The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1149: Reasonable life

On the body of Jiang Yun, there are hundreds of scars of various sizes!

These scars, no matter how strong the self-healing ability of Jiang Yun, can't make them heal.

Because they are actually not scars, but the grandfather Jiang Wanli spent 16 years, the unique reincarnation seal of the Jiang people left in Jiang Yun!

However, now Jiang Yun’s naked upper body, these scars that have not changed in the slightest since the appearance, there are a few, but it has faded!

It looks like the wound is about to heal!

Under the collapse of the three fingers, Jiang Yun was seriously injured, but the injuries were cured as early as half a year ago.

The reason why he never wakes up is because several of the reincarnation seals began to fade, which made him continue to sleep for half a year!

The change in seals, according to Jiang Yun’s guess, should be that the force of the collapse of the fingers of the three fingers is too strong, just hitting the scars, which caused them to be affected and become weak.

For these seals, although Jiang Yun knew about their existence, they never understood the purpose of Grandpa leaving them on themselves.

Especially when he learned from Jiang’s mouth that Grandpa transferred his reincarnation seal to himself, either he was extremely cared for, or he was extremely jealous. Although he believed that his grandfather was out of love, he reprinted the reincarnation. Own, but the word "taboo" is always lingering in his heart!

Therefore, he really wants to break the reincarnation seal and know the real purpose of Grandpa!

Now, the opportunity is coming!

Zhengdao Leihai may be able to make this hope of Jiang Yun come true.

And this is the real purpose of Jiang Yun to go to the right way.

Compared with the nine-nation road seal, Jiang Yun cares more about the seal left by Grandpa, so he wants to use the power of the right way to break the seal!

Naturally, it would be better if the nine-nation road could be broken.

After all, the existence of the Jiuzu Daofeng will suppress his cultivation as a realm, so that he can not continue to break through to the heavenly and higher realms.

However, in order to enter the right way, Lei Hai, Jiang Yun must also carefully consider it.

In the event that someone is identifiable, it is very likely that Leihai will become his place of burial.

"Since the thunderous thunder has been completely destroyed by me, then neither the Thunder nor the other Thunder Heavenly Man should know my whereabouts."

"The defense of Leihai in the right path must be extremely strict. It is just a simple change of appearance. Even if you use the printed fragments to cover up the atmosphere, I am afraid it will not be so easy to pass."

"Fortunately, I still have a way, although I am not sure if I can succeed, but I can only take a chance."

In the voice of self-talk, Jiang Yun’s palm appeared a piece of jade.

This is given to him by the criminal demon, which contains the method of practicing the soul of the soul.

Jiang Yun studied the soul pattern when he was in the ancient times, but because the soul pattern needs to be displayed by the soul.

And his soul still hides the soul of another mysterious person, causing his soul to still be out of the body, so it is impossible to cast a soul pattern.

;{Genuine starting{

However, among the many soul lines, there is a kind of soul pattern, which does not require the soul to display.

This kind of soul pattern, called the lock soul pattern!

Locking the soul pattern, is not to lock the soul, so that the soul can not move, but to add a lock to the soul, so that outsiders can not know everything hidden in the soul through the way of searching the soul.

In short, the role of the lock soul pattern is to hide identity.

In Jiang Yun’s thought, the reason why the drug **** of that year was able to conceal the identity of his own soul family, I am afraid that it should also be a show of the soul-locking pattern.

Locking the soul pattern, you need to use the fire to display, the stronger the fire, the more secure the lock.

Although Jiang Yun's life can not be compared with the drug god, but his life fire has also experienced four times Nirvana, even if there are few people in the soul family can match him, so he is still a bit of his own lock soul pattern Confidence.

After carefully reading the technique of locking the soul pattern again, Jiang Yun closed his eyes, and the fire in his body suddenly violently swayed, and the madness skyrocketed and turned into a hundred squares.

Then, the fire began to condense again, and it took a full three days to finally condense into a lock-shaped soul pattern.

With Jiang Yun open his eyes, although he does not know how others feel about himself, but under his own feelings, all his breath is completely converged, and even the vitality becomes normal.

Feeling this change, Jiang Yun quite sighed with emotion: "It is still the same sentence, the ruin of the nine ethnic groups, one can not see!"

After completing the lock of the soul, Jiang Yun continued to say to himself: "Today, I need to arrange a reasonable life for myself!"

While talking, Jiang Yun’s knowledge has spread to the world where he is.

Jiang Yun considers it extremely thoughtful. Since it is so difficult to enter the right way, if you really get the qualification to enter, it will inevitably attract the attention of others.

Naturally, some people will check their own experience, and they must let them find it.

Although the world is ridiculous, there are also many living creatures and monks living there.

It took nearly a day for Jiang Yun to finally understand the situation in this world.

This world is a relatively weak world in the Thunder days.

Although there are Zongmen and family in it, the strongest monk is nothing but a heavenly blessing. It is not subject to the attention of Thunder, and this is what Jiang Yun needs.

In the end, Jiang Yun’s knowledge locked a village with hundreds of people.

For the village, Jiang Yun always has a sense of intimacy, so almost subconsciously stepped into the sky above the village.

Sitting cross-legged on the top of the village, Jiang Yun’s consciousness once again condensed into the eyes of the gods, radiating a ray of light, completely shrouded the entire village, quietly searching the souls of all the villagers and looking at their memories.

Just a moment later, Jiang Yun’s eyes are bright: “With!”

This village is called Mengcun. Although there are monks in the village, the strength is extremely weak.

Coincidentally, about 500 years ago, a man named Meng Guan was born in the village. The talent is very good. He has cultivated to the Tao Lingjing within a hundred years and became the highest person in the history of Mengcun.

It is precisely because of his great talent that Meng Guan is not willing to stay in this small Meng village, so he chose to leave four hundred years ago to travel to this vast world.

It’s just this move. This Mengguan has never returned. Life and death are not known. However, the entire Mengcun village believes that Meng Guan is not dead, and even breaks through to a higher realm.

Although Jiang Yun is not sure whether this Meng Guan died or not, this identity is very suitable for himself.

However, in order to be on the safe side, Jiang Yun did not immediately become the face of the Meng Guan, but continued to be in this world, began to carefully look at the memory of those who have a long history of the Zongmen family, a little bit will be Meng Guan The life experience in this world has been pieced together.

When all the preparations have been made, when Jiang Yun is ready to turn himself into a crown of the crown by the easy-to-shape technique, there are several powerful people in the world.

After they appeared, they immediately spread the knowledge without hesitation, completely covering the whole world, and clearly searching for someone.

Jiang Yun, hiding in the dark, naturally knows that they are looking for himself, but he does not pay attention to it, and is not prepared to shoot them.

After all, the world is about to become his "home", and here, it will destroy his plan to become a crown.

However, the dialogue between the next few powerful people is to let Jiang Yun’s eyes burst into a murderous murder!

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