling in the lake.


Then, in the lake of the gods, there was a continuous roar of sound, just like an explosion, so that the area of ​​the lake began to expand wildly in an instant.

After the interest rate, the original lake has turned into the sea, covering almost the entire mind of Jiang Yun.

After the gods knew the sea, there was a string in Jiang Yun’s mind that was touched, which made him feel more sensitive than ordinary people. At this time, it was infinitely magnified.

So that what he saw in his eyes, what he heard in his ears, what he heard in his nose, all had great changes.

The biggest change is the vision of Jiang Yun!

At this moment, from his eyes, this manor is no stranger to him, all kinds of things that existed in the original, the rockery vegetation is good, the bridge is flowing, and all the same It’s smart.

The feeling for Jiang Yun is just like they were originally dead, but now, it is more spiritual, and even the color becomes more vivid.

Even in the air where nothing originally existed, Jiang Yun faintly could see more colorful things, which are all sorts of rules.

Looking at this today, compared with the past, it is simply a world that has changed dramatically. Jiang Yun’s eyes suddenly shine brightly.

Because the light of this group appeared too suddenly, and sitting under the Xiao Le Tian, ​​who was opposite him, not only looked clearly, but also was deeply attracted by this group of light.

Gradually, Xiao Letian’s face showed a look of hope, and his eyes even lit up.

However, there is nothing in the light of Jiang Yun’s eyes, and within the light of Xiao Letian’s eyes, there is a valley with a small area. At the mouth of the valley, there is a shining pattern.

Within the valley, there is a cabin between the two, and a large tree standing in the center.

Under the big tree, there are still several figures sitting on the ground.

Looking at it all, Xiao Letian couldn't help but whisper: "My...the people!"

Even, he unconsciously opened his palms and seemed to want to hug those figures.

But at this moment, a violent drink suddenly sounded in his ear: "Wake up!"

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This violent drink was like a thunder, and it blew at the same time in Xiao Letian’s ear, causing him to shudder and the light shining in his eyes suddenly disappeared.

Naturally, the valley he saw and everything in it disappeared.

In front of me, sitting in the eyes of Jiang Yun, who has no light.

Until then, Xiao Letian finally understood that he had just been aware of the illusion, and the person who used the illusion was Jiang Yun!

Xiao Letian closed his eyes hard and shook his head: "A good illusion, why should you use illusion against me?"

Jiang Yun smiled bitterly: "I am not using illusion for you. It is the seal of the slain that my brother just sent me. It made my gods grow infinitely, which led me to suddenly realize a kind of Taoism. Naturally, I showed it. Come out, this will let the old brother fall into the illusion."

Jiang Yun’s explanation allowed Xiao Letian to keep his eyes wide open: “What kind of technique is so powerful?”

We must know that Xiao Letian’s cultivation is also a celestial chasing of heaven and earth. Jiang Yun is only able to protect the environment. Then Jiang Yun’s exhibition of Taoism is logically impossible to affect Xiao Letian.

However, Xiao Letian was actually affected by this technique. Unconsciously, he had an illusion, which naturally shocked him.

Jiang Yun replied: "The eyes of six desires!"

Naturally, these six eyes of desire are one of the six desires in the "Humanity".

The so-called desire is the thing that every soul wants most, and the role of the eye of the six desires is to let each soul see what they want to see through the eyes.

Even Jiang Yun did not think that he would have realized this technique under such circumstances.

However, he also knows that this is entirely thanks to the seal of the loo.

Because the power of looting is related to space, and to understand the space, the most basic condition is that the knowledge must be strong.

Therefore, Xiao Letian gave Jiang Yun a vacant seal, helping Jiang Yun to grow his mind and enhance his vision. This made him realize this technique by mistake.

However, the power of Taoism is so big that it should not affect Xiao Letian. It is mainly because Xiao Letian is in a state of no defense, and it is so close to Jiang Yun.

Xiao Letian nodded: "This technique is good!"

Jiang Yun is standing up and bowing to Xiao Letian: "Thank you for your brother!"

The seal of the robbery is unique to the Xiao people. Now Xiao Letian has given him to himself. This is indeed a very expensive gift.

Xiao Letian smiled slightly: "I am here to repay your life-saving grace for my people, the seal of the district, and where can I compare with the lives of my people!"

"And, I only gave you the seal of looting, can you understand the power of looting from it, you still need to look at your own skills!"

"Okay, my business has already been asked. Now, the younger brother asked you!"

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