The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1167: Robbery

Thousands of robbers thundered at the same time, although it was in the battle, but the sound and dazzling golden light made the audience feel the same.

As for the shape of the thousand monks in the array, it was all overwhelmed by the Thunder.

Then, I saw eight figures flying out of the robbery, falling around the square, some directly into a coma, and some were mouth vomiting blood.

Looking at the eight people, the audience suddenly opened their mouths, and the shock in their hearts has reached its limit.

Because these eight people, even the first robbery can not be picked up.

Although everyone knows that the Thunder with the innate Thunder is very strong, but there is no weak one that can break through the encirclement and stand out from the elimination of the Million.

But nowadays, even the first thunder of the Thunder can not be taken, this is really a lot of unbelievable and acceptable.

The rest of the monks who had taken the first robbery in the battlefield, most of them looked very ugly, and only a few people had no change in their faces.

From this point, we can see the strength and strength of these thousands of monks.

Naturally, this made everyone aware of the difficulty of this qualification war, not only more than the past, but a bit of a metamorphosis.

Even some people with a keen mind are faintly aware of something wrong.

Because of the first level of qualification battles in the past, there has never been a situation in which people have been eliminated or injured at the beginning.

After all, the contestants who participated in the qualification battle were all the monks of Thunder Day. There was no hatred and no interest in each other. Therefore, the people who preside over the level, even if they would not engage in malpractice, but at least they will be merciless. Heavy hand.

But now, the nine robberies under Thunder are clearly not the slightest, and they use his strongest power.

Although the Thunder has always been aloof and indifferent, he is not a person who does not know how to measure and who is unclear. It is reasonable to say that such a sinful person should never be made.

The only explanation is that the Thunder is only obeying the order, and the person who commands him is naturally the Thunder God.

In other words, it is the Thunder God himself who asked the Thunder to be in this first level, do not show mercy, use all his power.

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The most direct consequence of such an approach would be that a large number of monks were eliminated!

Although some people thought of this possibility, they did not understand why Thunder God did this.

Even if they understand, they dare not have any objections.

Thunder glanced at the eight people who were shocked out of the cold, and said coldly: "Retire!"

As his voice fell, there was an old man with a big hand in the distance. Immediately, several disciples of the righteous thunder rushed forward and hurriedly carried the eight men out of the square.

This old man is the Thunder.

Obviously, his task is to be responsible for the logistics of this qualification war.


The eight men have just been lifted out of the square, and the second robbery in the line has already crashed.

The power of this robbery is naturally stronger than the first one.

In addition, the time between the two robberies is also very compact, so that the power of many people is too late to recover.

Under the rush, you can only bite your teeth, the results can be imagined!

This time, more figures were directly shocked from the array.

At this time, the audience had no mood to express their feelings or talk about anything, almost all of them were in silence, just waiting for the end of the first batch of people.

Although there are thousands of people entering the battlefield, but because of the extremely fast time of the robbery, only a few dozens of time has passed, and all five robberies have fallen.

At this moment, the original thousand monks in the array had only two hundred people left.

Nearly four-fifths of the monks have been eliminated in this first level.

This robbery has really become a disaster for everyone!

And the remaining two hundred people, waiting for them, there are three more difficult levels that will only get bigger and bigger!

Looking at these two hundred people, Thunder's face is still indifferent: "You can choose to continue to pick up the four robberies that I have left, but I advise you to do what you can, after all, there are three levels to be behind you! ”

After more than two hundred people were silent for a while, a large number of people chose to give up, as long as less than 50 people chose to continue.

Because they still keep in mind what the Thunder had said before, if the process of excellence is excellent, it will become a disciple of Thunder.

The first batch of monks was over, and the final result, only one of the thousands of people succeeded in picking up nine hijackings!

This person is also a monk who has successfully advanced through death in the eastern region.

Obviously, as Jiang Yun had guessed in advance, he not only did not receive less, but instead received several more robberies than others.

"Not bad!" To this person, the Thunder also nodded a rare, given the praise of two words.

Naturally, this also makes this person pale to the extreme, but his face is full of excitement.

He believes that his performance is absolutely good enough!

Next, the monks in the four major regions of the south-southwest began to enter the battlefield in turn, continuing to smash this first catastrophe.

However, after witnessing the performance of thousands of monks in the eastern region, most of these monks are now almost incomparably tense and the pressure is multiplied.

When the monks in the three major regions of the southeast and the west completed the customs, only seven hundred people passed through the robbery!

Among them, all the nine Thunder people were taken, and there were only five people in total. The most relaxed among the five people was Wei Heng from Tiandao Leijie.

This is also within the expectations of everyone. After all, Wei Heng is almost optimistic about everyone, and it is very likely that he will eventually enter the right path of Leihai.

However, the attention of all of them is now concentrated on the thousands of monks in the northern region that is about to enter.

Because Ray is not there!

Especially those who have not seen the extraordinary shots, want to see the son of the Thunder who has been hiding for many years by the Thunder God, what will happen in this robbery.

Going to the side of the battle, Ray’s unconventional demeanor and respectfulness to the Thunder’s fist: “Please also ask the brothers to show their mercy!”

For Lei, the Thunder, who has always been indifferent, nodded at him, and even the voice was softened a lot: "With the strength of the younger brother, where I need to be merciful."

With a slight smile, Lei extraordinary stepped into the battle under the gaze of everyone.

Unlike most people's nervousness, Lei's extraordinary face still has a smile, and his expression is extremely calm and calm. The temperament alone makes everyone secretly nod.

With the roar of the roar, the robbery began to fall.

However, Lei Fei did not disappoint everyone. When the five robberies were over, his body shape did not shake from start to finish, and even the smile on his face did not disappear.

For others, there is a deadly robbery. For him, it seems to be ticking him, and there is no threat at all.

Naturally, Ray is also uncommon and chooses to continue to pick up the nine hijackings of the whole department.

However, after the eighth robbery fell, before the ninth robbery was about to fall, Lei’s uncommon mouth suddenly gave a long smile: “Brother, the younger brother has offended!”

When the voice fell, I didn’t wait for everyone to react. What happened? I saw Lei’s extraordinary mouth open and sucked hard!

The ninth robbery hung on top of his head, suddenly turned into an electric light, directly into his mouth!

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