The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1154: Red platform

As time went by, the Thunder days have gradually recovered calm.

Because of the killing of the Thunder, the size of the force of self-confidence, fearful Jiang Yun, although it has appeared intermittently several times, but outside the coverage of the Thunder network, there is no further death or injury.

When everyone wants to come, it must be because of the existence of the Thunder's net, scared that Jiang Yun would not dare to step on the world, let alone kill.

Therefore, the size and power of Thunder Sky finally put down the alert in their hearts, and each of them began to concentrate on the qualifications for entering the right way to Leihai and to make final preparations.

If one of the family's ancestral halls is lucky enough to enter the right way, Leihai, to accept the baptism of Leihai, it is equal to having the opportunity of Guangzong Yaozu and stepping into the sky.

In a blink of an eye, more than two months passed, and the Thunder Day is finally about to usher in the opening of the right way.

However, because Thunder Sky is too large, including the world's numerous, and as long as the monks below the Tao can participate, the number of people who want to enter the right track every time is more than one million.

If you really let them all compete for it, then Thunder will probably be in a mess.

Therefore, before officially starting to compete for the qualifications to enter Leihai, Zhengdao Leijie will be ahead of the month in the Thunder day, divided into five areas in the southeast and northwest, and arrange a elimination battle first.

That is to eliminate most people first.

As for the rules of the test, it is very simple, two pairs of battles, lost and eliminated, won the promotion, continue to test, until there are only a thousand people in each area!

In short, in the end, only a total of 5,000 people can really get the battle for qualifications to enter the right path of Leihai!

In the end, how many people can really enter the right way, Leihai, depends on whether they can continue to pass through the light cards that Thunder God personally laid down.

Anyway, the past and the present, every time the right way to open the Leihai, you can really enter the Leihai baptism within it, no more than ten people!

Five percent one chance!


Thunder Road!

This world in the middle of the Thunder Valley has become the battlefield for the elimination of the Central Region.

Today, this thundering road is already overcrowded.

In particular, the hundreds of trials on the platform and the surrounding areas built around the center of the world are crowded with people.

If you are fighting against the top of the ring, it is natural to participate in the competition and compete for the qualifications of the monks.

The view around the four is a lively view.

I can see so many opportunities for comparisons between monks from all over the world, but not many.

After all, there will be such a grand event in a hundred years!

Many people will even retreat for a hundred years, just for today!

Even if it is impossible to enter the right way, Leihai, it is also an opportunity to make a name for itself.

On the periphery of all the stations, there are several transmission arrays.

The transmission array is continuously lit up almost continuously, and other monks who have participated in the trials are sent here.

One of the transmission arrays came out with a mediocre appearance and a cold-faced look, but there was a middle-aged man with a madness between the eyebrows.

Standing there, the man's gaze naturally looked at the hundreds of collapses that were so far away, the brows gradually wrinkled, and the cold face showed a hint of impatience.

Then he said to himself: "So many people, when will it be up to my turn to play?"

"Not to mention, even if you win a game, you still have to wait for the next one. All the time is wasted on these wastes. I really don't understand. Thunder God, the old man, why do you have to make such a cumbersome rule!"

Although the man is talking to himself, his voice is not small, and naturally he is heard by many people around him.

And for the arrogant meaning clearly revealed in the man's discourse, several people suddenly unappealed.

Among them, there is a cold and cold road of the old man: "This Taoist friend, if you don't want to wait, there is really a quick and time-saving way!"

Upon hearing this, the indifferent man immediately turned to look at the old man: "What?"

The old man reached out and pointed to the distant platform: "Did you see the red platform?"

Hundreds of squats were built with white slabs, but only one slab was built with red slabs, making it look like red with blood, extremely conspicuous, but also quite glaring.

Moreover, now the trial has begun, although there are people fighting in the other platforms, and people are on the stage, but only one middle-aged man is sitting in the middle of the red platform.

The indifferent man nodded and said: "See, what is the saying about this red ring?"

"That is dead!"

The old man sneered: "As long as you are dead, your opponent will no longer be the other monks who want to enter Leihai, but will become three masters from the right way!"

"If you win three of them, you can advance directly, but if you lose, it is a dead end!"

"Oh?" The indifferent man frowned slightly: "How have I not heard of this death before?"

The old man looked at the man up and down: "It seems that the Taoist friend seems to have been closed for many years? Yes, this rule of death is only three hundred years ago."

The old man did not lie, this is indeed a special arrangement that the righteous thunder world only increased three hundred years ago.

Because there was a strong killer in that test, but everyone who played against him was killed.

The relatives and friends who died in his hands came to him for revenge, which led to a series of chaotic consequences, causing a lot of sensation.

Therefore, in order to prevent similar things from happening, Thunder God arranged for death, and the targets were those monks who believed in their strength and were reluctant to wait in line for a match.

"It turns out!" The indifferent man then asked: "If I win, can I kill each other?"

This sentence makes the old man’s face suddenly stunned, even the other monks who heard the conversation between the two people.

Because this is simply a question that should not be asked.

Who has such great courage to kill the people in the right way?

However, the old man nodded and said: "Yes!"

"Teached!" The indifferent man nodded to the old man.

After the talk, the man no longer cares about the old man, his body shape, and he appeared directly on the red platform!

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The appearance of the man suddenly made the original extremely embarrassing surroundings, and quieted down in an instant.

Even the other monks who were in the test were temporarily stopped fighting, and they turned their eyes to the red platform. Everyone’s face was more or less shocked.

Because, since the rule of death, since the first time, some people have been on the death squad, and no one else dares to die.

The reason is very simple. The righteous mines sent out to guard the people, the strength is much stronger than the same-order monks, it is almost impossible to win three games in a row!

Moreover, they can kill you, which means that they can do their best without any scruples, and you can kill them, but who has the courage to kill the righteous people?

Therefore, death is simply the fate of death, although it can save some time, but it has to catch a life, so since then, the death of the dead is in vain.

However, today, some people have embarked on death, which is beyond the expectations of everyone. Even the old man who told the man before is also a blank face, thinking that he should not have encountered a fool?

The indifferent man did not pay much attention to what everyone thought. His eyes swept around and looked at the middle-aged man who was sitting close to the center of Fujian and Taiwan. "In the next Mengguan, today, want to die!"

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