The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1156: Can't count

The thundering road bound this area of ​​the vast Taiwan area with a radius of at least several hundred thousand feet, and suddenly fell into a dead silence.

Only Jiang Yun’s voice is like echo, constantly echoing in everyone’s ear.

Although Jiang Yun’s sentence is even more arrogant, this time, no one dares to succumb to him.

Because the vast majority of them are still looking at the middle-aged man who is thrown out of the ring and is unconscious!

Jiang Yun’s action was just too fast. Soon they didn’t see Jiang Yun’s shot at all. I don’t know what happened. How can this man, who is extremely powerful in their eyes, be inexplicably thrown away by Jiang Yun? come out!

However, they at least understand a little -- this Meng Guan does have arrogant capital.

And with the strength he showed, nowadays he wants to challenge the other two disciples of the right path, and naturally no longer surprises everyone.


Among the crowd, it is still the old man of the eight-character Hu, nodded and nodded, looking at the color of the face and looking at the back of the platform and standing on the back of Jiang Yundao: "This Mengguan, very appetite for the old man, good, good!"

"The spirit of the earth, what is your kindness, how is this person?"

Behind him, the old man with a cane glanced at Jiang Yun on the stage and shook his head, pressing down the voice: "The ancestors, Jiang Daren acting quite low-key, and modest and modest, is very different from this person! ”

If Jiang Yun can see this old man named Linglingzi, then it will be extremely exciting.

Because the other party is like him, it is from the mountains and seas, and even his friends!

In the northern mountainous state of Shanhai, the Wanhui Cave wanted to annex other Yaozu. After Jiang Yun helped the Xue family escape, a group of Yaozu volunteered to help Jiang Yun, hoping that Jiang Yun could take them away from Beishan.

Although Jiang Yun’s cultivation was not high at that time, he was still in danger, but he decided to help the group of demon people, and finally let them leave Beishan Prefecture safely.

Since then, this group of demons has been grateful and remembered in the life-saving grace of Jiang Yun, and they have become **** alliances and formed the Eighteen Ghosts.

These eighteen demon people, six of them are the Taikoo Yaozu, and this old man named Linglingzi is one of the Taikoo Yaozu at that time, the patriarch of the Goblin family!

Later, when the 18 demon people came to the mountain and sea, they followed Jiang Yun again and went to the road of no return. As a result, they were separated from their mountains and seas by their powerful family and returned to their true masters.

Although the time has passed for more than 40 years, they have never forgotten the help of Jiang Yun.

Not long ago, Thunder’s thunderous order was passed to their ears. The people of the Eighteen Ghosts and Demons couldn’t sit still, and they asked their elders in their respective families, hoping to find the whereabouts of Jiang Yun and help Jiang Yun. Get rid of the chasing of Thunder Day.

These demon people who have gone out from the mountains and seas have long been the weak people who did not even have the power to protect themselves.

Because the blood concentration in their body far exceeds that of the same family, it has become the focus of training after returning to the ethnic group.

Not only are the strengths soaring, but they also play a pivotal role in all ethnic groups.

Therefore, in the face of these additions, the joint request of more than 20,000 people, their elders finally moved, and they were curious about Jiang Yun, so they sent a large number of people to find Jiang Yun.

The first place they went to was the mountains and seas. After attacking the Thunder’s disciples sent by the Thunder, they learned that Jiang Yun was still in the thunder.

Then the ancestors of the Goblin family, the old man of the eight-character Hu, took the place and the middle-aged woman of the Xuelian family to the Thunder Day.

After more than two months, after their unannounced visits, although they knew that Jiang Yun had not died, and did not fall into the hands of Thunder God, they could not find the trace of Jiang Yun. Only sure, Jiang Yun must still In Thunder Day.

In addition, the right way, Lei Hai is about to open, so they simply stayed. While watching the excitement, they still hope to find the trace of Jiang Yun.

At this moment, when I heard the answer from the Lingzi, Dixing River screamed and shook his head: "The act is low-key, the character is modest, that is the characteristic of the weak. The people who cultivated the Tao are going against the sky, fighting with the heavens. Fight with the ground, you must be arrogant!"

"Yes!" The spirits nodded and said: "Once, we have been in the central area for ten days. Is it time to go to the other four areas? It is possible to find the trace of Jiang Daren."

"What anxious!" Dixing River blinked and said: "Let's finish the comparison of this Mengguan!"

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As the voice of the Earth's Star River fell, the other two guards in the realm of Lei Dao actually jumped into the ring at the same time, standing in front of Jiang Yun.

Although they are two-on-one, even if they win, they are not glorious, but they are similar to the ones who have just lost, so they dare not support them.

Just don't say two people, like they are repaired, even if twenty people shot at the same time, Jiang Yun is sure to win!

After only a moment, the two men stepped on the footsteps of their companions, and both were thrown out of the ring.

On the top of the ring, Jiang Yun's face was smug, his eyes swept over everyone, and finally fell on an old man's body: "I don't know Meng, have you passed the elimination campaign?"

This old man is called Thunder, and the Taoist nature is the one who is sent to the Central Region to eliminate the war.

It is reasonable to say that Jiang Yun was defeated by three people and was qualified to participate in the qualification war.

However, the three people who had just been thrown away by Jiang Yun were all disciples of Thunder.

His own disciple was so vulnerable in front of Jiang Yun, which made the Thunder's face lose. When he heard Jiang Yun ask him, he couldn't help but sneer and smile: "Your name is Meng Guan?"

Jiang Yun nodded: "Not bad!"

"Is it my repair?"


"Since it is my repair of Thunder, then when you just shot, why not use the power of Thunder?"

The Thunder suddenly raised the voice: "You know, this elimination battle is the qualification to enter the right way Lei Hai!"

"You don't need the power of Thunder, you win by speed and aura, contrary to the way I am repaired by Thunder, not in accordance with the rules!"

"Even if you win, you can't count!"

The Thunder’s words say that the audience suddenly lost!

Anyone can hear it, it is clear that the Thunder is deliberately trying to fight Jiang Yun.

Because throughout the ages, there has never been such a rule in the elimination of the Leihai.

Not to mention the elimination of the war, even if it is into the right way, Lei Hai, there is no stipulation that you must use the power of the Thunder.

What's more, although the vast majority of monks in the Thunder Day repaired the power of the Thunder, and took the road to Lei, there are still some people who are pursuing other ways.

Thunder God is even more overbearing, but he is not a Taoist after all, it is impossible to make every monk in the Thunder days to repair the avenue!

Looking at the stand on the ring, it seems to be Jiang Yun, who was scared by his own words. The Thunder once again said: "Are you not convinced the old man?"

The glory of Jiang Yun’s face has disappeared, and he nodded in a blank expression: “Not satisfied!”

"I don't accept it..." Thunder's face showed a sneer sneer: "The old man represents the Thunder God. If you disobey me, it is like disappointing the thunder of God, and you should kill it!" ”

"However, I don't think it's hard for you if you don't have a heavy hand on them. After you break your arm, leave this place!"

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