The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1157: True name

Originally for the arrogance that Jiang Yun showed, many people were very dissatisfied at first, but now the Thunder's successive words are to let them suddenly transfer their dissatisfaction to the Thunder.

Ming Ming Jiang Yun has won, but not only does not count, in the case of Jiang Yun expressed dissatisfaction, even Jiang Yun has to break his arm, this is really too unreasonable.

Especially on the ring, those who did not have the power of thunder, the pursuit of not the monks of Lei Zhi Avenue, but also could not help but cursed the Thunder in their hearts.

After death, this is the life of the Boss.

If you win without winning, then why bother to put this death!

Now standing on the stage is the Mengguan, strong and easy to win, but if you change to these people, the cost of losing your life, the challenge of success, but in the end, it will not be the result, I am afraid even want to die. Heart is there!

However, even if the Thunder is not reasonable, no one in the crowd dares to stand up and say a word for Jiang Yun.

After all, the identity of the Thunder is there.

Those who can preside over the elimination of the central region must be the immediate descendants of Thunder God.

He represents the righteous mine, representing the Thunder God.

His words are indeed equivalent to the words of Thunder God!

Many people are secretly shaking their heads. They know that today's madness to the monarchy should be a catastrophe. I don't want to leave this dead arm.

Jiang Yun looked at the Thunder and finally said: "You said, you want Meng to break his arm?"

The Thunder proudly said: "Yes, self-defeating, it is already my gift to you!"

"Ha ha ha!"

The thunder's voice just fell, Jiang Yun's mouth suddenly sent out the voice of laughter: "Well, Meng can break his arm, but the premise is that you must first dig your eyes!"

"what did you say!"

The Thunder suddenly became furious, and the electric light flashed in his eyes. He was screaming at Jiang Yun, and his body was full of breath. The cultivation of the monk as a Taoist temperament was exposed without any cover.

Jiang Yun is not afraid of the road: "Meng Mou said that you have no eyes, your eyes, since it is useless, why bother to keep it, it is better to dig it!"


A few thunders condensed into a golden thunder, with a roaring sound, went straight to Jiang Yun.

Obviously, Jiang Yun’s words have completely angered the Thunder. Now he is not only going to break Jiang Yun’s arm, but to kill Jiang Yun.

This scene has made many people unable to resist the sound of exclamation.

Although Jiang Yun has easily won the death, but the three guards are the heavens, and now the Thunder is the strongest of the real situation.

How can Jiang Yun be able to attack him next time.

However, the facts once again exceeded their expectations.

When the thunderbolt was about to touch Jiang Yun, Jiang Yun swayed and jumped out and stood on the pillar around the ring.

Jiang Yun’s eyes also had a killing intention, and he stared coldly at Thunder: "It’s a pity that if you kill you, you can let me go directly to the right way, Lei Hai, how good!"

The onlookers are completely speechless!

This Meng Guan, at this time, was still so arrogant, it is clear that even the Thunder are not in the eye.

Thunder angered and smiled: "Okay, good, good, if you can really kill me, I will keep you on the right path to Leihai!"

Jiang Yun shook his head and said: "I didn't expect you to be inferior to your brain, but you don't even think it's good. You are dead. How can you protect me?"

"However, even people like you are afraid to keep people into the right way, Lei Hai. So, it seems that it is not fair to enter the right way of Lei Hai!"


The Thunder suddenly screamed and lifted his foot toward Jiang Yun.

However, at this moment, a faint scream suddenly sounded, making his body shape a stagnation, turning his head to the direction of the sound.

His disciple, the first middle-aged man who was killed by Jiang Yun, has already woke up, shaking his head at this moment and turning around and looking around.

When his eyes saw Jiang Yun, his face suddenly glimpsed, and Jiang Yun suddenly said loudly: "Dao You, how did you just stun?"

The middle-aged man did not want to say: "You used a thunder to break into my body, so that I only felt a numbness, and I passed out."

As soon as this statement came out, the entire thunderous road was once again in the dead.

And everyone's gaze, all of them looked at the Thunder, and most people's faces are more or less with contempt and ridicule!

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As for the Thunder, it is the body that trembles and lifts the feet. For a moment, I don’t know whether it’s good to go out, or to take it back, so it’s fixed in the air.

Because he did not allow Jiang Yun to win the reason, Jiang Yun did not use the power of the Thunder, but now his disciple's words, but he slaps him.

Jiang Yun actually used the power of the Thunder, but he did not see it at all!

This is also why, Jiang Yun said that he has no eyes and wants to dig his eyes.

At the same time, Jiang Yun’s voice once again sounded in his ear: “Meng’s people ask you again, this elimination war, has Mengmou advanced?”

The Thunder took a deep breath and finally lifted his foot back. He shook his hand and saw a golden light hitting Jiang Yun.

"With this order, you can go to the right track at any time within a month!"

After dropping this sentence, the Thunder turned back to the original position, and at the same time did not forget to look at his own faceless disciple, simply can't wait to shoot him directly!

Even his own disciples have provided proof to Jiang Yun, even if he is too arrogant, it is impossible to deprive Jiang Yun of the qualification.

Jiang Yun caught the token, his face suddenly fluttering, and he clashed with the audience around the audience: "Meng Mou is waiting for you in the right way, haha, knocking out the war, but that's it!"

If Jiang Yun did not say the last sentence, then many people have changed their views on him, but he said in a later sentence, but suddenly let these people dispel the thoughts.

The madness of the monarchy is really worthy of the name!

Jiang Yun did not care how he looked at himself. After he finished speaking, he jumped and jumped to death. He appeared in the transmission array that had arrived before. He saw the "good heart" pointing to his old man and laughed loudly. : "I still forgot to thank Xiongtai, haha, Xiongtai is a good person!"

In the big laughter, Jiang Yun walked straight into the transmission array, leaving a stunned, unspeakable old man to stay in place.

With the transmission of the light, Jiang Yun's figure finally disappeared from everyone's eyes, and his arrogance, but has been deeply engraved in the minds of everyone.

From the appearance of Jiang Yun to the departure, it only took a quarter of an hour to add together, but it was already qualified for promotion and became the first person to advance in the Central Region's elimination campaign.

Naturally, this has also led to a lot of discussion.

"This Meng Guan, although mad, but the strength is really inscrutable."

"Yeah, I am afraid that it is really possible to finally enter the right way, Lei Hai!"

"Not necessarily, he is a raw maniac, through the death of the promotion, but there are many strong people who act low-key, they would rather play a round of round-the-clock battle, and do not want to expose their true strength too early."

"Not to mention, this Thunder is the direct descendant of Thunder God. Today, he was humiliated by the Meng Guan, and I am afraid it will secretly make him bad!"

"Five thousand people can only get up to ten people into the right way, Leihai. They don't know how many masters are hidden. This is a high-profile performance of the Mengguan. In the qualification battle, I am afraid it will become the target of public criticism!"

"It’s also true, but in any case, the next battle of qualifications will certainly be even more exciting!"

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