The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1161: Didn’t kill anyone

Lei inexplicably appeared in front of Jiang Yun, naturally let everyone's attention all transferred to Jiang Yun's body.

However, everyone’s face is full of doubts, and obviously does not understand what Ray is going to do.

Although in the last month, Jiang Yun has been retreating to absorb the source of the Tao, and has not known about the outside world.

However, after he left the customs, he did not immediately come here. Instead, he went to see the wind and then listened to the news.

Naturally, he also knows the existence of Lei Feifan, who is known as the son of Leidao. He has heard about the amazing things about Lei Fei, and he also believes that the other party will definitely be a strong enemy.


But that's it.

For Jiang Yun, who was chased by the Thunder, everyone in the Thunder days, regardless of whether they are strong or weak, can be regarded as his enemy.

And his biggest enemy is even the Thunder God, so there is more than one thunder, not enough to make him worry.

However, at this moment, this extraordinary thing appeared directly in front of himself after the appearance.

Although Jiang Yun was equally confused, at this time he suddenly felt his thunder on the road and gave a feeling.

That feeling, actually wants to swallow the extraordinary thunder!

"Is it really true that this thunder is really the son of the thunder, so I have an interest in the Thunder?"

"Since the Thunder can be interested in him, then maybe he also perceives my thunder, so he will come to me!"

Under the heart of the electricity, Jiang Yun still looked at Lei Fei with a arrogant color: "What is your business?"

Lei took a step back and opened the distance between him and Jiang Yun. Then he gave a fist to Jiang Yun and smiled and said: "Sorry, I bumped down, I don't know if you are a Meng Guanmeng friend?"

Hearing the words of Lei, the people around the crowd suddenly exclaimed: "Oh, he was the madman of the Mengguan!"

Meng Guan is truly famous in the central region, and the title of madness is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Only after that, he disappeared without a trace, and later the talents of the elimination of the war, especially the emergence of Lei Xiang, which gradually faded his existence.

At this moment, I heard that Lei was not mentioned, which made some people think about it.

Jiang Yun’s face was more intense and he nodded. “I didn’t expect even a person like Lei Daoyou to know the name of Meng, it’s good, it’s Meng Guan!”

The smile on Lei's face is even more powerful: "Long-term violation of Meng Daoyou's name, I always wanted to go to see, but Meng Daoyou's whereabouts are fascinating, and I have no choice but to see it. I didn't expect to see it here. It is really a throne for Lei Sheng!"

If it is said that it has just appeared in front of Jiang Yun, so that everyone is confused, then now his eyes are obviously full of flattering words, so that everyone can not help but stunned the chin.

Even though this Mengguan is a bit famous, but what is the existence of Lei extraordinary!

There is a world of difference between the two, no matter what the reason is, why is it necessary to flatter the Bajie Mengguan?

As for Jiang Yun, it is a sneer in my heart. This is not a good thing!

Because he had just collided with his eyes for the first time, the light emitted from the other side contained a strong sense of war, which shows that he regarded himself as an enemy.

But now, I have deliberately made such a humble attitude to flatter myself!

Although Jiang Yun does not know what he is, but he has to guard against such people!

There is the same idea as Jiang Yun, and there are still ones among the countless people around.

"The spirit of the earth, you said that your kindness is modest and approachable, shouldn't it be the same as this?"

"Tell you, such a person is not a good thing!"

Naturally, the words are the ancestral horoscope of the goblin family!

Standing behind him, the earthly spirit, with a smile on his face, shook his head again and again: "Jiang Daren is not the same as this mine, not the same!"

"Ha ha!" Jiang Yun Lang laughed and said: "Thunderbolt is heavy, like a person like Lei Daoyou, although Meng is arrogant, but he knows that he can't afford it."

"If there are no other things for Lei Daoyou, then don't go through it. See you in the right way!"

Lei has nodded and nodded again and again: "Meng Daoyou has toss me, and I have something to do with it. Then I will not delay Lei Daoyou. When I enter the right track, I will go back to visit Meng Daoyou!"

"The qualification to enter the right way of Leihai will definitely have a friend of Meng Dao!"

Hearing this sentence, Jiang Yun’s eyes flashed a cold light, but his face still laughed loudly: “That’s a good friend’s words, let’s say goodbye!”

Jiang Yun no longer talked, followed the young man, and walked toward the right way.

And Ray is always standing in the same place, watching the back of Jiang Yun with a smile.

However, just as Jiang Yun’s figure is about to enter the right track, a cold cry suddenly sounds: “What kind of madness, I don’t know where to hide for centuries, dare to claim to be mad!”

"I see, it is estimated that even people have not killed, but it is a guy who has a false name, swindling and swindling!"

This sound is just like the thunder and thunder, it is extremely loud, and it is directly introduced into the ears of everyone present, including Jiang Yun!

Jiang Yun’s figure has stopped, and I can’t help but sigh!

He is very clear that this speaker must be dissatisfied with Ray's attitude towards himself, especially the last sentence that Ray said, so this is provocative.

If you change to the identity of your own Jiang Yun, then for such a provocation, he will not ignore it.

However, now I am a madman!

Jiang Yun slowly turned around and looked at the direction of the voice.

There stood a man in black, with a ball of thunder in his hand, sneer in the face, with a provocative color in his eyes, looking at Jiang Yun.

In his body, it is surrounded by a thick suffocating scent, and it is a long-awaited killer!

"Yang Zhong!"

Someone in the crowd suddenly recognized the identity of a black man.

One of the three major mines in the Thunder Day, the master of the French Daojie, also killed the shackles and killed three disciples of the righteous squad.

Together with Raymond, it is recognized as one of the three most likely to enter the right way to Leihai!

After recognizing Yang Zhong, everyone naturally understood his reasons for Jiang Yun.

Now, they have to see how Jiang Yun will respond.

As for the extraordinary, at this moment, it is really like an outsider, standing there, frowning, without saying anything.

Under the gaze of everyone, Jiang Yun finally lifted his foot and stepped forward toward Yang.

Although Jiang Yun and Yang Zhong are at least tens of thousands apart, this distance, for most people present, can be passed in one step.

However, Jiang Yun’s step is only a few thousand feet away.

Although the distance is not close, but the feeling is like Jiang Yunxin has hesitation, not sure how to respond to Yang Zhong's question.

In this way, naturally, everyone’s heart is shaking their heads for Jiang Yun’s performance.

However, only the Xinghe River touched his beard and his eyes gradually glowed.

After Jiang Yun took the second step, a few people's faces suddenly became dignified, including the extraordinary.

When Jiang Yun took the third step, most people's faces changed!

Even Yang Zhong stopped the thunderball in his hand, and the flash of his eyes flashed!

Because, they can almost clearly see that behind Jiang Yun, a group of solid suffocating!


Next, Jiang Yun's footsteps suddenly accelerated, and he took six consecutive steps. He finally stood in front of Yang Zhong, and said coldly: "You said, Meng did not kill anyone?"

At this moment, behind Jiang Yun’s body, he’s already smashed into a storm full of tens of thousands of miles!

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