The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1137: perish together

With the order of the son, the middle-aged man who had just scorned the shopkeeper behind him immediately strode out and came to the face of Mu Shaofeng. He reached out and grabbed the eyes of Mu Shaofeng.

Mu Shaofeng hurriedly grabbed his own eyes and shouted in his mouth: "Young master, the villain knows the wrong, the villain knows the wrong, and asks the adults to raise their hands and spare the villain!"

While talking, Mu Shaofeng’s other palm has quietly held a fireball!

In any case, even if he fights with these people, he can't really let the other person dig his own eyes.

"All right!"

Fortunately, at that time, the son of the son suddenly said again: "This is just a joke with you, don't need to scare it!"

"You know, your current worth is worth the price, and you are not willing to hurt you!"

The middle-aged man also took back his fingers and stepped back two steps. He looked at Mu Shaofeng with his eyes cold.

Although escaped a catastrophe, but Mu Shaofeng is a fog!

He was surprised at all. Although he was a little unhappy on the other side yesterday, he would never let the other person run for a moment to find himself, and he still has so many people.

Although I am now repaired as a loss, but my eyesight is at least still, the other person brought by the other party, the weakest is also the Tao Lingjing, such a big squad to deal with such a young man, it is a bit of a fuss!

Now, the other party said that he is worth the price.

Is the other party recognized his identity?

But even if he recognizes it, he will send him back to seek the Tao. At most, since Dao Zong has put himself into prison, he can't care about his life and death. How come he is worthy of the city?

Can't figure this out, Mu Shaofeng is too lazy to think, continue the path of pity: "If the son of the son, the villain really does not understand, just ask the son to let himself."

The son of the son kicked and kicked with his feet on the face of Mu Shaofeng. He sneered and said: "Okay, you don't have to install anymore. Your courage should be great. Otherwise, how dare you provoke Thunder Day?" !"

"You are on the Thunder, Jiang Yun!"

Jiang Yun!

When I heard this name, everyone in the restaurant couldn’t help but be one!

It’s been more than a year since the Thunder’s order was issued. Now, let’s not say Thunder, even if it’s in the thousands of circles, many people know the name Jiang Yun!

Only now, no one knows where this Jiang Yun is, but he can only be sure that he has not been caught by Thunder Sky. Otherwise, the Thunder will be withdrawn.

But no one thought that the son of the son actually said that the person who was lying on the ground, even the face was disfigured, would be the cloud that Lei Haotian was looking for!

Mu Shaofeng naturally also stunned, and stared at the son of a smug color, and there was a blank in his mind.

The son of the son was proud of the black sermon on the face of Mu Shaofeng: "I saw you sneaky yesterday, and I was surprised to pretend to be a ghost. Later, after I went back, I thought about it before I finally thought about it. You must be Jiang Yun."

"As the saying goes, the big faintness to the world, you deliberately ruined your face, and then ran to this restaurant as a buddy, so that no one can think of it, you are under the thunder, I will hide under the eyes of Thunder!"

"Only if you are so smart, you can see through your tricks!"

After the man said these words, his face was full of self-sufficiency, but the people he heard were all full of stunned faces.

Some people couldn't help but reach out and grab their mouths to avoid laughing.

Because although the speculation of the son is indeed possible, the possibility is really minimal.

Since Jiang Yun has even dared to offend Thunder, it is conceivable that the strength will not be too weak.

And almost everyone can see it, this little man has not done the slightest repair, it is impossible to be Jiang Yun.

Therefore, in the final analysis, all this is just a random guess that the son of the son is too boring.

Of course, even if this little guy is not Jiang Yun, it is not a big deal for him to catch the wrong person.

Mu Shaofeng also finally returned to the gods, revealing the color of smile.

Because he is more clear than others, although this is indeed the wild speculation of the young Lei Guangzong, but it is really not far from the truth!

Although I am not Jiang Yun, but now I look at thousands of people, I am afraid that I am the only one who knows where Jiang Yun is.

Gongzi brother waved his hand: "Okay, grab him, and follow me to the Thunder Day!"

The middle-aged man immediately reached out and directly smashed Mu Shaofeng’s body.

At the moment, Mu Shaofeng’s teeth were bitten, and the scarred face suddenly showed a cold smile: “Want to catch me, you die with me!”

When the voice fell, the one that was always held by Mu Shaofeng’s hand was smashed to the bottom of his body.


A raging flame suddenly rose from the sky, and all the people brought by Mu Shaofeng and Lei Guangzong were wrapped up.

No one thought that Mu Shaofeng’s body would still have such a horrible magic weapon, so that no one could dodge at all, so a scream of screaming screams immediately came out of the flame.

Although the weakest of these people from Lei Guangzong are Taoist, but the air thrown out by Mu Shaofeng is off fire!

In the **** world, even if the strongest of the heavens is not willing to touch this fire, you can imagine the power of this fire.

Although Mu Shaofeng is not Jiang Yun, he is very clear that if he is really caught by these people, then he only needs to search his own soul to know where Jiang Yun is.

Jiang Yun is still in a coma, and there is no resistance at all. Once he is known, he will naturally fall into the hands of Thunder.

Therefore, it has always been difficult to live to the current Mu Shaofeng, and finally made up his mind, and Lei Guangzong's group of people have died together, it is considered to be dying before dying.

It’s a pity that although Mu Shaofeng was ready to die, the middle-aged man who took advantage of him was very quick to react. Plus he was also the cultivation of the heavenly environment, so at the moment when the flame appeared, it was already Grabbing him quickly quit the sea of ​​fire.

Behind the son of the son, there is also a person with a big sleeve, a water dragon emerges out of nowhere, entangled the body of the son, and brought him out.

Although there is nothing wrong with the son of the son, but the hair, eyebrows, clothes are burned a lot, the pale face is black and white, it looks extremely embarrassing.

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The son of the son reached out and pointed to the wind, and violently jumped like a thunder: "Give me his eyes, kneel down his hands, and even want to kill me!"

As the young master of Lei Guangzong, he used to be arrogant in the Thunder days. He was almost buried in the hands of Mu Shaofeng. Although he escaped, he was able to swallow this breath.

Now, he can't take care of anything worthwhile. In addition to being unable to take advantage of the lack of life, he must at least make Mu Shaofeng become disabled, so that he can get out of his heart.

Although Mu Shaofeng didn't die as expected, but he has already squandered it. His face is not without the slightest fear. Instead, he laughs out loudly: "If you have the courage, you will kill me, but I don't have the courage to forgive you. Thunder, a dog, only screams!"

The son of the son jumped up again and said: "I am mad at me, and I will pull out his tongue again!"

The middle-aged man who was always squatting with the lack of wind, once again reached out and grabbed the eyes of Mu Shaofeng.

Mu Shaofeng’s eyes are not closed. It’s the scorn of the male brother in front of him. It seems that he wants to engrave the other’s appearance in his memory.

However, at this moment, in his eyes, behind the son of the son, suddenly more than a figure!

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