The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1159: Son of the thunder

As the days of the opening of the main road, Lei Hai, are getting closer, the atmosphere in the Thunder days is getting higher and higher.

Because this time the elimination war, it can be said that the talents come forth in large numbers, the accidents are frequent, and the climax is repeated, far exceeding the previous years.

Among the five major regions, there are unexpectedly rare monks in each region.

The people who originally wanted to come to Lei Ming Road wanted to come. From the middle of their region, the madness of the Mengguan, which was successfully promoted in a way that killed him, was already extremely amazing.

However, I never imagined that among the other four regions, there were even people who successfully graduated through death, and there were more than one person in some areas.

So many people suspect that it is not the right time to deliberately release water, and the disciples who sent the shackles are not strong.

However, when the elimination war entered a feverish level, their suspicion disappeared.

Because among the monks who did not choose to kill the cockroaches, they gradually had one strong one after another, and gradually became famous in the continuous test.

The vast majority of these monks were originally anonymous, apparently showing themselves through the opportunity of this righteous thunder.

Their appearance also made everyone aware that there were so many strong people in the Thunder days.

Naturally, these people, together with the Zongmen family behind them, have become the object of great attention.

Even more good people have finally selected the three most likely people to enter the right way, Leihai, through a comprehensive analysis of the achievements, strengths and cultivation of these people.

These three people are from the three major mines.

One is named Yang Zhong, one is named Wei Heng, and the other is named Lei.

Among them, Lei is extraordinary, and everyone is optimistic!

Before the elimination of the war, almost no one had heard of the name Lei Feifan, and he did not choose to die, but a round of participation in the contest.

At the beginning, he did not attract everyone's attention at all, but as he experienced more and more trials, his reputation gradually became louder.

Because his opponents are all defeated by him, without any exception!

Naturally, this made everyone curious about him, and his origins were gradually inquired.

And the answer is to make everyone shocked!

Lei is extraordinary, from the real road Leijie, is the direct descendant of Thunder God.

Although it was not a congenital body, at the time of his birth, there was a thunder sea boiling above the sky, and it was like a congratulation to his birth, so that some people called him the son of the thunder.

His birth shocked the Thunder God, personally named it, accepted it as a disciple, pointed out his practice, and always kept him in the snow, not letting people know his existence.

Facts have proved that Ray is not disappointing to Thunder God. His path of practice is unimpeded. The bottleneck that almost every monk will encounter does not exist here.

In less than a hundred years, it has already entered the peak of the heavens, and even said that it has touched the threshold of Leizhi Avenue.

The reason why he will be born at this time is because he has already had the strength to enter the Tao, but in order to enter the right way, Lei Hai has always been repressed.

Just wait for the right way to Leihai, under the baptism of Leihai, get the congenital body, and then break through to the situation.

It is conceivable that Ray is not a genius, but a enchanting one!

Originally in his capacity, he was able to directly qualify for the right way to Leihai, but Thunder God apparently intended to make him famous, so he was allowed to participate in the elimination war.

In addition to these three people, the other two strong people are from the ordinary road, but also successfully promoted through the challenge of death, which does not include Meng Guan.

No way, because the process of the Meng Guan challenge is too easy, and no one even knows how he defeated his opponent and could not analyze his comprehensive strength, so he can only be excluded.

In any case, these strong players who stand out from the elimination battle make the spirit of the entire Thunder Sky a sensation, and it is also very much looking forward to the next qualifying war.

This is actually one of the reasons why Thunder God decided to open the right way to Leihai.

The opening of the Thunder Sea on the right track once in a hundred years is equivalent to a major selection of talents during the Thunder days.

Although most of them will still not be able to enter the right way, Leihai, but once they have a reputation, then their next practice will naturally be smoother.

More importantly, with the emergence of these fresh blood, the Thunder Day will become stronger and stronger.

For these things, Jiang Yun naturally did not know, he was completely immersed in the absorption of Taoyuan.

The first layer of Taoyuan, he could not continue to absorb after three days. After leaving, after spending a day to digest, he entered the second layer of Taoyuan.

In this way, he is constantly absorbing and digesting, and now he is already in the fifth layer of Taoyuan!

Although his real strength has gone beyond the realm of cultivation, the space for improvement has been very small, but the influx of so many sources has also brought him no small surprise, so that he also has a source for Daoyuan. A deeper understanding.

Daoyuan can't help you directly improve your cultivation, and you can't even help you improve your strength directly.

Its role, in short, is to help you understand!

By understanding the layers of the road, you will be given the corresponding benefits.

The most immediate benefit is that all the forces associated with the Tao are now more powerful than ever before.

The second is that there are several kinds of power, such as his usual fire, snow, thunder, etc., which has made him faintly touch the threshold of the Tao.

Although this kind of benefit is not too tangible at present, but when he stepped into the three realms, this benefit will gradually be reflected.

Especially in the last humanitarian and isomorphic environment, no matter how talented you are, no matter how much your strength is higher than the realm, if you want to step in, you must at least thoroughly understand the Tao and combine this Tao with yourself. .

Throughout the ages, although there are people who can enter this realm, there are very few groups that exist compared to the inexhaustible monks.

It can be imagined that the difficulty of enlightenment is great.

Now, these Taoist sources have already laid the foundation for the realization of Jiang Yun, so that the difficulty of his enlightenment in the future is much smaller than that of other monks.

In addition to the benefits, Jiang Yun also felt the downside, that is, the nine-nation seal on his body!

A long time ago, when Jiang Yun was in the clearing of the wilderness, when he met the blood robe refining the demon, he knew that he and the blood robe were all incapable of enlightenment.

Why can't the blood robes be realized? Jiang Yun is not clear, but the reason why he can't understand is because the Jiuzu Road is sealed!

This nine-nation road seal not only makes it impossible for them to understand, but also suppresses the self-improvement, and even prevents their absorption of the Tao.

Naturally, this will make Jiang Yun more urgently want to enter the right way, Leihai, with the help of the power of Lei Hai, breaking the nine-nation road seal in one fell swoop!

Without the restraint of the Jiu Dao, Jiang Yun can get real freedom.

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When there was the last three days from the opening of the main road, Lei Hai, Jiang Yun finally opened his eyes and left the source.

After all the sources have been digested, there will be only one day left before the right road is opened.

Standing up, Jiang Yun waved and ruined the array of methods around him, closed his eyes slightly, swept his body with the knowledge of God, and carefully examined whether he had any negligence.

"Nothing! The road is Lei Hai, Meng is coming!"

Open your eyes again, Jiang Yun took a breath, his eyes were full of light, and his body shape disappeared directly from the place.

Despite the extremely careful inspection of Jiang Yun, he did not notice the changes in his body, and there was a little change...

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