The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1162: Beautiful work

Helium can only be produced after a lot of killings.

Yang Zhong, the young strong from the Fadao Leijie, his path of practice is the road to killing, so he always has a suffocating surround.

However, at this moment, in front of Jiang Yun, like the storm of the heavens and the earth, his arrogance is like a breeze, easily dissipated.

Under the heavy feeling of Yang, the person standing in front of him is not Jiang Yun at all, but the purest suffocation between heaven and earth!

In the face of Jiang Yun’s inquiry, he could not speak at all.

Because of the pressure of the suffocating storm, his heart has been filled with endless fear.

In his ears and in his mind, there was a constant scream of screams;

In his eyes, he saw the infinite endless singer, flying around himself, as if he would pull him into it and become one of them.


With a **** spurting out of the sky, Yang Zhong’s eyes closed and his body suddenly fell straight backwards.

In the back of him, there was an old man who flashed his body and hurriedly held his body. Under the sweep of the gods, he was relieved a little, and Yang Zhong’s injury was not heavy.

However, at this moment, Yang Zhong suddenly opened his eyes, his face showed the color of fear, and pointed his finger at Jiang Yun: "He is not a person, he is not a person, he is a monster, I want to go home. I want to go home, wow!"

In this scene, everyone who saw it was a giant earthquake in his heart, his scalp was numb, and everyone’s face was unbelievable and unbelievable.

Because Yang Zhong is actually crazy!

The strongest person in the thunderous world, one of the three most hopeful to enter the right way, Lei Hai, did not even shoot in Jiang Yun, only exudes a suffocating situation, the birth is scared crazy!

The old man holding Yang Zhong suddenly changed his face suddenly. He suddenly looked up and glared at Jiang Yundao: "You are so embarrassed that you have ruined his heart!"

Jiang Yun looked cold and cold: "The rice can be eaten indiscriminately. If you can't talk about it, I haven't touched him. I just asked him what he just said. He has his own inexplicable **** coma. What does it have to do with me? ”

"The heart is destroyed, can only blame his heart is not strong!"


The old man opened his mouth and clearly wanted to refute a few words, but Jiang Yun’s eyes flashed coldly, and the suffocating storm behind him suddenly rushed again, scaring the old man to hurriedly close his mouth and bite his teeth. He did not dare to say anything any more. He hurriedly held Yang Zhong’s body, his body retreated, and even retreated directly into a transmission array.

With the illuminating light, disappeared without a trace!

Although countless people have witnessed this scene with their own eyes, they all know that Yang Zhong’s genius in the lawful thunder world is completely ruined by Jiang Yun’s hand.

If the Taoist heart is destroyed, it will mean that the road to repairing the Tao will be broken, and there will be almost no possibility of practice in the future.

However, as Jiang Yun said, he did not even shoot from start to finish. He did not even touch Yang Zhong. Even if Fadao Lei wanted to avenge Yang Zhong, he was also unknown.

Even if Jiang Yun really can enter the right way, Lei Hai, then there is no way to report Yang Zhongqiu.

Thunder God will never agree to hurt Jiang Yun in the law of Lei Dao for a crazy Yang Zhong.

Naturally, this means that the number of 5,000 people who participated in the qualifying war tomorrow has been reduced by one person!

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At this moment, there was no sound among the big seams. Everyone looked at Jiang Yun behind him with a gaze, and the storm that was rapidly converging.

Yang Zhong is known for killing and killing, but he is scared by Jiang Yun’s suffocation. How much killing must he experience in order to have such a terrible suffocation?

Jiang Yun’s life practice, the number of creatures who died in his hands, and the illusion of it, I am afraid that there will be nearly a million. How can Yang Zhong kill him again? How can he compare with him!

With the convergence of the suffocating suffocation, Jiang Yun’s face reappeared with arrogance, just as nothing happened, and turned and continued to walk toward the right path.

However, just as he lifted his foot, he suddenly stopped again and turned around. His eyes looked at the unspeakable thunder, and he smiled proudly: "Sorry, let Leidao friends down!"

When I heard this sentence, others did not understand what Jiang Yun said.

Jiang Yun scared Yang Zhong, how could he let Lei be disappointed?

Even Lei Lei is also slightly frowning: "Understanding the meaning of Meng Daoyou."

Despite this, but in his eyes, there is a flash of light that is not easy to detect.

"You will understand! Haha!" In the laughter, Jiang Yun turned around and stepped out. The figure finally entered the right way and disappeared from the eyes of everyone.

And his name, because of today's events, finally resounded the entire Thunder.

"Good job!"

The light in the eyes of the Earth Star River, excitedly screaming with both hands: "This is really sinister, but the Mengguan is even better!"

"Lei extraordinary is incomprehensible to the strength of Meng Guan, so it will be a way of killing people by means of a knife, deliberately shooting the crown of the crown, raising the identity of the crown, thus causing dissatisfaction of others, shot to Meng Guan, so that he can Look at the strength of the Meng Guan."

"Yang Zhong became this knife, but unfortunately, this knife is too wasteful, he was scared, but still did not let Meng Guan really shot, so for Lei extraordinary, he still can not see through the **** The cloud will naturally be disappointed!"

The spirits behind him nodded: "The ancestors are really wise, and the insight is amazing! However, my ancestors, let's come here, we want to mix into the real road, and now we have not found the token, you should not think about it. Think of a way?"

"? Mixed" to stare the Galaxy to a spiritual son said: "What is the identity of ancestors, want to enter the profession ceremony mine right way, it is urgent to mine God that old guy a big face."

When the voice fell, the Earth Star River suddenly opened the door to the door: "Come, let the Thunder God come out to welcome the old man, the old man is the Taikoo family of the ancestral ancestral horoscope!"

The people who were still immersed in the shock, suddenly awakened by the big slamming of the earth and the river.

Although after a little unhappy, but to hear him quoted the identity, there is no one dare to have any complaints.

Taikoo Yaozu!

That was the same day and urgent mine strong presence!

And just after the completion of the Dixing River, Lei was undoubtedly taken one step at a time and appeared in front of him.

Lei is not full of laughter and clenched fists and salute: "It turned out that the predecessors came to visit, the ancestors are preparing for the opening of Leihai at this moment, if the predecessors do not disappoint, then it is better for the younger generation to lead the predecessors into the right way."

After the cold glance of the Dixing River, he suddenly smiled and said: "It’s not unusual, it’s amazing!”

"I don't have any other hobbies, but I like beautiful things, beautiful people, beautiful men, old men love, walk around!"


Under the leadership of the young man, Jiang Yun finally entered the right track and was brought into the fine house that had been arranged in advance.

"Meng predecessors, today, please also take a good rest, what is needed, there will be children outside to serve."

"At the beginning of the qualifying war tomorrow morning, there will be people coming to take the predecessors to the test site!"

After witnessing the process of Jiang Yun scaring crazy Yang, the disciple of the Zhengdao Leijie also had a deep fear for Jiang Yun.

Not only more respect attitude, but do not dare cross the theory and Jiangyun Ping generation.

Jiang Yun nodded and said: "There is a labor!"

Young man bowed down back out after one breath, turned around and looked around, hands have been an arraignment stone, gently crush said: "Shishu Xiao Lei, the crown has come to Bangladesh, in accordance with your orders, he will arrange Ray VII word room. "

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