The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1128: I miss you very much

"Wait!" Jiang Yun looked at Xiao Letian: "Xiao brother, we said good before, you just send me to the Third Palace, you don't need to secretly shoot."

Obviously, Jiang Yun still worried that Xiao Letian would help in secret. If he accidentally exposed it, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Xiao Letian naturally knows that this is Jiang Yun’s unwillingness to hurt himself. He can’t help but smile: “Do not worry, now your strength, want to recapture the soul of your master, be careful, the problem should not be too big, nor I need my help."


"I am going with you, but it is just a cage for the Sannomiya!"

Incorporating the Tao San Palace into a separate space, let Jiang Yun gain the power of the landlord, and then rely on Jiang Yun's own strength to regain the soul of Dongfang Bo. This is the way Xiao Letian provided him.

Jiang Yun just nodded: "Good!"

"Now, I will first make a passage between the ancient times and the Tao San Palace. You are very optimistic."

At the same time of speaking, the seal of Xiao Lantian’s eyebrows emerged again, his hands huddled into a circle, and the invisible force of a looting suddenly came from all directions, condensed between his hands, the more The more you come.

In the end, even the naked eye can see that a large amount of looting power presents a constantly rotating vortex.

If you change it before, Jiang Yun still can't see the special features of Xiao Letian's move, but now he can also use the power of the air to naturally know the difficulty.

The power of looting is initially generated from one's own body, just like aura, but in the later stage, the power in space can be freely transformed into the power of looting, which is what Jiang Yun can't do now.

Xiao Letian explained the power of the looting, while explaining to Jiang Yun: "Dao Sangong seems to be beyond the prison, but it is actually within the scope of the prison."

"The same is true of the Taoist world, but there is another layer of space outside the ancient times. Therefore, if you want to go directly to the Tao San Palace from the ancient times, it is equivalent to open two spaces at the same time. a little more."

"If you just go to the prison, it is relatively simple, and you don't even need to take it out."

"I only need to give the key to open the space to them in a special way."

Upon hearing Xiao Letian’s explanation, Jiang Yun nodded and suddenly nodded, thinking of the door of the space that left the ancient world of the road opened by the ink duster on the same day, could not help but ask: “The door of the space, the only way to Road prison?"

"Not bad!"

Xiao Letian nodded. "To get to the real thousands of realms outside of the prison, to break the three-tier space at the same time, the power of the looting is huge."

"Even if it is me, if you open such a channel once, it will cost a lot of money, and it will take quite a long time to recover."

Speaking of this, Xiao Letian turned to look at Jiang Yun and said: "But you can rest assured that when you decide to leave the ancient world, I will definitely open this channel for you."

Jiang Yun nodded silently, although he was grateful, but did not say it in his mouth.

Every descendant of the dead nine people that I have encountered is of great help to myself.

These help, although because everyone has a common enemy, but they are contributing to their own growth, they must be firmly remembered.

Xiao Letian also stopped talking and concentrated on the power of looting.

After a quarter of an hour, the vortex formed by the force of the looming air between his hands was like a solid space.

At this time, he suddenly threw the vortex out.

Without the slightest sound coming out, the vortex touched the emptiness of the two in front of the two, just as the flame ignited the paper, letting the emptiness burn in an instant, revealing a black hole.

Looking at this hole, Jiang Yun suddenly remembered that when he left the clear and turbid wilderness, the channel that opened the big demon clear and turbid for himself opened the mountain and the sea, and it was very similar to the hole in front of him.

"It seems that the turbidity and stagnation of the wilderness should also have the power of robbing under Xiao's brother, and the reason why the turbidity can open the space channel, or even cultivate into a demon, I am afraid that it is related to Xiao Ge, or Xiao. ""

"Brother, let's go!"

Xiao Letian naturally didn't know what Jiang Yun was thinking. When he stepped into the hole, Jiang Yun followed.

There is no discomfort, and there is no feeling of a flower in front of me. It is really like a door. In front of Jiang Yun, there is boundless darkness and a magnificent palace suspended in the darkness.

Dao Sangong!

The gate of Dao Sangong is closed, but outside the Sannomiya, there is a team of nine people patrolling. Except for the middle-aged man who is headed, the rest is the heavenly environment!

And they apparently did not find the emergence of Jiang Yun and Xiao Letian.

Xiao Letian’s voice also sounded in the ears of Jiang Yun’s ear: “There was no one outside the Sangong Palace. No one has been here since you’ve come here and forcibly killed two disciples. Patrolman."

Xiao Letian’s words made Jiang Yun’s eyes seem to have seen the figure of the master’s brother appearing in this endless darkness.

Even he can imagine that the two disciples killed by the master should not listen to the embarrassment of the master.

This also made Jiang Yun's mouth a smile, but it was fleeting.

"Master, I haven't heard your embarrassment for a long time, I miss you very much. When I return, I hope I can listen to you for three days and three nights!"

Xiao Letian suddenly reached out and handed Jiang Yun a jade slip and a small airway: "Dao Sangong, although it seems to be a palace, but in fact it is like a world, its area is huge."

“Here, I have already prepared my people with a detailed map inside, and the location of Zhou Xiantong has been marked!”

Jiang Yun took over the jade, and the gods swept through it. Sure enough, I saw a map, and there is this red dot on the map. It is obviously the week.

"This cyclone is the key to getting you the power of space. You will get it into the body!"

"Okay, boy, you can go!"

Jiang Yun couldn't help but swear: "Brother, don't you say that you want to open up space and cover the Three Palaces?"

Xiao Letian smiled slightly: "In the four years of your retreat, I have not been idle. The space is already set up, but the area is not large. It is centered on the Three Palaces, and it is about a hundred miles away."

"It's too big, I am worried that I will be noticed. After you enter, just use the power of the looting, and then cooperate with the cyclone I give you, you will naturally become the master of space!"

"After entering the Third Palace, your speed must be fast. After you have recovered the soul of your master, you will leave immediately. There must be no hesitation."

"Well, as long as the road does not come out, I believe that with your strength, there should be nothing wrong."

These words make Jiang Yun's heart warm.

It turns out that Xiao Letian wants to accompany himself, not to open up space, or to worry about himself, so he has to stay with him here, and once he finds himself in danger, he will rescue him.

At this point, Jiang Yun also knows that even if he let Xiao Letian go back, the other party will definitely not leave, so Jiang Yun simply no longer said anything, just bowed to Xiao Letian and said: "Brother, wait for me. Good news!"

Xiao Letian also held a fist: "I am waiting for you here, I wish you a triumphant return!"

Straight up, Jiang Yun went straight to the Third Palace!

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