The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1155: Madness

Z Zheng \'c version first l, issued;

When I heard the name of the indifferent man, among the audience around the ring, many people suddenly showed a sullen look: "It turned out that he is a madman!"

The curious person next to him asked: "Why, do you know this person?"

"I only heard about him recently. He seems to have been retiring for a long time. He just went out and everything is very fresh for Thunder."

"His strength is not weak, but his character is too arrogant. In many worlds, he has made some sensational things. Now he is a little famous and has a nickname for madness."

Hearing this person's simple explanation, everyone around him nodded and nodded: "It seems that he should also break out in order to enter the right track, and of course, hope to use this opportunity to make a name for himself."

"His strength is not strong, we don't know, but his character is really arrogant enough."

Meng Guan, naturally is Jiang Yun!

For more than two months, he has been in the position of Meng Guan, and he has been walking through the world of Thunder Sky. With this arrogant attitude, he has indeed made many people remember his first name.

It’s not that he wants to be arrogant, but because the real Meng Guan is extremely talented, so he is extremely arrogant and does not put anyone in his eyes.

Therefore, Jiang Yun can only try to imitate the character of this Meng Guan, so that once others trace it, it will not reveal flaws.

The only thing that worried him was that the time when Meng Guan appeared was a bit too coincidental.

The network of Thunder appeared, Meng Guan just appeared, suspicious people, it is likely to follow this point to guess that Meng Guan is Jiang Yun.

To this end, Jiang Yun also deliberately let his thunder and the heavenly body appear in the world outside the Thunder network, confusing.

In short, Jiang Yun has already prepared for his identity as a monarch.

But at least so far, no one has doubts about him.

If he is finally seen by others, he can only feel bad luck.

Today, standing on this red platform, in the eyes of outsiders, it is only because of the glory of Meng Guan, and in fact, Jiang Yun has already inquired about the rules of this death.

If you follow his own style of behavior, he will not choose such a high-profile and arrogant way to fight this death, attracting attention.

But with the character of Meng Guan, it is absolutely possible to do such a thing.

However, high-profile also has a high-profile advantage, which makes it difficult to suspect that Meng Guan is Jiang Yun.

After all, anyone who wants to come and let almost all Thunder and Heaven people hate the itch of Jiang Yun, will come to participate in the test, and still kill the way!

More importantly, if you can pass the death, you will not only become the focus of attention, but it is said that the chances of entering the right way will be bigger than others.

Although Jiang Yun does not know whether this rumor is true or not, but the right way, Lei Hai, he is bound to advance.

Therefore, even if there is a possibility of adding a little bit, he must try his best, so he jumped on the red platform.

As for the result of killing and dying, Jiang Yun did not consider it at all.

With his current strength, unless he is the Thunder, who has the innate Thunder, or the top power of the Thunder God, otherwise, there are not many people who can hurt him in the Thunder.

Moreover, entering the right way of the mine, it can only be repaired below the Tao, even if it is the guardian of the righteous mine, it is only a heavenly environment.

With such restrictions, Jiang Yun is almost invincible in this elimination battle.

As Jiang Yun reported his name, the middle-aged man sitting in the middle of Fujian and Taiwan slowly opened his eyes and glanced at Jiang Yun coldly. His eyes flashed a scorn: "The rules , you know?"


"Okay, look at your courage and dedication, let you shoot first!"

While speaking, the man has stood up, and the originally converging breath has already emerged, which suddenly caused the air around the body to emit a slight tremor.

This is just the momentum, let the people around us secretly nod and admire.

"I really don't want to be a person from the right way. This breath is too strong!"

"Of course, the road is mine, it is the land of Thunder God and his old man. Although not everyone can be fortunate to be his disciple, it is also lifelong to be able to be dialed by the ancestors."

"Now, I want to see the Thunder, I have long heard of the name of the congenital body, but I have never seen it. After all, in his capacity, it is impossible to guard this dead."

"It is said that the entrance to the Thunder Sea is the responsibility of the Thunder, and if you can get into the right way, you will have a chance to see him!"

"Now the right path of the mine is completely closed within ten thousand miles. We are qualified to enter, so don't be imaginary. You can look at the style of this strong man and be content!"

"In my opinion, this Meng Guan, it is estimated that even the ten interest can not support!"

"That can only blame him for killing himself, who is blamed!"

Obviously, after feeling the strength of the middle-aged man, no one is optimistic that Meng Guan will win.

However, at this time, Meng Guan once again said: "Or you should take the shot first, because once I take the shot, I am afraid that you will not have a chance to shoot."

"After all, everyone is still waiting to see your style, I am not good to let everyone down!"

This sentence of Meng Guan is just like a stone-shattering. It not only suppresses the voice of all people's arguments, but also shocks everyone to be dumbfounded, staring straight at him.

In particular, the old man who pointed to him earlier, even reached out and grabbed his own eyes, slammed his head hard, and more sure, this Mengguan is actually a fool!

Only an old man with a splayed character looked at Jiang Yun, and the eyes of the size of the soy beans showed the color of appreciation!

The middle-aged man heard the words, not angry and laughed and said: "Well, then I will come to teach you about the trick!"

When the voice fell, the middle-aged man raised his hand and a golden thunder slammed directly toward Jiang Yun.

Although the man took the lead, he still cared about his identity, and this attack did not have any power.

In the face of the oncoming golden thunder, Jiang Yun carried his hands behind his back and raised his head slightly. He did not hide or scream, and he showed his arrogance.


The Thunder’s impact was on Jiang Yun’s body, and a roaring sound broke out. In the golden light that stirred up, Jiang Yun’s voice came out again: “Your heart is not bad, it’s against you. Trick, I won't kill you!"

Hearing the voice of Jiang Yun, some people immediately realized that don’t look at the Meng Guan, although he has reached the extreme, but it does have real strength.

Hard to pick up a golden thunder, but also to speak, but he said this, it is better not to say...

"In this case, then I will kill you, thank you for your mercy!"

The middle-aged man finally showed his face and reached for a finger. This time, there were a hundred thunders to go straight to Jiang Yun.

However, at the same time as the Thunder was released in his hands, a sudden flower appeared in front of him, and Jiang Yun’s figure appeared in front of him.

Not waiting for him to return to God, the body suddenly felt a numb, eyes closed, directly stunned the past, the whole person was thrown out of the ring.

Jiang Yun still held his hands behind his back and stood on the platform. He looked at the other two disciples of the right side of the dead world: "You two, come up together!"

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