The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1127: Five interest time

Jiang Yun is still thinking about the magical effect of Shen Zhiding. When he heard Xiao Letian’s words, his body suddenly trembled and hurriedly looked up at Xiao Letian: “What good news?”

For Jiang Yun, whether it is the ignorance of the gods or the law of space, his purpose was to recapture the soul of his master, so now there is good news, and naturally he is very much looking forward to it.

Xiao Letian smiled and said: "About a year ago, Dao San suddenly left the Third Palace. I don't know where I went. I haven't returned yet."

"When he left, give the soul of your master to his disciple Zhou Xiantong!"

"Zhou Xiantong is also a strong Taiwanese, but it is weaker than the third."

"Plus that you have been able to use the power of the looting, then the possibility of grabbing your master brother from his hands is naturally much higher!"

Jiang Yun’s eyes are bright, which is really good news for himself!

With all of his current cards, the front is hard to resist the strong, although certainly not to win, but just to regain the soul of the master, it should still be difficult.

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Xiao Letian is also in the right direction: "However, you can't relax your vigilance. If you don't, then the third palace is like the Longtan Tiger Cave. The defense is extremely strict and the strong is like a cloud."

"Even, Dao San is likely to leave any special means, or he can rush back in time!"

"And the strength of Dao San, no one knows which realm is specific, but even your master, the boss is not an opponent, so you can imagine that his strength is strong, you must not be taken lightly."

"Now, you'd better be familiar with the rules of space and the power of looting. When are you ready, let's go."

After leaving these words, Xiao Letian took his heart and turned away!

In four years, I realized the law of space. I realized the power of looting in four years. This speed is already among the best in the family. However, Jiang Yun only spent four years in total, and at the same time did both.

No, strictly speaking, Jiang Yun should have only spent two years.

Even Jiang Yun will metamorphosis!

Although it is only one eye, everything is difficult at the beginning.

With the eyes of God, Jiang Yun will be able to make more effort on the power of looting in the future, then maybe one day, it will really make God's knowledge become a smashing saga and achieve the ultimate power of looting.

At that time, Jiang Yun, even in the heyday of the Xiao family, is definitely one of the best.

As for Jiang Yun, he naturally didn't think so much. After he had indulged in the same place for a while, he looked up and looked at the space in front of him.

At this moment, from his eyes, in the original empty nothingness, there are light spots one after another, connected in series, even in the face, arranged in a very uniform and regular way, endless Just like the stars of the hustle and bustle, it shines.

These spots are the laws of space.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Yun took a step forward and clearly saw that at the moment when his footsteps fell, the countless spots around him suddenly oscillated, just like the impending collapse.

Moreover, this shock is like a chain reaction, affecting the body of Jiang Yun, and let his body oscillate with these spots.

Even the frequency and amplitude of the oscillations are exactly the same.

In such a shock, Jiang Yun's body shape has disappeared, and when he appears again, he is already tens of thousands of miles away.

This is the use of space and the use of space law.

In the past, Jiang Yun calculated many strong people in the land of Jiejie, relying on empty-worms.

The body of the empty worm is used as the door of a fan space, so that he can appear in a certain range at will, similar to teleport.

However, nowadays, he can easily do this by shrinking the size, and the distance is even further.

As Jiang Yun advances farther and farther, the feeling of integrating himself and space is becoming more and more intense, as if he is this space, this space is himself.

After being familiar with the shrinkage, Jiang Yun finally stopped his body and came to an empty valley. The body was filled with a majestic atmosphere.

Under this breath, his body exudes an invisible force, and under this power package, his body begins to become transparent until it disappears again, completely integrated into the space.

After the five interest, Jiang Yun’s figure appeared from the original place.

This is the power of the air!

Shrinking into the inch is just a form of body, and if you really want to fully integrate into the space, you need the power of looting!

The power of control that can be controlled is increasing, and the time to integrate into space naturally becomes longer.

After the extreme, you can fully integrate yourself into the void and not show up.

However, today's Jiang Yun naturally can't do this. The ultimate he can do is to stay in the void for a short time.

Although there are only five interest rates, for him, it is equal to one more card.

Especially in the face of the enemy, if the other side's knowledge is not strong enough, or there is no sense of space law, then the time of almost complete hiding of the five interest is enough for Jiang Yun to easily complete the kill.

In this process of constantly exerting the power of shrinking the ground and looting, Jiang Yun’s perception of the power of looting and the law of space is naturally more and more.

And this also made him realize that those who really feel the way of space, the strength is really powerful and terrible, such as Xiao Letian.

If Xiao Letian wants to kill himself, even if he does not consider the gap in the realm of cultivation, he can only defend himself if he is hidden in the space.

"The silence of the nine ethnic groups, it really is a small one can not see!"

"Well, now is the time to go to the Sannomiya and recapture the soul of the master!"

However, before this, Jiang Yun first returned to his residence.

Before the retreat, he handed over the master to the criminal demon. Although the criminal devil did not contact himself in the past four years, it means that the master is definitely fine, but he also has to take a look at himself to be assured.

In the past four years, the criminal demon has been paying attention to the situation of Dongfang Bo. As soon as it is found that it has deteriorated, it will immediately find out the medicine for the master, so the situation of the master is the same as before.

In addition to taking care of the master brother, one thing that the criminal demon is responsible for is naturally the execution of the ink dust and the leaves!

Seeing that Ye Feifan and the ink dust are now, Jiang Yun is almost ready to recognize it.

Both of them have no human form, and they can't find a perfect place, but the vitality is still very strong.

For these two people, Jiang Yun did not have the slightest sympathy.

Both of them not only betrayed their respective masters, but they are also the chief culprit in the fight against Xueqing. These are the punishments they deserve.

Just as Jiang Yun was about to leave from the criminal demon, the criminal devil suddenly said: "Yes, there is a person named Xue Yucheng who will come to the adults every once in a while."

Jiang Yun remembered this. When he retired, he asked Xiao Letian to help him. He received the snow from the Golden Road to the ancient world, so that the Xuezu could be revived.

Now it seems that Xue Yucheng has already been picked up. He wants to see himself nothing more than to thank himself. So Jiang Yun just nodded and said: "If he comes again, you will tell him, I will go to him. !"

After that, Jiang Yun came directly to Xiao Letian, and Xiao Letian had already waited for him.

Looking at Jiang Yun, Xiao Letian said: "Are you ready?"

"All right!"

"Then we go to the third house!"

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