The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1129: I am God.

Dao Sangong, the palace responsible for guarding the prison, looks as if it is completely undefended, quietly suspended in the darkness.

However, in the countless years of its existence, although there have been many strong intrusions, no one can leave safely, including the Oriental Bo.

It is conceivable that there are absolutely strong defenses hidden around them.

Nowadays, in order to prevent the similar situation of Dongfang Bo from happening again, Dao Sangong even specially sent a team of nine people to patrol around the palace without interruption.

Even so, this nine-person squad did not think that at this moment, there is already an uninvited guest in the distance from them.

The reason why Jiang Yun stood above this position was because the group of cyclones that Xiao Letian had just given him suddenly exploded and filled the inside of his body.

This also allows him to clearly feel that there is something like the will and the power that comes to him.

This is the power of control of this space, or, is the power of the landlord!

At this moment, Jiang Yun has become the master of this space, and this Sangong has become a building in this space.

Naturally, in the eyes of Jiang Yun that can see the law, in the original empty darkness around the Third Palace, about a hundred thousand feet in the area, there have been a series of criss-crossing light.

These rays are like a spider web, forming a huge optical network.

Dao Sangong is located in the center of the optical network.

This optical network is actually a battle method, a formation that is also arranged by the force of space law.

If there is no space law, and the knowledge is not strong enough, then there is no such thing as the existence of this space array.

And once you touch any of these dense lights, you will touch the whole array.

Even if the people in the Third Palace do not appear, relying solely on the power of the array in the space, it is enough to easily trap or directly strangle the people who commit the crime!

It is precisely because of the existence of this large space that the Tao Sangong does not need to arrange any extra defenses.

Obviously, the nine-person patrol squad that is also in the center of the big array is also thinking about it.

Although they are obeying orders, they have to come, but for such boring, the most important thing is that they will not gain any merits. It is obviously extremely dissatisfied.

Among the nine people, the eight gods monks are constantly making small complaints.

"A round of work a year, now less than half of the time has passed, how can the rest of the days be awkward!"

"Yeah, the so-called patrol here is simply a waste of time. How can someone dare to come to our third house, stay here every day, people must be moldy!"

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"I knew that I would not apply to transfer to the Third Palace."

"Head, can you talk to the above, let us change people soon?"

The head of the powerful is also dissatisfied with the task of patrolling such a task.

But as a boss, he naturally can't be as unscrupulous as these men.

Therefore, he can only frown and say: "All shut up, although this task is indeed a bit boring, but if you can capture the people who come to the palace, it is a great credit for us!"

However, his remarks not only did not play the slightest relief, but led to more complaints.

"Head, do you believe this yourself?"

"Liantangtang is on the road to the palm of the road, and there are other people who dare to come."

"Again, I heard that the master of the road is proficient in the rules of space, so it is possible to avoid this space and replace it with other people. Even if the strength is stronger than the upper hand, it must be killed by the space array. Where is it our turn to take the credit!"

The Taoist strong man shook his head helplessly: "Then you pray to God a lot and pray that someone can walk through this space and appear in front of us!"


As the voice of this strong man just fell, the nine people suddenly heard a slight wind screaming at the same time, and they let their eyes suddenly look at them, and they looked at them all around.


The wind suddenly sounded again, and it was getting bigger and bigger, as if there was an endless wind that suddenly appeared out of thin air and fell into this area.

However, they were far-sighted, but they did not even see the half-personal shadow.

However, what reassures them is that there is no slight reaction in the surrounding space that is hidden in the darkness.

This shows that this wind is not in the line, but in the line.

In the eyes of the powerful, the brilliance of the brilliance: "Brothers, maybe our good fortune is coming. Look at this posture, it seems that someone really came to marry the third house!"

The spirit of the other eight people is also suddenly a boost.

Although they still don't believe that some people dare to come to the Sannomiya, if it is true, even if the other party is trapped by the formation, they will be able to get the same credit!

Therefore, they are really looking forward to someone who can come to the Sannomiya.

As for fear and tension, they are completely absent!


In the expectation of the nine people, the wind is getting louder and louder, and it feels like the wind of the whole world. It seems that they all gather in the darkness of the surrounding area.

Finally, a guard suddenly reached out and said: "Look, there are people!"

In the direction of guarding the finger, there was a figure, and it was slowly moving towards the Third Palace.

It’s just that the silhouette of the figure is shrouded in a misty thing, which makes it impossible for everyone to see the appearance of the figure.

The strong sneer sneered, stepping forward and screaming: "There is a stop, you know where it is, dare to swear!"

As the voice of the strong voice fell, the figure immediately responded: "Where, where is it? Why can't you swear?"

"This is the Three Palaces, dare to swear, kill innocent!"

"Dao, three, palace!"

The figure repeated the three words and continued to take three steps before stopping the figure.

At this time, the fog of his body has dissipated, revealing his face.

Naturally, this person is Jiang Yun!

The strong man stared at Jiang Yun with both eyes, and suddenly he felt that the other person’s appearance seemed to have been seen there, but he couldn’t think of it for a while, but he frowned and said: “Who are you? Sign up for the name!"

Jiang Yun faceless expression: "I am... God!"


When I heard these two words, nine people were a glimpse, because it was not like a person’s name. After a while, someone responded: “Bold, you dare to play us!”

Jiang Ran simply ignored them, but suddenly raised his hand, toward the darkness ahead, emptiness and emptiness.


A loud bang suddenly sounded, and the endless darkness, together with the Dao Sangong, all swayed wildly, and even the hearts of the nine people trembled.

In this shaking, the nine people clearly saw that in the darkness, there was a ray of light that continued to emerge.

This is naturally a big array of space.

However, they have not experienced the law of space. It is reasonable to say that this method cannot be seen.

But now they can not only see, but even more clearly see, in nothingness, there is a big infinite palm, holding this space.

At the same time, Jiang Yun’s voice rang again in their ears.

"I am really God, because I heard your prayers, so now I will appear, let your prayers come true!"

When the voice fell, Jiang Yun also smashed the palm of his hand and slammed it hard!

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