The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1148: The source of Wandao

"Broken everything on the body!"

Repeating this sentence, Jiang Yun’s eyes could not help but illuminate and continue to ask: “Does the so-called shackles contain seals that have been added to others?”

Lei Li did not answer, just staring at Jiang Yun with his eyes full of resentment.

Jiang Yun is no nonsense, once again reaching out and deeply inserting his chest.

This time, Jiang Yun directly took out two groups of Thunder, and swallowed away unceremoniously.

"I do not know I do not know!"

The great pain caused Lei Li suddenly screamed wildly, and the body shivered slightly: "There are many flaws on the body of the spirit."

"For example, the Taoist body, some people come to be smooth, some people are born to be occluded, enter the right way, Leihai, under the baptism of the thunder, it is possible to open the occlusion."

"As for whether I can break the seal, I really don't know, but there should be this possibility!"

Tao, Jiang Yun naturally knows.

At the beginning of the test, one of the tests of the three entrances that everyone had to go through was specifically used to test whether the track was unobstructed.

Jiang Yun is a Taoist martial art, and among the disciples who asked him to ask Dao Zong at the same time, there is a woman named Lu Yourong, who is a two-channel body. He was asked to fight for the many elders in the sect.

When I heard this, Jiang Yun also understood it roughly. This is the way to Leihai. It should be the combination of the thunder.

Entering it, the approaching into the body, it is possible to open the occlusion of the body, or absorb the mine as its own, thus achieving the body or the body.

Jiang Yun said with indulgence: "Although I am not sure if I can really break the seal, but this is the way to Leihai, it must go to a trip."

Listening to this sentence, although Lei Li hated Jiang Yun, he still had a taunting color in his eyes.

The right way, Lei Hai, since it has such a miraculous effect, it will inevitably have to pay a great price if you want to enter it.

Even the immediate descendants of this Thunder God are not eligible to enter now. Jiang Yun is an outsider, and it is still impossible for the Thunder to be pursued.

Needless to say, where the Leihai is located, the defense is almost the most sturdy place in the entire Thunder Day. Jiang Yun is not going to be okay. Once he goes, it is equal to self-investment.

Jiang Yun naturally saw the ridicule in the eyes of Lei Li, and also knew that he wanted to enter the right way, the difficulty of Leihai, but he had reasons to go.

However, of course, he would not go to the explanation with these things, and then he asked: "What is the real role of the road print debris?"

Although Lei Li would like to refuse to answer, but see Jiang Yun that has been raised again in the palm of his hand, under the shackles of the body, where dare to conceal, hurriedly replied: "The biggest role of the Daoist fragments is that you can enter it. In the source of the formation, so that Daoyuan helps you to quench your body!"

Lei Li’s answer, let Jiang Yun first be a glimpse, but then he will be surprised and suddenly understand!

As long as the tract fragments are absorbed enough, they can be turned into water, and any item can be placed in the water, so that the item is branded to enhance the utility and power of the item.

The original water, called Daoyuan!

Although Jiang Yun has no idea how many things have been thrown into the source, he never thought about getting himself into it!

Of course, he does not know how he can enter the Tao.

Lei Li said: "Through the Tao Ling as a guide, you can let yourself enter by communicating with the source."

"I will also be branded after entering?"

Lei Li shook his head and said: "Daoyuan is the source of Wandao!"

"The item can't absorb the source of the road, so the source of the road will form a brand on the object, but the soul can directly absorb the source of the road, and there will be no branding!"

"And, the souls can enter the source of the Tao infinitely, like my cultivation, almost all in the source!"

“The more you enter, the weaker you can achieve.”

“Also, the larger the area of ​​the road-printed debris, the more the source of the road, and the better the natural quenching effect!”

Jiang Yun finally understood, why Lei Li would say that he was holding a huge Baoshan but he did not know it.

The road print debris has such a magical effect!

It’s no wonder that Lei Li only has the cultivation of Tianyou, but the strength is far beyond the realm;

No wonder he is clearly the way to practice, but the body is also more powerful than others!

Jiang Yun thought for a moment and continued to ask: "Is there no time limit for practicing in the Taoist source?"

"No, but the source is like aura. When your body can no longer accommodate more sources, it will leave."

"When you digest all the sources of the absorption, you can enter again!"

Jiang Yun did not ask again, directly let the Taoist shards emerge, let it be turned into a Taoist source, and then reached out and untied the seal on the sorrowful spirit: "Take me a look!"

Although Jiang Yun knows that Lei Li should not dare to lie to himself under such circumstances, he still needs to verify it.

Lei Li slightly closed his eyes, he saw his body vacated, flying directly to the source of the road when it was directly reduced, easily entered the first layer of Taoyuan, clearly was actively inhaled by the Taoyuan.

"Sure enough!"

Jiang Yun can't help but reveal the light. If he can enter it and absorb enough Taoyuan, his own strength will undergo earth-shaking changes.

However, Jiang Yun also knows that even if you want to enter the Taoyuan cultivation, you need to find an absolutely safe place.

Otherwise, once discovered by others, the consequences will be unimaginable.

After only a moment, Lei Li flew out: "Now the first layer of the source has no effect on me."

Jiang Yun nodded and re-injected the printed fragments into the body. He looked at Lei and said: "I can leave you a life, but your mine is still going to be broken, because the Thunder can rely on your mine. find me!"

The sharp face suddenly became very pale: "No, no, Jiang Yun, beg you, spare me!"

Jiang Yun simply ignored his pleading for mercy, shot like electricity, and quickly absorbed all the thunder in the body!

The previous resilience to the destruction of Lei Guangzong's world is not in the heart. This is enough to show that his character is extremely cruel, so Jiang Yun does not have any unbearable heart now.

If it is not because of the spirit of Lei Li, there must be the gods left by Thunder God, Jiang Yun will even kill him directly.

Looking at the stunned and stunned, Jiang Yun threw it back into the top of the black cloud, and he did not leave in a hurry, but still sat in the same place and fell into meditation.

Since he woke up, he has been almost in the middle of fighting and running, so that he has no time to think about the things of the ancient world.

Although the experience of the ancient times has come to an end, but it has been too hasty to go, there are still some things that have not been resolved, and some doubts have not been solved.

For example, about the first refining demonian between the heavens and the earth, for example, what the heaven and earth that came to the end of the nine people is like.

Even, he did not leave a way to balance the ancestors of the wind.


It’s just useless to think about it now. I only have to wait until later when I enter the ancient times again. And with the strength of Xiao Letian, there should be ways to suppress the ancestors of the wind.

Now the first thing I have to do is to leave from this thunder and then go to the Nine Avenues to find the nine keys that can open the world.

However, before leaving, I have to go to the right foot of Leihai!

Thinking of this, Jiang Yun suddenly reached out and shredded his shirt, revealing the upper body.

Then, Jiang Yun's knowledge covered his naked upper body, and his eyes gradually became full of light, and a touch of color... !

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