The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1119: already dead

Xiao Letian smiled and looked at Jiang Yun, waiting for Jiang Yun's problem. In fact, he decided to give the seal of the empty space to Jiang Yun, and there is an important reason.

Because he felt the power of the Mozu, the Wild and the Moss in Jiang Yun's body!

Since these three ethnic groups have given their respective strengths to Jiang Yun, then they are very optimistic about Jiang Yun, so it is better to add more to Jiang Yunjin!

In fact, Xiao Letian did not know that in addition to the power of the three tribes he felt, Jiang Yun’s body also had the reincarnation seal of the Jiang nationality, the soul fire cultivation method of the soul family, the reincarnation of the reincarnation, and the chaotic Chaotic road...

At this moment, Jiang Yun did not ask for anxiousness, but felt inwardly. So far, he has encountered all the dead and the nine ethnic groups. Apart from having nothing to do with the Yinling beast family, and the other eight ethnic groups have already Have a shallow friendship.

So that he felt that there really seems to be a hand in control of his life.

Whether it is in the illusion or in reality, through the exchanges with the Nine, it also makes Jiang Yun realize that the descendants of the Nine ethnic groups have long abandoned their pride as the Nine, so they are mastered by their own ethnic groups. The special power is no longer a treasure.

However, of course, they will not send their strengths generously without any reason, so Jiang Yun is very grateful for Xiao Letian’s gift.

I remember this gratitude in my heart. After Jiang Yun fixed his mind, he asked: "Xiao Ge, all the space in this ancient world, whether it is level one or two, should you arrange it?"

Although the barbarians were good at opening up independent space at the beginning, Jiang Yun also knew that the power of the Xiao people's good at looting was related to space.

The savage is to say that the second-level space can only be opened up by people who have realized the way of space, so Jiang Yun speculated that it should be done by Xiao Letian.

Xiao Letian nodded. "In fact, the war of the year was better than that of the desert and other ethnic groups. My Xiaozu is still better."

"Because we are good at the power of space, when we were annihilated, our family specially selected hundreds of people to hide and hide."

"Then we changed our surname and hid in a world. Until a long time passed, I was quietly left when I was the highest, and I wanted to see the changes in the outside world."

"I didn't expect that I met a member of the Jiang ethnic group by chance."

"Speaking of it, the Jiang people were the most intelligent in the past. They had already fled into the body of a ghostly beast with the whole ethnic group, and told me the approximate location of the ghostly beast."

"So, I found the ghostly beast, and sent the world where my ethnic group is located, that is, the turbid wasteland that you said, into the body. After all, it is relatively safe."

"As for myself, I am in the midst of thousands of roads. Naturally, my purpose is to take revenge."

"Unfortunately, I was not a capital of the day, and the power of Taoism is no longer something I can shake. So at the time, I did not report hope for revenge."

Hearing here, Jiang Yun naturally knows that this is Xiao Liantian’s modest language.

When a ethnic group is facing the demise, the people who have been guaranteed to survive must be the best and most potential among the ethnic groups.

Among the hundreds of people left by the Xiao ethnic group, only Xiao Letian came out, and Jiang Yun also saw that he could condense the clear and turbid wilderness to the palm of his hand.

Although this is definitely related to the power of the robbery, it is enough to show that Xiao Letian’s talent is definitely the most powerful Xiao.

Xiao Letian continued: "At that time, I found me in the wild!"

"We have a common experience, a common enemy, so naturally come together!"

"To deal with Taoism, it is impossible to do it with the strength of the two of us. Therefore, after consultation, we decided to go deep into prison, because most of the prisoners are locked up with the Tao. ”

"If we can bring these people together, it is also a force that cannot be underestimated. Therefore, we cooperated with each other. I entered the prison with the power of looting, and then moved to a world. After years of hard work. , opened up this ancient world!"

"You said yes, all the space here is open to me. Even the ancient times are actually hidden in an independent space. Most people simply don't feel it, let alone find it. ”

After listening to Xiao Letian's remarks, Jiang Yun's doubts about this ancient world have basically been explained.

I have to say that the strength of the power generated by the cooperation between the two people, the wilderness and the Xiaole, can be said to be earth-shaking.

In the wild, the wilderness monks were controlled by the wild lines. Xiao Letian opened up countless spaces to protect the entire ancient world with the power of looting. This made the ancient times out of prison, even if the people in the Sannomiya could not put one's oar in.

In such a path that is not only free but also safe, the strength that is nurtured will naturally become stronger and stronger.

Once the prisoners of the entire prison are all included in the ancient times, as they have imagined, then the ancient world at that time cannot compete with the temple, but it will not be much different.

"Of course, for the existence of the Taoist world, it seems that the Three Palaces do not interfere, but how can they really let us grow and develop like this."

“Therefore, they thought of a way to buy some of the strongest people in prison, such as people like ink dust!”

"Let them enter the ancient times, to explore the secrets of the ancient world, and even secretly seize the control of the ancient world."

This point, Jiang Yun has been able to think of it.

When the ink duster sold the drug **** in the same year, he went crazy and disappeared. In fact, he was taken away by the people of the Third Palace, let him change his identity and wait for the ancient world.

Jiang Yun thought about it and asked: "Why, why is it that the people who enter the ancient times of the Tao are not marked with the wilderness of the abandonment? In that case, it is not better to control, there will be no trouble at all?"

Xiao Letian smiled slightly: "There was really such a thing at the time, but it was too much trouble, and it was easy to expose the distant identity."

"Once it is exposed, Tao Zun will not let us go, so I still have not done so."

Jiang Yun nodded and said: "Where is it far away? Why does he want you to pretend to be him? Where is he himself?"

"The wilderness..." When it came to this, Xiao Letian suddenly became silent.

And Jiang Yun did not go to the urging, just waiting quietly.

After a long time, Xiao Le genius slowly said: "This is related to the power of the Taoist I just told you."

"There is no way to know where the power of Taoism has extended to another piece of heaven and earth. He feels that it is still impossible to counter the Taoist sects by the ancient world. You must think of other methods."


"So, he decided to leave the ancient world and go to another plan."

"Because of our cooperation, he is always clear, I am always dark, even if they are very ignorant, they do not know my existence, in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, let me become his appearance, continue to sit in the ancient times of the town, also guard Trace the ancient world."

"In this way, even if his plan fails, then we at least have the retreat of the ancient world!"

Jiang Yun’s brow wrinkled slightly, because he noticed that Xiao Letian said that he did not explain the destiny, so he couldn’t help but ask directly: “Where is it, where did it go?”

After a moment of silence, Xiao Le genius slowly said: "He should, is dead!"

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