The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1136: Master Lei Guang

More than a year ago, in the ancient times, in the ancient times, Jiang Yun’s embarrassment had been obeyed, and the invisible name was found in an inconspicuous place to hide. Mu Shaofeng was suddenly caught by a mysterious person who had never seen it. It appeared in a black hole.

Although he didn't know who he was, he didn't know what the black hole was, but he saw the shape of Jiang Yun outside the hole.

He even saw that Jiang Yun had a huge finger and exploded in an instant, so that Jiang Yun, who was about to rush into the hole, was directly stunned by the bomb.

At that time, Mu Shaofeng finally understood that the purpose of the mysterious person to bring himself here was to save himself from the cloud, so he immediately rushed out without thinking about it, regardless of the impact of the explosion. Bringing Jiang Yun’s success into the black hole.

However, the power of the horrible explosion naturally caused him to be affected. Dan Tian was almost completely smashed, and his body was repaired as a loss of exhaustion. His face was blown up with countless traces of scars.

When he woke up, he was already in a barren hill, lying next to him in a coma!

Although his injury is not light, but at least there is still the power of action, so he is carrying a coma, Jiang Yun, all the way to trek, finally entered this Anshan City, looking for a hotel to live down.

When Jiang Yun was separated from Mu Shaofeng, he gave him all the Lingshi and the medicinal herbs, so Mu Shaofeng was also considered a rich man.

According to the idea of ​​Mu Shaofeng, I first lived in this Anshan City, and then went to some brilliant pharmacists to treat Jiang Yun for the injury.

However, I did not expect that the second day of his arrival in Anshan City, I was surprised to hear an amazing news.

The world where Anshan City is located is actually under the jurisdiction of Thunder!

Thunder God even issued a Thunder, so that there is only one name, and a portrait!

Mu Shaofeng was originally a Taoist sect. You can't know the power and horror of Thunder Day. It is not weaker than the existence of the Nine Avenues.

Naturally, he knows more about the Thunder Order. In fact, it is a kind of killing order issued by Thunder!

Throughout the ages, the masters of the names that appear on the Thunder have never been able to escape the pursuit.

And the name and portrait of the person appearing on the Thunder is - Jiang Yun!

Although he did not know when Jiang Yun had provoked the Thunder Sky, he even provoked the other party to issue a Thunder, but even if he was the original Taoist person, the people who met Thunder Day would have to be polite. Not to mention the fact that he is seriously injured today.

If you are with a coma, Jiang Yun, once you are discovered by Thunder Sky, you will die.

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As for himself, he is also worried about being recognized by people who have known him before. Therefore, his original plan can only be cancelled. He has hurriedly left Jiangshan with Anshan City and dug a hole in the barren hill outside the city. Among them, while healing, while waiting for Jiang Yun to wake up.

Unfortunately, in the past three months, Jiang Yun has not yet awakened, and he relied on the medicinal herbs that Jiang Yun gave him. Although the trauma was almost cured, Dan Tian could not heal and became an ordinary person.

If you change to someone else to encounter such a situation, I am afraid that I will not be able to help but suicide. However, the experience of being trapped in the Jiuxuelian Circumnacle and the feelings of returning to the Taoist ancestors have been warm and cold, but it has already been The character is tempered and extremely tough.

What's more, if he is dead, then Jiang Yun may not be able to live, so instead of suicide, he is thinking about going to Anshan City to inquire about the news of Thunder.

However, his special status, coupled with his face being disfigured, did not dare to go out and inquire about the news.

So when he thought about it, he ran to be a drunk and went to be a little guy.

After all, he is very clear, no matter where it is, the restaurant is always the most informative place!

With his scary appearance, the original treasurer did not want to use him at all, but his hands and feet were diligent, he worked hard, and he was not very demanding, so the treasurer left him with a hard time.

From then on, during the day he was the buddy of the restaurant, and at night he sneaked back into the hole to take care of Jiang Yun.

It’s just that the distance between the two places is too far away, and it’s easy to be discovered. Fortunately, Jiang Yun gave his own sentimental sentiment to him, so he was more proficient in the law, so he arranged a place in the cellar. Transfer array.

Now, after a year has passed, Jiang Yun has been in a coma, and there is no sign of waking up.

Mu Shaofeng was completely ignorant of the medicinal tract. Even he didn't even know God. He couldn't see the situation in Jiang Yun's body. So there was no way to wait for Jiang Yun to wake up.

One night passed quickly. As the sky was twilight, Mu Shaofeng stood up, put on the black cloth again, looked at Jiang Yun, and sighed: "You will continue to sleep, this way to serve the people again." !"

After that, Mu Shaofeng held the oil lamp and stepped into the transmission array to leave.

Just in the moment when the light of the transmission array was lit, he did not see that the eyelid of Jiang Yun lying on the bed suddenly moved slightly!


Not drunk is still the same as usual, ushered in to send, at noon, it is already full of people.

Mu Shaofeng is also doing the work of his buddy with due diligence.

However, when he saw a group of people coming in at the entrance of the restaurant, the face hidden under the black cloth could not help but reveal a bitter smile.

Because the group of people headed, it was the son of yesterday!

Although the other party may just come here to eat, but Mu Shaofeng has a strong sense of foreboding, the other side is still for himself.

Thinking of this, Mu Shaofeng did not dare to go up to Zhang Luo, but bowed his head and hurried backwards.

Sure enough, the son of the son saw him at a glance, and shouted loudly: "The ugly, you give the less standing!"

The voice of the son of the son is great, naturally attracting the attention of other guests in the restaurant, and although Mu Shaofeng listened clearly, but pretended not to hear, but accelerated the pace.

But at this moment, a wind suddenly came from behind him, and in the next moment, he only felt that his body was light, and the whole person had been shackled from behind, smashed his life, and then threw it heavily. In front of the son of the son.

The shopkeeper saw this scene and just wanted to meet it, but a middle-aged man behind the son of the son was cold and glared at him: "My family, Lei Guangzong, is doing things, you better have less!"

When I heard the words "Lei Guangzong", let's not say that the shopkeeper's footsteps were stiff, and even some of the guests in the restaurant who were supposed to stand up and fight for the injustice immediately sat down again.

Mu Shaofeng's body is slightly trembled. I didn't expect this son to be the young master of Lei Guangzong!

Lei Guangzong, if you talk about the strength of the Zongmen, it is not a big door.

But since in the Thunder days, dare to use the word "雷" as one of the names of the sects, it proves that they are related to Thunder!

Therefore, for Lei Guangzong, where can someone dare to provoke.

"Ugly ugly, I just saw this little, why should I hide?" The son of the son has already stretched out his foot and stepped on the chest of Mu Shaofeng. He smiled and said: "Is it a bad thing? Don't dare to see this little?"

Mu Shaofeng stuttered: "I, I didn't see you, you!"

"Don't see?" The smile on the face of the son of the son is even more powerful: "This is a big living person standing here, you can't see it, then it's useless to keep your eyes!"

"Come, come and dig me out of his eyes!"

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