The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1147: Too shameful

At this moment, Jiang Yun finally understands why Lei Li will have resentment against the Thunder!

It's not just because the Thunder has a congenital corpse, but a Thunder with a congenital corpse, who can control the Thunder in others!

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In this way, the Thunder is invincible in the Thunder days when almost everyone is pursuing the avenue of thunder, except for a few people like Thunder God.

In the face of the enemy, he does not have to display his own thunder, and he can reinvent his opponent by relying on the thunder of others.

Even Jiang Yun has further guessed that the reason why the Thunder can always follow behind him is not to tell him in a way that he does not know.

It is because of the resurgence of the thunder and the thunder of the thunder, or the Thunder can clearly perceive it.

Although Jiang Yun sealed the refinement of Lei Li, there is no way to seal the thunder in his body, and it is even more impossible to seal his thunder, so as long as Jiang Yun will bring him to his side, then there will never be a way to get rid of it. Thunder.

Although I have figured out these things, Jiang Yun at the moment has no time to pay attention to it.

His own Thunder Road actually released the Thunder under the control of others to attack himself. This is the first thing Jiang Yun needs to solve now.

Although with Jiang Yun's King Kong Magic, these thunders can't do much harm to him, but if he doesn't want to solve it completely, then he can't escape from the Thunder today.

More importantly, Jiang Yun must also make a quick decision, because in the distance, he has been able to clearly feel that several breaths are coming here.

Obviously, the fight between myself and the Thunder has been discovered by other people who track themselves.

At this time, the Thunder once again said coldly: "Don't be vain again. Since you have also cultivated the way of Lei, then it is impossible for me to be my opponent."

"come on!"


With the fall of the Thunder, the Thunder, who had just been suppressed by Jiang Yun, was uncontrollable and had to rush out of Jiang Yun’s body and go to the Thunder.

Jiang Yun's eyes flashed in the cold, and his teeth were bitten, and he even let go of the suppression of the Thunder.

I saw that Thunder’s body suddenly rushed out of Jiang Yun’s body and instantly came to the Thunder’s side.

However, at this time, Thunder's body suddenly exuded a dazzling golden light, shrouded himself.

Golden light, nature is the mine world!

With the advent of the mine world, Jiang Yun immediately felt that the Thunder’s body had returned to normal, and hurriedly spit out the words: “Thunder!”

Thunder's body suddenly reached out, and a thunderbolt slammed into a thunder that was close at hand.


Under the thunder, the Thunder's body shape was swallowed in an instant, and the Thunder apparently did not expect that Jiang Yun's Thunder Road would have a side of the mine, so this was a fight.

A hit, Jiang Yun did not continue to attack, Thunder Road with a mine, turned into an electric light, returned to Jiang Yun's body.

Jiang Yun immediately applied the technique of shrinking the ground into a inch. He took a few steps and left the area far away.

Although there is no security, Jiang Yun’s eyes are full of light and flashing.

Because he finally knows the role of the congenital body, knows the reason why the Thunder can control the thunder in others.

The source of the Thunder!

The Thunder with the innate Thunder, the Thunder he controls is not a robbery, but a thunder, which is the source of the Thunder.

Even he himself can be seen as the source of the Thunder, and it can be seen as a thunder, so that he can command all the thunder in the world.

However, if you encounter other sources of thunder, then his manipulation will lose its effect.

This is also the reason why Jiang Yunming knows that the exposure of the mine will cause more trouble for himself, and still let the Thunder body release the mine.

This is his temptation for the Thunder.

However, even if I understand this, there is not much help for Jiang Yun.

The sneak attack of Thunder Road was not able to hurt the Thunder, so Jiang Yun’s biggest hope now is the order of the middle-aged man who was just received by the Thunder.

The main road, Lei Hai, is about to open, and the Thunder is going back!

The right way, Lei Hai, Jiang Yun, although it is still not clear what it is, but at least from the mouth of Lei Li, there is a place where ordinary monks can have a mine body and even have a congenital body.

Jiang Yun believes that compared to grasping himself, the Thunder should be more concerned about the opening of the right way.

Even if he doesn't care, Thunder God and others will definitely let him back.

Therefore, what he has to do now is to continue to run and delay the time until the Thunder has to rush back to prepare for the opening of the right way.

To be honest, Jiang Yun feels too shameful about his own thoughts.

In the face of the Thunder, what they can do besides fleeing, it is even waiting for the other party to give up and chase themselves.



Thunder's cold voice rang from the thunder, and the thunder that surrounded him was suddenly disappearing, revealing his intact figure.

His gaze looked at the direction of Jiang Yun’s escape. The face with no expression on his face finally showed a trace of greed: “I didn’t expect that you actually have a ray of mine. It’s no wonder that Lei Li’s display of robbery is not yours. Opponent!"

"But it's good, at least except for me and a few people. There should be no one in this Thunderday to be able to catch you. Then when I go back and prepare for the opening of the right way, I will come back to you, you flee. Can't fall!"

When the voice fell, the Thunder did not chase after Jiang Yun, but rushed away in the opposite direction from Jiang Yun.

After escaping millions of miles in a row, Jiang Yun’s figure stopped.

Because he also felt that the Thunder had been lost behind him, which shows that the other party really gave up chasing himself.

Although he finally got temporary security, Jiang Yun did not relax his vigilance, but instead found a more ridiculous world and stepped into it.

After the continuous separation of nine large-scale isolation, Jiang Yun was arrested from the top of the black cloud.

At this moment, Lei Li looked at Jiang Yun. With a sneer on his face, and as Jiang Yun removed the seal on his mouth, he immediately said: "I haven't noticed me for so long. It seems that you have met the Thunder!"

"Haha, how, in the face of the Thunder, you should have no resistance to the slightest!"

In the face of resentful cynicism, Jiang Yun did not pay attention to it, calmly said: "Thunder can pass through you to know my position, so now, I want to destroy your mine body and abolish your cultivation."

"Unless, you tell me the true role of the road print debris, and what exactly is the right way."

When the voice fell, Jiang Yun simply did not give the opportunity to open the mouth, directly sticking out the palm of the golden light, and inserting it into the thunderous chest, holding the thunder outside the heart of the sharp, hard one pull.

Among the electro-optical masterpieces, these thunders were directly removed from the heart of Lei Li by Jiang Yun and fell into his own body.

Since the thunder is to let the various organs be wrapped by the thunder, then the absorption of these thunders will inevitably break the thunder.

It may not be possible to change this to someone else, but for Jiang Yun who owns the mine and has the source of the Thunder, it is not difficult.

As the thunder of his heart suddenly disappeared, the expression on the face of Lei Li suddenly solidified.

Although there is pain, he does not feel it at all, but has a huge loss.

The Thunder body, even if it is the day after tomorrow, he paid a great price and received countless hard efforts to get it. Now he has to be destroyed by Jiang Yun, how can he be willing!

"I said, I said, the right way, Lei Hai can improve the physical fitness of all living things, breaking through all the shackles on the body..."

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