The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1158: Enter the source

With Jiang Yun’s finally leaving, the spirits couldn’t help but rush to greet the Star River again: “Once, we should also go!”

On the face of Dixing River, there is a color that is still unfinished: "Hey, I thought that this Meng Guan would kill the Thunder, but unfortunately, it is not crazy enough after all!"

"Well, go away, go to the other four areas to see, if you can find a few people like Meng Guan, this trip to Thunder Sky is finally a bit interesting!"

The spirit of the earth is crying and laughing, and he asks his ancestors to come to Thunder Sky to find Jiang Yun. I didn’t expect it to become lively now.


After leaving the Leiming Road, Jiang Yun did not go directly to the right track, but to a medium-sized road.

Now that he has prepared for himself, he has also been given the opportunity to enter the qualification war, so now what he has to do is to settle down and enjoy the wind!

Since the day he left the Anshan City with Mu Shaofeng, although Jiang Yun has been letting Mu Shaofeng fall into a coma, he is also looking for a drug that can help Mu Shaofeng recover.

Although Jiang Yun's medicinal tract is inherited from the **** of medicine and grandfather, the level of refining is extremely high, but his mastery of Dan is not much.

In particular, it is Dantian, and the damage is extremely serious. It is necessary to have a special cure for Dantian.

Such an remedy is as rare as a remedy for the treatment of a soul.

Although Jiang Yun also found some in the Thunder days, either the grade is too low, or the quality is too bad, even if it is served, it does not have much effect.

As for Dan Fang, it is something that can't be met, so after many inquiries, Jiang Yun also knows that if you want to help Mu Shaofeng to rehabilitate, it is like healing a master, you need to go to the drug channel. The big door.

For example, one of the nine avenues of the Pharmacy!

In addition, Jiang Yun also needs to go to the Pharmacist to seek the key to open the world, so he has decided to leave the Thunder Day and immediately go to the Pharmacy.

Only before that, he has to go to the right road and go to the right way, Leihai!

And the identity of his own Meng Guan, Jiang Yun did not have full grasp can successfully pass through Thunder God and others.

If you take it with you, you will naturally be more likely to be seen. If you are discovered, it will be no good for yourself and you.

Therefore, in the case of searching for the soul with the eyes of God, Jiang Yun finally found a family of small practitioners that can be trusted.

In the absence of his own appearance, with the illusion of the eyes of the six desires, the patriarch of this family left Mu Shaofeng here.

After the placement of Mu Shaofeng, Jiang Yun found a safe place in the world and began to retreat.

Although Jiang Yun is confident, he is not arrogant.

He is very clear that this is the great attraction of Lei Hai to the many monks of Thunder Day. Everyone will definitely be qualified at all costs.

Moreover, after encountering Lei Li and Thunder in succession, Jiang Yun also knew that his strength is not weak, but in such a large Thunder day, it must be a hidden dragon.

If you encounter a congenital body like the Thunder, I am afraid it will be difficult to win.

The most important thing is that you are not Jiang Yun now, but the crown!

This means that you can't show all your strengths as you like.

But the power related to the Jiuzu can never be displayed.

Once it is displayed, even if others can't see it, but Thunder God and other older generations will certainly be able to recognize it.

Therefore, Jiang Yun must adjust his own state to the peak, especially to take this opportunity to feel the source.

Sitting in the well-arranged isolation method, there is a square of the square in front of Jiang Yun!

Looking at the debris of this road, Jiang Yun’s heart could not help but give birth to a little emotion.

From the time he left Lushan, Jiang Yuerou gave this piece to himself, and it has been more than forty years now.

Although I have used the power of debris many times, if it is not because of the fierceness, I am afraid that I will not be able to know the true effect of this printed debris until I die!

If you can find out early, maybe a lot of things will have a different result.

Shaking his head, Jiang Yun no longer thinks, a pile of Lingshi immediately emerges.

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Along with the three pieces of the one-piece stone, the three roads inside were absorbed by the road-printed fragments. Jiang Yun’s Tao Ling immediately gave up a **** consciousness and spread to the Taoyuan.

After all, it was Jiang Yun’s first attempt to get himself into the Tao, so he was very careful and cautious.

However, just as the Taoist gods had just touched the source of the Tao, he suddenly felt a great suction, passed from the source of the Tao, and wrapped himself up.

Under this suction package, Jiang Yun can clearly feel that his physical strength, as well as most of the body's strength, can't be displayed immediately, as if he was imprisoned.

And the power that you can use, there is the power of the nine ethnic groups, such as the wild lines!

"Daoyuan is the source of Wandao. The monks in this heaven and earth are almost all kinds of Taoist cultivation, so under the wrapping of the Taoyuan, all the forces related to the Tao are all imprisoned!"

"And the stagnation of the nine races occurs before the Taoyuan source, so the power of the stagnation of the nine ethnic groups is not affected by the Taoist source!"

With this fascination, Jiang Yun naturally did not resist the suction of the Taoyuan. The body was light, and the whole person immediately flew away from the Tao source without control, and fell silently into the first floor. Among the sources.

Daoyuan, Jiang Yun looked through his eyes and touched it with his fingers. When he wanted to come, it was water!

However, at this moment, when he was truly in the source of the Tao, he discovered that there was no drop of water in his surroundings.

Yes, there are just a few fragile colors that are almost transparent!

Although these flocs are different in shape, they are only sized by the ants, and they are not static, but are in constant liberation.

Even if you look closely, you will find that the free trajectories of these flocs are also different!

However, with the appearance of Jiang Yun's body, these flocs were immediately stimulated as if they were stimulated.

Jiang Yun knows that these flocs should be the source of the road. He is not in a hurry to absorb, but continues to look around.

Here is an independent space, the area is extremely incomparable, anyway, with Jiang Yun's knowledge and eyesight, I can't see where the end is.

After watching the lap, Jiang Yun finally regained his gaze and knowledge, and set his mind to concentrate on absorbing the source.

The process of absorption is no different from the absorption of aura.

However, Daoyuan will have a little resistance, as if it is conscious, and will not be inhaled by Jiang Yun.

As Daoyuan was absorbed into his body, Jiang Yun discovered another magical thing.

These road sources will actually flock to all parts of their bodies, but there are several places, regardless of how Jiang Yun is motivated, but the source of life is not willing to live.

For example, Jiang Yun's eyebrows, such as Jiang Yun's body, such as the heavens!

The most popular place for Daoyuan is the Thunder Road and the Five Elements!

For this situation, Jiang Yun naturally understands that his own eyebrows have a ridiculous pattern, and the flesh is a diamond body. The scorpion is a scorpion, and it is the power of the nine people.

The Thunder Road and the Five Elements Blessed Land are all standard avenues, so Daoyuan is willing to merge with it.

Although this made Jiang Yun a little disappointed, he originally hoped that Daoyuan could once again force his own physical strength, but he could strengthen the Thunder's body and let Jiang Yun be content.

After all, what I need most next is the Thunder!

Then Jiang Yun settled down and tried to absorb these sources. After waiting for a month, the official start of the Zhenghai Leihai qualification war!

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