The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1163: special care

With the end of the last day, the five huge transmissions in the seams finally closed.

From now on, until the closure of the main road, Leihai, the area within a radius of ten miles, together with the righteous mine, will be completely completely blocked.

No one is allowed to enter without permission and is not allowed to leave.

In addition to the disciples of a team patrolling back and forth, the boundaries have been restored to silence, but in the realm of the mine, it is a lively scene.

All the cities and towns are full of people, and the restaurants in the restaurants are also full of seats, all of which are occupied by people who come to observe the ceremony.

Among these people are those who have not seen each other for many years, but also strangers who have met for the first time, and even enemies who do not share the same day.

However, because nowadays, in the right way, it is forbidden for anyone to fight, so they also have a rare time to sit together, talk about the wine, talk about the qualification war that will be opened tomorrow, and talk about who will finally stand out and enter the right way.

And the most discussed by everyone, is naturally the madness of the crown!

Today, Jiang Yun has been rumored to be crazy about Yang Zhong’s, and has spread all over the ears.

If you don't see too many people, no one can believe that this will be true.

Not to mention the genius of the law and ray, even if it is a normal monk, several people will be scared by life!

This also allowed Jiang Yun to successfully replace Yang Zhong and become one of the three most likely to enter the right way.

Even some people think that the strength of Jiang Yun is probably more than thunder!

However, those who hold this view only dare to talk privately. After all, this is the right way to mine, it is a remarkable home, and it is not as good as Jiang Yun, which will definitely cause public outrage.

In addition to these people, most of the monks who will participate in the qualification war tomorrow will recharge their batteries in the arranged rooms and wait for tomorrow.

The same is true of Jiang Yun.

Although his state has been adjusted to the peak, he does not need any rest at all, but in this right way, he is unfamiliar with life.

In addition, he is also in the position of Meng Guan, in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, so he will not go out.

However, in addition to this, there is a more important reason for Jiang Yun to stay in the house.

Jiang Yun has always been cautious, so the first thing he did after he entered the Jingshe’s fine house for himself was to look around with his knowledge.

Although he wants to come, the righteous thunder world is unlikely to move in the lives of these people, but what he never imagined is that in the depths of the room, his gods discovered a hidden Extremely hidden array!

This formation has not been activated, and even someone else may not be able to detect it.

However, Jiang Yun not only knows God far beyond others, but also does not have low rumors, so this can be detected.

Originally, Jiang Yun thought that this was probably a defensive array of the right way, but when he quietly looked at the room where other people lived, he found that only his own room had such a A battle.

And he suddenly remembered that the young man who brought himself into the place, when he first heard his name, his hands had a slight tremor inadvertently.

This naturally made him understand that he was specially arranged to enter the room, and the formation was also specially prepared to deal with himself.

"If you don't notice my identity, then the person who is offended by Meng Guan, except Yang Zhong, is only the Thunder above the death!"

"And, when the young man heard my name, Yang Zhong did not appear yet. So, this person who specifically targeted me can only be a thunder!"

After understanding this point, Jiang Yun couldn't help but sneer. After careful study of the formation, he found that the law was a magical array!

Once the formation is turned on, the power of the formation will bring the people in the battle into a illusion.

"This shows that the Thunder did not dare to kill me blatantly."

"After all, tomorrow's qualification war will be opened. If I am a successful graduate, I will be unable to escape the injury if I am injured or killed in the residence arranged by the righteous mine."

"And the reason why he arranged a fantasy, I am afraid that I should have doubts about my true identity, I hope to find out my origins by letting me into a fantasy."

"Or, what is the movement of me through the illusion, let me lose in the qualification battle, wait until the end of the qualification war, and then find a chance to kill me!"

"Since you have taken such special care to me, then naturally I can't let you down!"

This is the reason why Jiang Yun does not leave the house, he wants to give the Thunder a chance to open the battle!

Then, Jiang Yun simply sat in the center of the formation. The gods first swept the snow-clearness in the top of the dark clouds, and this is what he has to do several times a day.

Although he knows that with Xue Qing, in fact, like Mu Shaofeng, it is possible to expose his identity, but he really does not worry about letting Xue Qing leave his side.

After confirming that the situation of Xueqing was still stable, Jiang Yun closed his eyes and waited for the formation to open, while he fell into meditation.

At this time, others must be thinking about tomorrow's qualification war, but Jiang Yun is not.

Because the specific test method of qualification warfare is different every time, so until now, most people, including him, do not know the qualification war of tomorrow, in what way will the final qualification be determined, only When the time comes, the soldiers will block the water and cover the earth.

As for the opponents in the qualification battle, even if it includes the extraordinary, Jiang Yun did not pay attention to it.

At this moment, he considered himself to successfully enter the right way, Lei Hai, how to get away from Thunder Day after completing his own goals.

Jiang Yun can imagine that if he really entered the right way, Lei Hai, and did not reveal his identity, then he will inevitably be subject to the weight of Thunder God, and even ask himself to stay in the right way to serve.

Even if he does not agree, Thunder God has a way to let himself stay.

If you don't have any urgent things, then staying in the Thunder Day, there is nothing wrong with the virtual and the snakes for a while, but there is still a lot to do.

No matter whether it is the injury of Mu Shaofeng and Xueqing, it can't be delayed for too long, not to mention the Jiang people who have been trapped in the world for more than 40 years.

In addition, I also want to go back to the mountains and seas, look at Fang Wei, go to the Great Wasteland, and ask the disciples of Daozong, and solve the problem of the Solitary.

"It can't be done, it can only be hard!"

Just as Jiang Yun sighed at the same time, a very slight voice suddenly sounded in his ear, letting him sneer, because the magic array under him started.

In an instant, Jiang Yun’s eyes flashed a ray of light, and as the light dissipated, his eyes suddenly became stagnant, just like losing his soul.


After a quarter of an hour, the door was opened directly from the outside, and an old man slowly came in, and it was Thunder!

Looking at Jiang Yun, who is clearly in the illusion, Thunder sneered: "Meng Guan, we met again."

While talking, Thunder did not care to enter the magic circle, looking directly at Jiang Yun's eyes: "Now, remember what I am going to tell you."

|-latest) chapter (} on: ^p}

"You are not Meng Guan, you are, ginger, cloud!"

As the Thunder’s voice just fell, Jiang Yun in front of him suddenly glared at him and revealed a strange smile. He said coldly, “You are right, I am Jiang Yun!”

Among the dull eyes, a burst of dazzling light burst out!

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